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Big Tech/Social Media Censorship. Musk/X Files Lawsuit Against Censorship Syndicate GARM

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19 minutes ago, nedboy7 said:


Have you seen the Bible?  Don't talk to me about being detached from reality.  The church has nothing to do with Jesus's teachings.  You guys B word about the vaccine laws which I agree with then think its cool to ban abortion.  And while gender politics are weird to me as well they do not effect my life.  A party who feels Christian Nationalism should guide our government scares the ***** out of me. 

Now, I’m not Christian or even religious  but mandatory vaccines that we know little about are cool to you? That’s not scary? Most people don’t want abortion banned - and make no mistake it’s not. They would say there should be some limitations though and that’s probably where most states will end up. Fine. Christian Nationalism blah blah blah, it’s just a label and maybe that’s scary to some. Basing some things in society on “ thou shalt not kill” doesn’t seem too scary, and it’s probably not a bad place to start. 

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16 minutes ago, nedboy7 said:


Have you seen the Bible?  Don't talk to me about being detached from reality.  The church has nothing to do with Jesus's teachings.  You guys B word about the vaccine laws which I agree with then think its cool to ban abortion.  And while gender politics are weird to me as well they do not effect my life.  A party who feels Christian Nationalism should guide our government scares the ***** out of me. 

You must think I’m someone else, because you said “you guys”…


Imo the Bible is mostly metaphorical…And I agree, the church was man made, and a tool to consolidate power more than teaching the message of Christ…


With regards to Republicans wanting Christian nationalism to guide the government- anyway you slice it there is going to be an ideology that guides the government…If you remove the Jude’s-Christian foundation of the country, you take away individual liberty, and everyone instantly becomes a tool of the state- to do with as they please…

And it just so happens that as the Judeo-Christian foundation recedes, something else will inevitably fill the void…And it just so happens, that right now, we are seeing a Neo-Marxist/Post Modernist ideology that has taken over the guiding of our country…


And unfortunately, it’s an ideology that , unlike Christianity, doesn’t believe in truth, doesn’t believe in science, and seeks to divide society up into different groups, in a never ending struggle of oppressed vs. oppressor…Now, i don’t know about you, but that sounds pretty damn depressing to me…


So, the bottom line is, the grass isn’t always greener on the other side…👍

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2 hours ago, Boatdrinks said:

Now, I’m not Christian or even religious  but mandatory vaccines that we know little about are cool to you? That’s not scary? Most people don’t want abortion banned - and make no mistake it’s not. They would say there should be some limitations though and that’s probably where most states will end up. Fine. Christian Nationalism blah blah blah, it’s just a label and maybe that’s scary to some. Basing some things in society on “ thou shalt not kill” doesn’t seem too scary, and it’s probably not a bad place to start. 


I was not on board with vax mandates.  At all. 

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2 hours ago, JaCrispy said:

You must think I’m someone else, because you said “you guys”…


Imo the Bible is mostly metaphorical…And I agree, the church was man made, and a tool to consolidate power more than teaching the message of Christ…


With regards to Republicans wanting Christian nationalism to guide the government- anyway you slice it there is going to be an ideology that guides the government…If you remove the Jude’s-Christian foundation of the country, you take away individual liberty, and everyone instantly becomes a tool of the state- to do with as they please…

And it just so happens that as the Judeo-Christian foundation recedes, something else will inevitably fill the void…And it just so happens, that right now, we are seeing a Neo-Marxist/Post Modernist ideology that has taken over the guiding of our country…


And unfortunately, it’s an ideology that , unlike Christianity, doesn’t believe in truth, doesn’t believe in science, and seeks to divide society up into different groups, in a never ending struggle of oppressed vs. oppressor…Now, i don’t know about you, but that sounds pretty damn depressing to me…


So, the bottom line is, the grass isn’t always greener on the other side…👍


Interesting thoughts.  You need religion to have a free country ha.  Is that not the exact opposite of the creation of this country.  This country was founded on the idea of separation of church and state.  I have nothing but respect for Jesus's teachings and everyone's right to have their own faith.  Many of my own values line directly with the teachings of Jesus. 


Jefferson explained his support for religious freedom in practical terms: “(I)t does me no injury for my neighbor to believe in twenty gods or no God. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg.”


Begun by George Washington, signed by John Adams and ratified unanimously by a Senate still half-filled with signers of the Constitution, this treaty announced firmly and flatly to the world that “the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion.”


If, by the question, one is asking whether the Founding Fathers relied on Protestant Christian principles in drafting the essential documents and in organizing the new governments, then the answer is a resounding “no.”

The writings of the period (1765-1790), including speeches, debates, letters, pamphlets, and even sermons, reflect the overwhelming influence of Enlightenment, Whig, and classical republican theories.

The political events of the period also support the conclusion that the founders intended to institute a secular-based form of governance.


If one refines the question to ask whether the Founding Fathers were motivated to act as they did based on their Christian faith, the answer becomes a little murkier, but the response is still “no.”

Many of the leading founders were theological liberals who approached religion from a rational perspective.

Even though we have come to appreciate that other founders held more conventional Christian beliefs, all of them, including many clergy of the day, perceived little conflict between their religious faith and Enlightenment natural rights.


Clarence Thomas has already questioned gay marriage and gay rights after abortion.  Meanwhile in FL you cant use the words climate change or sustainability in the EPA.  Is that your version of being pro science?  What is wrong with sustainability?  Does that go against the church's view that man has dominion of the earth? 

The FCIR report was based on statements by multiple named former employees who worked in different DEP offices around Florida. The instruction not to refer to “climate change” came from agency supervisors as well as lawyers, according to the report.

“We were told not to use the terms ‘climate change’, ‘global warming’ or ‘sustainability’,” the report quotes Christopher Byrd, who was an attorney with the DEP’s Office of General Counsel in Tallahassee from 2008 to 2013, as saying. “That message was communicated to me and my colleagues by our superiors in the Office of General Counsel.”

Miami, the great world city, is drowning while the powers that be look away.

“We were instructed by our regional administrator that we were no longer allowed to use the terms ‘global warming’ or ‘climate change’ or even ‘sea-level rise’,” said a second former DEP employee, Kristina Trotta. “Sea-level rise was to be referred to as ‘nuisance flooding’.”




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It’s Elon Musk’s Twitter now and his reply to Hillary Clinton … well … pop that popcorn.




This is the typical Hillary (and Democrat) narrative game. A horrible thing happens, and she rushes to paint every ‘deplorable’ person who votes Republican across the nation as somehow responsible. We don’t remember her doing that to Democrat voters when Steve Scalise was shot at baseball practice.



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Musk’s greater point — that there are questions that the police need to answer in the case — is true.


It isn’t about Republicans or whatever lies that Hillary and Joe are pushing. It’s also true that the facts are still evolving, with some even changing, as media outlets adjust their reports.


For example, the story about the guy being in his underwear stemmed from a KTVU report, which they later pulled back. Now we’re curious to know where that report came from, what prompted them to correct it, and what he was wearing. The police have not clarified that as yet. That means, at least for the moment, that “in his underwear” isn’t an “official fact.”


But there’s a lot of confusion out there about the facts. That’s not abnormal following such an incident. 


But you know that Elon Musk pointing out there are questions that need to be answered to Hillary Clinton is going to cause an enormous meltdown by people on the left, who will ignore all the Democratic, voluminous spreading of conspiracy theories. The left is going to train all their efforts against Musk now. It takes some kind of bravery to drop such a comment on Hillary Clinton, knowing that. It’s also funny to consider that this is exactly the kind of comment that would have gotten someone banned in the past by the liberal Twitter police. But since he now owns Twitter–so much for that.




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1 hour ago, B-Man said:


Musk’s greater point — that there are questions that the police need to answer in the case — is true.


It isn’t about Republicans or whatever lies that Hillary and Joe are pushing. It’s also true that the facts are still evolving, with some even changing, as media outlets adjust their reports.


For example, the story about the guy being in his underwear stemmed from a KTVU report, which they later pulled back. Now we’re curious to know where that report came from, what prompted them to correct it, and what he was wearing. The police have not clarified that as yet. That means, at least for the moment, that “in his underwear” isn’t an “official fact.”


But there’s a lot of confusion out there about the facts. That’s not abnormal following such an incident. 


But you know that Elon Musk pointing out there are questions that need to be answered to Hillary Clinton is going to cause an enormous meltdown by people on the left, who will ignore all the Democratic, voluminous spreading of conspiracy theories. The left is going to train all their efforts against Musk now. It takes some kind of bravery to drop such a comment on Hillary Clinton, knowing that. It’s also funny to consider that this is exactly the kind of comment that would have gotten someone banned in the past by the liberal Twitter police. But since he now owns Twitter–so much for that.




I agree…


What Hillary is doing is no better than what she is calling out Republicans for…


She is basically inciting violence on a group of people, regardless of what the facts are…


She just wants her vengeance because she is such an angry and bitter human being…and it’s quite disgusting…

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54 minutes ago, B-Man said:






Yep. And now when their initial reports are eventually shown to be wrong/lies they can't simply ignore the new facts or issue buried retractions. 


Well actually they still can do that, but they'll simply look even more ridiculous than they always have.



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An African American pot smoking electric car making baby daddy climate and free speech activist is the enemy of the left…. 

Will Ferrell Lol GIF


They’re mad because of loss of control. Their positions are all Trojan horses to acquire power not legitimate beliefs. Their followers consist of those who have the power, those who believe they will be beneficiaries of their power, or the morons who consider them sincere. 


Thanks Elon… this is great entertainment 

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