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More signs it looks like Travis to Cards

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I do not know about this trade. It's just I do not know how much of and upgrade Shelton would be to our o-line.


Is: lt-shelton lg-anderson c-teague rg-villarial rt-williams a significant upgrade over: lt-gandy lg-anderson c-teague rg-villarial rt-williams or lt-teague lg-anderson c-tucker rg-vilarial rt-williams. In other words, I just do not think Shelton adds much to our o-line so I think we would essentially be giving up Henry to move up 11 spots in the second round. I could see moving up 11 spots in the first round but not the second round.

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I found these stats snooping around. I cannot prove their accuracy, but they came from stats,inc. As Yogi would say, you can look it up.


LJ Shelton has played 6 years in the NFL, 5 of them as a LT. He has missed about one full season with injury. His strength is as a run blocker and his weakness as a pass blocker, and in those six years he has given up 29 sacks. This is on the Cardinals, mind you, with one of the worst teams and offenses and coaching in the league over those 6 years. Here are the stats for the best LTs in the game over those years from the same site


In comparison to 2005 tackle pro bowlers(sacks allowed over the past 6 years):

Orlando Pace: 28

Walter Jones: 27

Jonathan Ogden: 25

Tarik Glenn: 25

Flozell Adams: 29.5

Tra Thomas: 39.5

Willie Road: 26

Willie Anderson: 22

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I found these stats snooping around. I cannot prove their accuracy, but they came from stats,inc. As Yogi would say, you can look it up.


LJ Shelton has played 6 years in the NFL, 5 of them as a LT. He has missed about one full season with injury. His strength is as a run  blocker and his weakness as a pass blocker, and in those six years he has given up 29 sacks. This is on the Cardinals, mind you, with one of the worst teams and offenses and coaching in the league over those 6 years. Here are the stats for the best LTs in the game over those years from the same site


In comparison to 2005 tackle pro bowlers(sacks allowed over the past 6 years):

Orlando Pace: 28

Walter Jones: 27

Jonathan Ogden: 25

Tarik Glenn: 25

Flozell Adams: 29.5

Tra Thomas: 39.5

Willie Road: 26

Willie Anderson: 22



This is without a solid running game too. I always think a balanced offense is an offensive lineman's best friend because if you can keep a defensive lineman guessing whether it is a running play or a passing play it makes it much easier for the offensive lineman.

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Did anyone see ESPN and Dennis Green last night?  He was very much against the


TD knows that TH is more valuable than Shelton, and even more valuable than Shelton and a swap in the second...




Don't take this wrong ...... I'm a T-Hen fan, and if we didn't have Willis I would have no qualms starting the season with Travis as our running back ........ but when we talk about value, it boils down to ....... we have a running back sitting on our bench ........ They have an OT sitting on their bench ...... Pretty equal value from that perspective. Now we have no one of any note playing LT on our line .... they have no one of any note playing runningback ..... looks kind of equal there. We have a "future star" (at least to our current thinking) playing ahead of T-Hen .... they have a future star (at least to their current thinking) playing ahead of Shelton, so it doesn't look like either of the bench warmers are going to beat out the incumbents.


I just don't see the disparity in "value" between the players ....... Shelton would fill one of our needs, Henry would fill one of their needs, and a swap of seconds is gravy for us.


All that said ....... I saw the Denny Green interview on NFL last night and he sounded pretty sour on the trade ........ not the usual whishy washy pre announcement coach speak ......... he sounded more like he was thinking those $%#@&* Bills, we've been trying to trade for Henry for three months and they are holding our feet to the fire so we're moving on. (this isn't a quote or anything, just my impression from his tone and body language).

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I found these stats snooping around. I cannot prove their accuracy, but they came from stats,inc. As Yogi would say, you can look it up.


LJ Shelton has played 6 years in the NFL, 5 of them as a LT. He has missed about one full season with injury. His strength is as a run  blocker and his weakness as a pass blocker, and in those six years he has given up 29 sacks. This is on the Cardinals, mind you, with one of the worst teams and offenses and coaching in the league over those 6 years. Here are the stats for the best LTs in the game over those years from the same site


In comparison to 2005 tackle pro bowlers(sacks allowed over the past 6 years):

Orlando Pace: 28

Walter Jones: 27

Jonathan Ogden: 25

Tarik Glenn: 25

Flozell Adams: 29.5

Tra Thomas: 39.5

Willie Road: 26

Willie Anderson: 22



Shelton has had to do something right to keep Leonard Davis at guard for the first couple years of his career. I still think Shelton's a good fit at LT for the Bills, and would prefer him to the rookie OTs in the draft.

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