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According to Len P. at ESPN here's the trade:


Oakland gets: 1st round (#26 pick)

                    7th round pick


Jets get: TE Doug Jolley

              2nd round pick (#47)

              two 6th round picks



Good that it's Houston's & not the Raiders pick.


If the Shelton & switch of #2s for Henry goes through & we already have our LT, we're going to have to pick Nugent at 44, otherwise he's a Jet at 47. Art least we'll still have a shot at Nugent at 44 and get to ace out the Jets. I'm really starting to believe it will be Henry to Arizona, Shelton & Nugent to Buffalo.

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Good news.  This is one of the dumbest trades I've seen for a first rounder ever!  ;)  I wonder if we could trade Josh Reed for their first next year.  :w00t:




I disagree. For some reason I seem to have a lot of Raiders fans as friends, so I see them play a lot. Doug Jolley is a damn good TE. The one knock I have on him is he is fairly slow, but he is tough as hell and makes the catches.


He is has been part of the same sh-- offense that has taken down every other bit of talent Oakland has to offer. He is a good addition for the Jets, and swapping a first for a second is not a bad deal.


Pennington just became tougher with a really good short range target. He isn't a game breaker, but he will help their team.

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They moved down to pick 38 where they can justify drafting Mike Nugent.  Write him in as the Jets kicker.



Why do you think they will have a new kicker? :w00t:


BTW, I see Halle Barry begging to get with me before TD picks a kicker in the 2nd rd.

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Why do you think they will have a new kicker? ;)




Because the Jet fan believe they ONLY lost games because of Paul hackett and their kicker Doug Brien, so naturally if they know get a new kicker, there is no reason to play in 2005, Jets are just too loaded and too good :w00t:;)

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Jolley cannot block. He is not physical. The Raiders thought so highly of him they drafted Teyo Johnson to repalce him. Are you telling me there isn't a cornerback or right tackle worthy of the #26 pick? Because those are two glaring needs for the Jets. What this tells me is either that Bradway is a total moron (highly possible), or that the Jets plan to deal Abraham to Dallas for one of their #1s.

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Because the Jet fan believe they ONLY lost games because of Paul hackett and their kicker Doug Brien, so naturally if they know get a new kicker, there is no reason to play in 2005, Jets are just too loaded and too good  ;)  ;)


Yo, I liked your old avatar better. :w00t:

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Jolley cannot block.  He is not physical.  The Raiders thought so highly of him they drafted Teyo Johnson to repalce him.  Are you telling me there isn't a cornerback or right tackle worthy of the #26 pick?  Because those are two glaring needs for the Jets.  What this tells me is either that Bradway is a total moron (highly possible), or that the Jets plan to deal Abraham to Dallas for one of their #1s.




Jolley hasn't blocked much, but Oaklands offense doens't use a blocking TE very often. All the times I've watched him, I can't say I ever saw him make or miss a big block, so I'd say it could go either way.


He IS physical. I've seen him run over people and drag tacklers around after the catch.


Oakland has made bad decision after bad decision...drafting Johnson was just another one. It means nothing.


I guess it's pointless to argue about though. We'll all find out in September.

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Jolley hasn't blocked much, but Oaklands offense doens't use a blocking TE very often.  All the times I've watched him, I can't say I ever saw him make or miss a big block, so I'd say it could go either way.


Oakland has made bad decision after bad decision...drafting Johnson means nothing.


I guess it's pointless to argue about though.  We'll all find out in September.



I wonder if OAK is angling to get a fair shot at the Akron QB Charlie Frye. I've read that GB has an interest in him, and the Pack has #24, AFAIK.


I would not be surprised if Frye inches up into the first round. Gannon sure had an admirable run for the Raiders, but I don't see any "qb for the future" in their current squad.

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Jolley hasn't blocked much, but Oaklands offense doens't use a blocking TE very often.  All the times I've watched him, I can't say I ever saw him make or miss a big block, so I'd say it could go either way.


My brother is a Jets season ticket holder, and he told me today most of his friends don't care for the trade. On the other hand, he thinks Jolley was mis-used in Oakland and feels like the Jets style of offense will make him more productive.


Frankly, he can't be worse than Becht, who suffers from JoshReeditis, plus the Jets pick up another second round pick in a draft that many have said has a less than stellar first round flavor to it.

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