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Domestic terrorist attack in Wisconsin

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4 minutes ago, unbillievable said:

Doesn't feel like the MSM has learned that lesson.


Already saw an article stating that they need to remove self defense laws.


That's why the MSM is the enemy of the people.  They compound their stupidity with more stupidity.

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1 minute ago, Buffalo716 said:

I think it's time to change the title of the thread to Wisconsin hero defends himself from three felons


He doesn't live in Wisconsin. 


There's also videos of your hero beating a woman.


He's as much of a shitstain as the 3 felons he killed. 



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2 minutes ago, 716er said:


He doesn't live in Wisconsin. 


There's also videos of your hero beating a woman.


He's as much of a shitstain as the 3 felons he killed. 



He literally lives on a border Town and has family in Kenosha


And he killed a pedophile.. sorry he's not as bad as that piece of s*** 


And where's this video of him indiscriminately beating women lol

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12 minutes ago, Buffalo716 said:

He literally lives on a border Town and has family in Kenosha


Cool. I live on the border of Canada and have family in Fort Erie. I'm not from Canada or Ontario.


The video is all over the internet. Google it.

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I hated this case and everything it said about modern day America.

- Black man shot by cops. A tragedy? Yes. He's crippled for life. Justifiable shooting? I think so. The cops were called to a classic dangerous/domestic violence scene, and the alleged perpetrator/victim (take your pick, they both fit the bill) did something stupid that caused the cop to think he was probably reaching for something dangerous.

- Idiot antifa "protesters" - White protesters - see this as an excuse to break stuff and burn someone else's city down. Some bring guns to a peaceful protest.

- Idiot chubby girlish looking Illinois boy decides he's gonna be the big man and brings his rifle to the riot. Tries to act tough patrolling the streets of someone else's city in someone else's state.

And shockingly it all ends with dead bodies.

From what I saw of the evidence and read of the law, I probably would've acquitted him too. He was guilty of stupidity, of trying to inflame an already explosive situation, but probably not of homicide under Wisconsin law under these circumstances. He is no hero. He is a moron. An acquitted moron, but a moron nonetheless. So too are his victims (or, as the judge would have it, recipients of his bullets).

I've always disliked that old phrase that always pops up around here: "Play stupid games, win stupid prizes." But it applies here better than any other sentiment.


People: just stop. Stop trying to get back at the man by breaking stuff and burning things of innocent people. Stop trying to be a self-appointed hero by fighting back against Idiot Team A by forming Idiot Team B. Respect the law. Protest and call for justice where you should. Jacob Blake? Not a hero. Cop who shot Jacob Blake? Not a hero (or a villain; just a cop trying to protect himself when an arrest went bad). Mr. Grosskreutz, the survivor with no biceps?  Rittenhouse? Not a hero. Other than the wrong-place, wrong-time cop, all parts of the problem, not the solution.

Edited by The Frankish Reich
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7 minutes ago, Crayola64 said:

I don’t think he is a hero.  And he foolishly put himself in a dangerous position that could get people killed.


but he was clearly innocent and it’s wild they took him to trial given the video evidence.  

You're right that he definitely didn't put himself in a great position 


But at the end of the day if you can't defend yourself in this country you have nothing


The justice system saved all of our lives today



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19 minutes ago, SCBills said:

NY Pols trying to get on that defamation list with the quickness. 

DiBlasio, Cuomo, James etc.. the whole gang back at it again with the Twitter fingers. 

I particularly despise DiBlasio and am hopeful Eric Adams can bring some common sense and competency back to the mayor's office in NYC.  Most of these other clowns are beyond hope too.  Still unwilling to face the reality that this tragedy occurred during rioting and looting.  Still parroting the peaceful protest narrative which I expect anyone with an ounce of common sense isn't buying.  Still reaching for the stars to pull the white supremacy angle out of their asses.  They sound like fools given the context of the facts.

If anyone's to blame for the uncivil and contentious environment that enabled the tragedy of Kenosia to occur and continues to ferment unrest and hostility its the political class on the extremes.  From my perspective they are less than useless and do nothing to bring people closer to compromise and understanding.  Rather they serve to drive everyone apart in support of their own personal ambitions for power.  No society can survive with "leadership" that acts in this self-serving manner.  Time to kick their sorry asses to the curb.  


Edited by All_Pro_Bills
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44 minutes ago, Buffalo716 said:

Thankfully there's some common sense left in this country


I think it's time to change the title of the thread to Wisconsin hero defends himself from three felons

While I agree with the verdict, Rittenhouse is not a hero.  He isn't a murderer.  He isn't a vigilante. He isn't a white supremacist.  And he isn't a hero.

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Kyle Rittenhouse acquitted of all charges in Kenosha shooting.


This is a big deal not only because of the merits of the individual case, which manifestly shouldn’t have been brought,


but because all the effort around it by the left was aimed at establishing the principle that their thugs could riot in the streets, but that normals don’t dare resist.


This is a huge setback for that effort.







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