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Big Tech/Social Media Censorship. Musk/X Files Lawsuit Against Censorship Syndicate GARM

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27 minutes ago, SoCal Deek said:

Unbelievable! So the FBI, knowing that the laptop is in fact real, preemptively warns these ‘social media’ companies about fake news so that when the anti-Biden story breaks it gets squashed. No election interference going on there at all….right? Apparently the tshirt wearing liberal information police can’t also then ask the FBI for confirmation? Nope! Just squash the story. And the FBI, that knows the story’s squashed doesn’t contact these woke millennials to say “actually, that one’s real”? Come on people! 

Most troubling is the fact America's premier law enforcement organization led by Comey and then Wray, is running a protection racket for a family "business" headed by the current President that exists for the purpose of extortion and bribery involving foreign actors which could be compromising national security and American interests.  I don't see that role listed in the bureau's charter or mission statement.  A media committed to the truth might want to examine personal and professional relationships between the people being protected and the people providing protection.  Another question I have is other than playing the role of "Trojan Horse" for the establishment for a couple years what was Bill Barr doing over at DOJ?  As all this was pulled off by the FBI during the previous administration.  I suspect much will be revealed in 2023. 

Edited by All_Pro_Bills
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1 hour ago, Orlando Tim said:

Have you not seen the list of posts they asked to have flagged? 


I've seen some of it, and while I don't agree with everything they flagged, the FBI isn't known for their sense of humor, so flagging someone joking that they'd add more Dem ballots when they were counting isn't surprising. Nor is it surprising they would flag posts that state incorrect information about the election (such as the date) even if it was a joke because that's technically a violation of the law.


I can't remember if it was the FBI or the Biden campaign who flagged all of Hunter's dick picks, but I'm totally fine with that. Apparently unlike a lot of people, I'm happy going the rest of my life never seeing Hunter's penis. Plus, as non-consensual sexual content, it 100% violated Twitter's TOS.


What it looks like to me is that the FBI flagged anything they saw that could be potential misinformation and then Twitter investigated and made the determination of whether or not it was and if they were going to take action. I don't see the problem with that since Twitter isn't being forced to do anything with this. They can review them for the FBI as a courtesy, they can do nothing, they can do whatever. In fact, on at least one of them, Twitter had already reviewed and taken action on an account before the FBI flagged it. If there's a potential issue here, it's that the FBI's overly broad approach to "misinformation" meant that Twitter reviewed more things than the may have otherwise.


52 minutes ago, SoCal Deek said:

Unbelievable! So the FBI, knowing that the laptop is in fact real, preemptively warns these ‘social media’ companies about fake news so that when the anti-Biden story breaks it gets squashed. No election interference going on there at all….right? Apparently the tshirt wearing liberal information police can’t also then ask the FBI for confirmation? Nope! Just squash the story. And the FBI, that knows the story’s squashed doesn’t contact these woke millennials to say “actually, that one’s real”? Come on people! 


As all of the liberals who have been complaining about Merrick Garland for two years know, the FBI generally does not comment on ongoing investigations. We know that there is an active criminal investigation into Hunter Biden so there was little to no chance that the FBI would publicly comment on the details of the laptop, even to correct the record.


Any outlet could call the FBI's public affairs office and would be told "we do not comment on ongoing investigations."


You're jumping to a lot of conclusions there, but remember that different companies took different actions in regards to the laptop story, which would not be  possible if the FBI was pulling the strings. The NY Post ran the story and kept it up. Other news outlets like Fox News didn't run with it. Both Twitter and Facebook enacted their very different policies. 


The bottom line of what happened here is that the FBI was investigation Hunter Biden so they wouldn't comment on specifics around his case. They did give a general warning of cyberattacks and potential leaks of hacked materials but left it at that. From there, everyone was free to do whatever they wanted about any story or information that came out. I don't see how any of that is some nefarious plot unless you're making up a bunch of stuff between the lines and making assumptions that are not supported by the facts.

Edited by ChiGoose
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E-mails show even chief censor feared the FBI was breaking the law helping US intelligence engage
in domestic operations: Yoel Roth was 'uncomfortable' being grilled over 'state propaganda' on the app

by Stephen M. Lepore






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55 minutes ago, JaCrispy said:

This proves a far Leftward shift for the Democrat Party…Once, they were for civil liberty protection- now they call that Right wing…

The political left is engaged in a battle against reality and truth.  They're so neck deep in the mud that there's just no going back.  But human nature being what it is, and being so invested in this fools errand, they cling to the program while doubling and tripling down here.  Even in the face of facts and evidence that their narratives are based on fiction.  Looking to bend light to justify their alternative explanations.


Notice how the MSM addresses these revelations.  Not with calls of misinformation.  But rather they ignore them and hope it will all just go away.  Sadly for them, it won't.  Karma suggests their enemies seeking vengeance will show them the same level of mercy they've shown.  

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8 hours ago, SoCal Deek said:

Unbelievable! So the FBI, knowing that the laptop is in fact real, preemptively warns these ‘social media’ companies about fake news so that when the anti-Biden story breaks it gets squashed. No election interference going on there at all….right? Apparently the tshirt wearing liberal information police can’t also then ask the FBI for confirmation? Nope! Just squash the story. And the FBI, that knows the story’s squashed doesn’t contact these woke millennials to say “actually, that one’s real”? Come on people! 


Yeah, it's not a cult.

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15 hours ago, ChiGoose said:


I've seen some of it, and while I don't agree with everything they flagged, the FBI isn't known for their sense of humor, so flagging someone joking that they'd add more Dem ballots when they were counting isn't surprising. Nor is it surprising they would flag posts that state incorrect information about the election (such as the date) even if it was a joke because that's technically a violation of the law.


I can't remember if it was the FBI or the Biden campaign who flagged all of Hunter's dick picks, but I'm totally fine with that. Apparently unlike a lot of people, I'm happy going the rest of my life never seeing Hunter's penis. Plus, as non-consensual sexual content, it 100% violated Twitter's TOS.


What it looks like to me is that the FBI flagged anything they saw that could be potential misinformation and then Twitter investigated and made the determination of whether or not it was and if they were going to take action. I don't see the problem with that since Twitter isn't being forced to do anything with this. They can review them for the FBI as a courtesy, they can do nothing, they can do whatever. In fact, on at least one of them, Twitter had already reviewed and taken action on an account before the FBI flagged it. If there's a potential issue here, it's that the FBI's overly broad approach to "misinformation" meant that Twitter reviewed more things than the may have otherwise.



As all of the liberals who have been complaining about Merrick Garland for two years know, the FBI generally does not comment on ongoing investigations. We know that there is an active criminal investigation into Hunter Biden so there was little to no chance that the FBI would publicly comment on the details of the laptop, even to correct the record.


Any outlet could call the FBI's public affairs office and would be told "we do not comment on ongoing investigations."


You're jumping to a lot of conclusions there, but remember that different companies took different actions in regards to the laptop story, which would not be  possible if the FBI was pulling the strings. The NY Post ran the story and kept it up. Other news outlets like Fox News didn't run with it. Both Twitter and Facebook enacted their very different policies. 


The bottom line of what happened here is that the FBI was investigation Hunter Biden so they wouldn't comment on specifics around his case. They did give a general warning of cyberattacks and potential leaks of hacked materials but left it at that. From there, everyone was free to do whatever they wanted about any story or information that came out. I don't see how any of that is some nefarious plot unless you're making up a bunch of stuff between the lines and making assumptions that are not supported by the facts.


im just curious at what point do you see it as a major problem? there has to be a line right? at what point did the american people say you know what we need is entire wings of the fbi scouring through tons of social media posts to the point they are flagging satire and people they just dont like much? did twitter even need a moderation team cause it seems like fbi was basically a taxpayer funded wing of the company. so how many websites should americans be ok with fbi divisions rooting out "disinformation" and warning everyone of what the facts should really be. what level are you ok with chi? while real crimes are being committed the fbi was engaged as the stand in misinformation bureau that was ran out of the WH as soon as it was announced. youll use actual national threats as your examples and wave off as slight overreach anything else but this relationship was constant and very comfortable in twitter doing what its told to do in secret while LYING ABOUT IT. all innocent but lying, doing things far beyond any terms of service and what section 230 permits when it comes to editorializing. private company, react how they want. you constantly overlook the lying part because it goes against what your trying to depict it as. 🙄


 as a prime example how much "misinformation" and "saftey concerns" do you think was "suggested" that prevented REAL facts from REAL data from REAL experts that the gov convinced with data by the all knowing cdc to censor and ALSO punish with ban campaign? none? a little? if the fbi was able to dig so deep to get them to remove jokes its no wonder half the country "read" the other half were selfish murderers. can we even calculate that damage done? the buisnesses shutdown forever? the people killed thinking those they were around were vax safe after top scientist from around the world said it stops spread ect. the kids never getting school year(s) back. i know its a topic leftist won't touch but this IS THE THREAT in letting gov be engaged with speech and info if it is not EXTREME matters to security. a company under gov scrutiny about a major law of 230 and "hey you gunna let that post stay up" IS HIGHLY INFLUENTIAL! 



as for the labtop. do you think they will ever reach a conclusion on the "investigations they cant comment on" so official word can be made? lol we are halfway through the sitting president "who just might be a corrupt traitor". 6 more years of investigating? how many till Epstein roster? how many till all ftx facts get released? maybe they have a conclusion but they are using the same printer as phizer who argued their vax trial data can't be presented for 75 years.


its being suppressed by the elites that are given a very different tier of justice and you are ok with that cause they are on your team. stop trying to rationalize it any other way then a major cover op between gov and the media as a whole. happens all the time BY BOTH PARTIES but this one was especially agregious because it was done so brazen. usually they ignore it in unison hoping ..not flat out suppress it in a spotlight. but even then they have fans saying this is some kind of standard procedure while "leaking" all sorts of investigation info on other cases.sure. 🙄

Edited by Buffarukus
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11 minutes ago, Buffarukus said:



im just curious at what point do you see it as a major problem? there has to be a line right? at what point did the american people say you know what we need is entire wings of the fbi scouring through tons of social media posts to the point they are flagging satire and people they just dont like much? did twitter even need a moderation team cause it seems like fbi was basically a taxpayer funded wing of the company. so how many websites should americans be ok with fbi divisions rooting out "disinformation" and warning everyone of what the facts should really be. what level are you ok with chi? while real crimes are being committed the fbi was engaged as the stand in misinformation bureau that was ran out of the WH as soon as it was announced. youll use actual national threats as your examples and wave off as slight overreach anything else but this relationship was constant and very comfortable in twitter doing what its told to do in secret while LYING ABOUT IT. all innocent but lying, doing things far beyond any terms of service and what section 230 permits when it comes to editorializing. private company, react how they want. just warning. stop it. 🙄


 as a prime example how much "misinformation" and "saftey concerns" do you think was "suggested" that prevented REAL facts from REAL data from REAL experts that the gov convinced with data by the all knowing cdc to censor and ALSO punish with ban campaign? none? a little? if the fbi was able to dig so deep to get them to remove jokes its no wonder half the guy country "read" the other half were selfish murderers. can we even calculate that damage done? the buisnesses shutdown forever? the people killed thinking those they were around were vax safe. the kids never getting school year(s) back. i know its a topic leftist won't touch but this IS THE THREAT in letting gov be engaged with speech and info if it is not EXTREME matters to security. a company under gov scrutiny about a major law of 230 and "hey you gunna let that post stay up" IS HIGHLY INFLUENTIAL! 



as for the labtop. do you think they will ever reach a conclusion on the "investigations they cant comment on" so official word can be made? lol we are halfway through the sitting president "who just might be a corrupt traitor". 6 more years of investigating? how many till Epstein roster? how many till all ftx facts get released? maybe they have a conclusion but they are using the same printer as phizer who argued their vax trial data can't be presented for 75 years.


its being suppressed by the elites that are given a very different tier of justice and you are ok with that cause they are on your team. stop trying to rationalize it any other way then a major cover op between gov and the media as a whole. happens all the time but this one was especially agregious because it was done so brazen. usually they ignore it in unison..not flat out suppress.

Look, if you believe in the whole elite uniparty thing where no matter what happens some vague “them” is controlling events or is predestined to win, then I cannot help you. I thankfully do not live in such a world. 

I also have questions about your understanding of what the FBI’s powers actually are or what Section 230 means in practice. But in a good faith effort to answer the thrust of your point:


Let’s try to remove modern political biases from this. Let’s suppose that during the American Revolution, the very nascent American intelligence apparatus learned that the British were going to put out materials to make the King look good and the rebels look bad to the broader public.


I think we might both be in agreement that it would be inappropriate for the American government to say that nobody could publish the materials saying good things about the king. But if they suspected that those news items were obtained through illicit means, would you be opposed to the American government alerting the news agencies to a potential pro-monarch news release, so long as it was solely up to the news agencies as to what to do with it?


Because in current times, I honestly fail to see what crimes are being committed here. After the previous election was rife with attempts at interference of a foreign adversary, it would be irresponsible for people to not be worried it might happen again.  A generic warning of such a risk is not only reasonable, but it would be negligent to omit it. 

In the end, Twitter is free to tell the FBI to suck a dick. And as everyone so routinely points out, Twitter hired a lot of former FBI people, so they definitely knew that the FBI had no power to make them censor anyone. Plus, the FBI, like most law enforcement agencies, is populated mainly with people who skew Right. So why would they go out of their way to harm a Republican? The idea that there is a leftist conspiracy to seed private companies with *FBI* agents would be laughable to every liberal from now back all the way to when the FBI tried to make MLK kill himself. 

In the case of a company like twitter, the worst part of an overly zealous FBI is that they have to pay their lawyers to come up with polite ways to say “go ***** yourselves” But to ascribe some grand leftist conspiracy based on companies in our capitalistic economy deciding how to run their own businesses is not really believable. 

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48 minutes ago, ChiGoose said:

Look, if you believe in the whole elite uniparty thing where no matter what happens some vague “them” is controlling events or is predestined to win, then I cannot help you. I thankfully do not live in such a world. 

I also have questions about your understanding of what the FBI’s powers actually are or what Section 230 means in practice. But in a good faith effort to answer the thrust of your point:


Let’s try to remove modern political biases from this. Let’s suppose that during the American Revolution, the very nascent American intelligence apparatus learned that the British were going to put out materials to make the King look good and the rebels look bad to the broader public.


I think we might both be in agreement that it would be inappropriate for the American government to say that nobody could publish the materials saying good things about the king. But if they suspected that those news items were obtained through illicit means, would you be opposed to the American government alerting the news agencies to a potential pro-monarch news release, so long as it was solely up to the news agencies as to what to do with it?


you tend to do this. i go through alot of typing to debate your post and then you dont address any specifics and go on to some obscure non related examples or reasoning. ill address this but alot of what you write here i addressed.


your taking what i said and depicting it as the most exadurated example for your idea. your taking a factual enemy of the gov and people saying ACTUAL disinformation propaganda is present and then trying to make a not even close relationship to what we are talking about.


here is my response to this that in the very reply i gave you.


"know its a topic leftist won't touch but this IS THE THREAT in letting gov be engaged with speech and info if it is not EXTREME matters to security"


see EXTREME? id say a king presenting a real threat is motive for gov to get involved. all the examples i wrote about the gov had no buisness to get involved and alot was FALSE!!!


48 minutes ago, ChiGoose said:

Because in current times, I honestly fail to see what crimes are being committed here. After the previous election was rife with attempts at interference of a foreign adversary, it would be irresponsible for people to not be worried it might happen again.  A generic warning of such a risk is not only reasonable, but it would be negligent to omit it. 

In the end, Twitter is free to tell the FBI to suck a dick. And as everyone so routinely points out, Twitter hired a lot of former FBI people, so they definitely knew that the FBI had no power to make them censor anyone. Plus, the FBI, like most law enforcement agencies, is populated mainly with people who skew Right. So why would they go out of their way to harm a Republican? The idea that there is a leftist conspiracy to seed private companies with *FBI* agents would be laughable to every liberal from now back all the way to when the FBI tried to make MLK kill himself. 

In the case of a company like twitter, the worst part of an overly zealous FBI is that they have to pay their lawyers to come up with polite ways to say “go ***** yourselves” But to ascribe some grand leftist conspiracy based on companies in our capitalistic economy deciding how to run their own businesses is not really believable. 


so i read this and it again you minimizing the threat here even as i pointed out (a real world recent example) of the LIES and negative effects to the population COVID!!!!! do you see "honestly see the crimes committed" still?


so hoping you are still good faith effort to answer the thrust of my point(s)


1. if the interaction between gov and twitter was so innocent why did twitter lie about what they were doing?


2. if gov is allowed to "suggest" to media platforms what info they "feel" is misinformation do you see from the covid campaign example that not only will they lie but those lies can be incredibly destructive to people and in no way in the interest of all its citizens.


if the fbi is not willing to quickly authenticate whether info that is in the public is propaganda or not then they should not be "warning" that it is coming. that seeds the ground to any info being able to be indefinitely suppressed at the fbis discretion. this leads to alot of power in their hands as ANY info can then be suppressed and tagged as misinformation.  no other info on investagion is neccessary to simply authenticate it.


look at the above list and tell me with a honest answer that you do not see the very real threat that can be created by not fighting this.  


finally im not suprised you dont think there is a "uniparty" element. you seem to give alot of benefit of the doubt to people who dont deserve it. when i was left leaning i still knew that was present. occupy wallstreet, iraq war, enron..ect ect. all giant scams that siphoned regular american people with unilateral corruption. im glad you dont want to believe it or live in that world but it doesnt mean it does not exist. topic for a different thread that id be happy to go into without bias. plenty of examples but that is not my basis in the reply.


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6 hours ago, Buffarukus said:


you tend to do this. i go through alot of typing to debate your post and then you dont address any specifics and go on to some obscure non related examples or reasoning. ill address this but alot of what you write here i addressed.


your taking what i said and depicting it as the most exadurated example for your idea. your taking a factual enemy of the gov and people saying ACTUAL disinformation propaganda is present and then trying to make a not even close relationship to what we are talking about.


here is my response to this that in the very reply i gave you.


"know its a topic leftist won't touch but this IS THE THREAT in letting gov be engaged with speech and info if it is not EXTREME matters to security"


see EXTREME? id say a king presenting a real threat is motive for gov to get involved. all the examples i wrote about the gov had no buisness to get involved and alot was FALSE!!!



so i read this and it again you minimizing the threat here even as i pointed out (a real world recent example) of the LIES and negative effects to the population COVID!!!!! do you see "honestly see the crimes committed" still?


so hoping you are still good faith effort to answer the thrust of my point(s)


1. if the interaction between gov and twitter was so innocent why did twitter lie about what they were doing?


2. if gov is allowed to "suggest" to media platforms what info they "feel" is misinformation do you see from the covid campaign example that not only will they lie but those lies can be incredibly destructive to people and in no way in the interest of all its citizens.


if the fbi is not willing to quickly authenticate whether info that is in the public is propaganda or not then they should not be "warning" that it is coming. that seeds the ground to any info being able to be indefinitely suppressed at the fbis discretion. this leads to alot of power in their hands as ANY info can then be suppressed and tagged as misinformation.  no other info on investagion is neccessary to simply authenticate it.


look at the above list and tell me with a honest answer that you do not see the very real threat that can be created by not fighting this.  


finally im not suprised you dont think there is a "uniparty" element. you seem to give alot of benefit of the doubt to people who dont deserve it. when i was left leaning i still knew that was present. occupy wallstreet, iraq war, enron..ect ect. all giant scams that siphoned regular american people with unilateral corruption. im glad you dont want to believe it or live in that world but it doesnt mean it does not exist. topic for a different thread that id be happy to go into without bias. plenty of examples but that is not my basis in the reply.



Dems live in their own fantasy world.  


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Once again people, this is NOT complicated. And it is NOT democrats versus republicans. This is about the internal government class (not elected officials) circling the wagons to protect and increase their power. Virtually all Democrat elected officials understand this and they leave these folks alone, giving them a wide berth, while they use their time in Washington to vacuum up money and feather their own personal nest eggs. Amazingly a few Republican elected officials haven’t learned this yet. So they rage against the machine, or at least they pretend to, so that they too can use their time in Washington to vacuum up money and feather their own personal nest eggs. 

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