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What Percent of Covid is Inflated or Could Have Been Prevented ?

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I wonder ? if this pandemic is so bad why protocol isn't more strict within the medical community this nurse says it was different when Ebola was around a few years back .


She has had the experience of going through different situations as far as other infectious diseases and her experiences during her service yet she says the NY hospital in which some of this was made is worse than some hospitals in Iraq that's saying a lot seeing as this is the US .


And go figure money (mixed with some ignorants here by leadership) as usual can possibly be linked to some people put in harms way to make the numbers look bigger than they are for effect maybe and in here the clip that places blame on not having enough ventilators holds a little less substance than it did from certain politicians.


I have also read (which i'm no doctor but i did play one on TV ?) that ventilators weren't the best way to treat the virus and that by building the immune system through vitamins and such can truly help . 


Maybe this will replace some of the blame that's going around to who it should be on the states and the systems implemented instead of the scape goats but i still doubt even after hereing some of this the short sighted will still blame others in charge for the spread due to not being able to see past being booty hurt for their loss .



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Not prevented but if we had no politicians and followed advice of medical community and physicians on front lines:



1.  Quarantine and protect vulnerable/elderly 

2.  Take Vitamin D and Zinc.  Vitamin C can't hurt

3.  HCQ cocktail upon immediate diagnosis 

4.  Tylenol not Ibuprofen 

5.  Redemsivar seems to do well.....walk around if you have it in your lungs don't be stationary; lie on stomach not back

6.  No masks needed.  Try not talking when at the store and just breathe thru your nose.  Masks are completely pointless if that's all you do.   

7.  Get fresh air/sun as much as possible 

8.  Just dont touch your face/use hand sanitizer

9.  You can be inside large crowded facility/venue (store, mall, restaurant maybe) for about an hour before you could be at risk.  Maybe.  Should be your choice.    

10.  Let virus blast thru folks under 50; the 20-25% theory toward burnout looks real.  Over 65, lay low.




There is no micromanaging this.  14 MLB players and coaches on one team took all the precautions you can imagine and still got it. 


They will all be fine.  Point is, everything we are doing is pointless.  It needs to run its course.  



But because politicians are involved, they will make everything miserable.  




Edited by Big Blitz
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