123719bwiqrb Posted July 8, 2020 Posted July 8, 2020 12 minutes ago, Ed_Formerly_of_Roch said: Really I'd say they've been pretty accurate, the problem not enough following what they recommend. Ha. The first of many instances was when the WHO stated at the end of Jan there was no evidence of person to person transmission. Was that accurate?
Mango Posted July 8, 2020 Posted July 8, 2020 13 minutes ago, 123719bwiqrb said: Ha. The first of many instances was when the WHO stated at the end of Jan there was no evidence of person to person transmission. Was that accurate? Ugh. I don't know why I bother, this almost feels like a fake account and should be banned, but I think fact checking and not spreading false information is important. Released by WHO Jan 12, 2020. Yes, they reported they had not seen any evidence of human to human transmission in the first two weeks of the outbreak. But they also clearly said they need more information, and were adopting self-protection measures. At no point did WHO say this was conclusive. "The evidence is highly suggestive that the outbreak is associated with exposures in one seafood market in Wuhan. The market was closed on 1 January 2020. At this stage, there is no infection among healthcare workers, and no clear evidence of human to human transmission. The Chinese authorities continue their work of intensive surveillance and follow up measures, as well as further epidemiological investigations." "Public risk communication activities have been carried out to improve public awareness and adoption of self-protection measures" "to date, investigations are still under way to assess the full extent of the outbreak. Wuhan city is a major domestic and international transport hub. To date, there have been no reported cases outside of Wuhan City. More comprehensive information and ongoing investigations are also required to better understand the epidemiology, clinical picture, source, modes of transmission, and extent of infection; as well as the countermeasures implemented." https://www.who.int/csr/don/12-january-2020-novel-coronavirus-china/en/ 2
SirAndrew Posted July 8, 2020 Posted July 8, 2020 20 minutes ago, 123719bwiqrb said: Ha. The first of many instances was when the WHO stated at the end of Jan there was no evidence of person to person transmission. Was that accurate? The problem is we live in a social media generation. Scientists, doctors, academics, and public health organizations are posting their thoughts without enough scientific evidence to back them. The truth is, no one knows much of anything about this virus. Unfortunately, experts who are supposed to be trusted continue to make statements they are forced to retract.
Mango Posted July 8, 2020 Posted July 8, 2020 2 minutes ago, SirAndrew said: The problem is we live in a social media generation. Scientists, doctors, academics, and public health organizations are posting their thoughts without enough scientific evidence to back them. The truth is, no one knows much of anything about this virus. Unfortunately, experts who are supposed to be trusted continue to make statements they are forced to retract. I agree to a certain extent in that it is not wrong, but I don't think this is a social media issue. It is important to note that because this is novel and rapidly spreading across the globe, the need for current information in order for communities to try and get ahead of things are/were important, rather than wait and continue spread. Sure we would like to wait for all the answers before we do anything, but it is clear that the way we interact needed to change rapidly, and without a steady flow of pieces of information, there would have been no way to know how to do that. There are going to be missteps because of how new this is for us, but the more information to save lives, the better. 1
Lurker Posted July 8, 2020 Posted July 8, 2020 1 hour ago, 123719bwiqrb said: Experts have been batting about 0.075 this pandemic season, so I wouldn't trust what their saying... Interesting. My ignore user button has been batting about 100% this pandemic season. It's been very trustworthy. Thanks, Scott... 1 1
HerdMenatlity1 Posted July 8, 2020 Posted July 8, 2020 The halftime performance for the next Super Bowl will look something like this:
Mr. WEO Posted July 8, 2020 Posted July 8, 2020 2 hours ago, SirAndrew said: The problem is we live in a social media generation. Scientists, doctors, academics, and public health organizations are posting their thoughts without enough scientific evidence to back them. The truth is, no one knows much of anything about this virus. Unfortunately, experts who are supposed to be trusted continue to make statements they are forced to retract. They are posting current information. As more is known they modify/retract/amend/change their previous thoughts or statements. They aren’t “forced” to, they simply do because more is known as time goes by. Then they share the new info. This is how science/medicine/public health care works. This board is more than half nuts... 3 4
Captain Hindsight Posted July 8, 2020 Posted July 8, 2020 6 hours ago, SirAndrew said: He wasn’t “concerned” about practicing with a bunch of teammates in Florida. I just find that inconsistent. I’m trying not to voice any controversial Covid comments, but you’d think a guy who was “concerned” wouldn’t hang around a bunch of teammates with no masks. Kind of like Malcolm Jenkins saying he’s not sure if the season is safe, yet he’s marching in protests. Live your life, but I just like consistency. I’m all in favor of keeping people safe, but you can’t have it both ways. Shockingly, people can change their opinions once they learn more about this situation. In January, I went out to dinner with my parents and told my parents I thought this would all blow over in a few weeks. I now believe that was incredible incorrect and I'm worried about football season being played at all this year Can you blame Diggs for being concerned though? Hell I'm worried just watching the NFLPA and NFL argue over whether meetings should be held virtually or if any preseason games should be played. This isnt a normal virus and this isnt a normal year. If you are not concerned, you are either lying or just denying what you see in front of you. 4 hours ago, 123719bwiqrb said: Experts have been batting about 0.075 this pandemic season, so I wouldn't trust what their saying... Experts are doing fine. People who arent wearing masks or following the basic rules of sit in your house and watch netflix are who is screwing this up You can place blame in lots of places for how bad this has gotten. Those evil scientists are nowhere near the top. Mistakes made? Sure, but the message has been consistent. This is serious, wear a mask, social distance Odd how other countries did exactly that and are returning to mostly normal life right now and were wondering if we can have fun anytime soon or can travel to Canada 2
SirAndrew Posted July 8, 2020 Posted July 8, 2020 21 minutes ago, Mr. WEO said: They are posting current information. As more is known they modify/retract/amend/change their previous thoughts or statements. They aren’t “forced” to, they simply do because more is known as time goes by. Then they share the new info. This is how science/medicine/public health care works. This board is more than half nuts... I get this, but I’m saying that many people don’t understand that, and it becomes dangerous when the public loses trust. Most scientific research isn’t consumed by the masses. This is the first issue in a long time where people are actually paying any attention to what science says. It would be better to use an abundance of caution, because we don’t know anything. It’s kind of like the question of whether children can spread the virus. Various organizations have said they can, some claim they can’t, and the CDC now says “we don’t have evidence that children are driving my the cycle of transmission” They never said children can’t spread the virus, they are just saying they don’t have evidence. If they discover the opposite, many people will feel as if they are being lied to (even though that’s not true) The truth is we don’t know much , and the only way to keep safe is taking precautions. We are stuck in a world of the twenty four hour news cycle. Every thought and idea comes out, and people don’t know how to properly consume it. That’s my point, sometimes people need less information in order to make them better understand an issue. I don’t think the information overload is making things better. 8 minutes ago, Captain Hindsight said: Shockingly, people can change their opinions once they learn more about this situation. In January, I went out to dinner with my parents and told my parents I thought this would all blow over in a few weeks. I now believe that was incredible incorrect and I'm worried about football season being played at all this year Can you blame Diggs for being concerned though? Hell I'm worried just watching the NFLPA and NFL argue over whether meetings should be held virtually or if any preseason games should be played. This isnt a normal virus and this isnt a normal year. If you are not concerned, you are either lying or just denying what you see in front of you. Experts are doing fine. People who arent wearing masks or following the basic rules of sit in your house and watch netflix are who is screwing this up You can place blame in lots of places for how bad this has gotten. Those evil scientists are nowhere near the top. Mistakes made? Sure, but the message has been consistent. This is serious, wear a mask, social distance Odd how other countries did exactly that and are returning to mostly normal life right now and were wondering if we can have fun anytime soon or can travel to Canada I’m concerned too, I just think this virus is so common there is no stopping it. I don’t think there is much we can do at this point to stop most people from being exposed to it. It’s everywhere, and I think people are trying to make themselves feel better thinking we can stop it now. I believe in wearing masks and taking precautions, but I don’t think we can contain it, unless we want to be shutdown another year, then many of these same people are complaining about not having a job.
Captain Hindsight Posted July 8, 2020 Posted July 8, 2020 7 minutes ago, SirAndrew said: I’m concerned too, I just think this virus is so common there is no stopping it. I don’t think there is much we can do at this point to stop most people from being exposed to it. It’s everywhere, and I think people are trying to make themselves feel better thinking we can stop it now. I believe in wearing masks and taking precautions, but I don’t think we can contain it, unless we want to be shutdown another year, then many of these same people are complaining about not having a job. New Zealand has ZERO cases. Don't give me this BS that we can't eradicate this. We absolutely can and are actively choosing not to because people can't be moderately inconvenienced by wearing a piece of cloth over our mouth and nose for less than an hour at wal-mart. Its embarrassing to watch 1 1
HerdMenatlity1 Posted July 8, 2020 Posted July 8, 2020 14 minutes ago, Captain Hindsight said: New Zealand has ZERO cases. Don't give me this BS that we can't eradicate this. We absolutely can and are actively choosing not to because people can't be moderately inconvenienced by wearing a piece of cloth over our mouth and nose for less than an hour at wal-mart. Its embarrassing to watch Not from what I read. Also, India has like a billion people. Billion with a B and has less than a 1/3 of number of cases. Countries are now banning Americans from traveling to their country. Embarrassing is right. https://us.search.yahoo.com/yhs/search?hspart=omr&hsimp=yhs-001&type=863138039¶m1=y6bdVFVIsvuYsgEClQfz8IfaIrULFWUA2DMVetLqXBrP3gi9K0k7QL0uqbojPKOCYRq9Fg6oiel%2FxHRp5HlVrHgnV4uk1QkmHJgQPnjuOPF7mD8P77x18bdmgmycomgrd1PtVc7S8vIcjOjZo2%2Bm15GokefepNPPLTlWW%2BXEo1fRNyYOX2olB7Jpkmud7aeCTAsFbQFM4vh5zycP8gZ4TbOW%2F%2BDlDFsXG%2FGbndgeYK4wwZJu%2FBOuYI9tKLCVhqz4nQE%2BaUL3cbMPncjkQP5LO0WJCsznNad6e4DRpDrb484%3D&p=coronavirus+new+zealand+update 1
SirAndrew Posted July 8, 2020 Posted July 8, 2020 4 minutes ago, Dopey said: Not from what I read. Also, India has like a billion people. Billion with a B and has less than a 1/3 of number of cases. Countries are now banning Americans from traveling to their country. Embarrassing is right. https://us.search.yahoo.com/yhs/search?hspart=omr&hsimp=yhs-001&type=863138039¶m1=y6bdVFVIsvuYsgEClQfz8IfaIrULFWUA2DMVetLqXBrP3gi9K0k7QL0uqbojPKOCYRq9Fg6oiel%2FxHRp5HlVrHgnV4uk1QkmHJgQPnjuOPF7mD8P77x18bdmgmycomgrd1PtVc7S8vIcjOjZo2%2Bm15GokefepNPPLTlWW%2BXEo1fRNyYOX2olB7Jpkmud7aeCTAsFbQFM4vh5zycP8gZ4TbOW%2F%2BDlDFsXG%2FGbndgeYK4wwZJu%2FBOuYI9tKLCVhqz4nQE%2BaUL3cbMPncjkQP5LO0WJCsznNad6e4DRpDrb484%3D&p=coronavirus+new+zealand+update How much testing does India do ? And how accurate do they keep tabs on Covid 19 death stats ? I’m not saying we’re doing a great job, but there is always more to everything than what meets the eye.
Mr. WEO Posted July 8, 2020 Posted July 8, 2020 1 hour ago, SirAndrew said: I get this, but I’m saying that many people don’t understand that, and it becomes dangerous when the public loses trust. Most scientific research isn’t consumed by the masses. This is the first issue in a long time where people are actually paying any attention to what science says. It would be better to use an abundance of caution, because we don’t know anything. It’s kind of like the question of whether children can spread the virus. Various organizations have said they can, some claim they can’t, and the CDC now says “we don’t have evidence that children are driving my the cycle of transmission” They never said children can’t spread the virus, they are just saying they don’t have evidence. If they discover the opposite, many people will feel as if they are being lied to (even though that’s not true) The truth is we don’t know much , and the only way to keep safe is taking precautions. We are stuck in a world of the twenty four hour news cycle. Every thought and idea comes out, and people don’t know how to properly consume it. That’s my point, sometimes people need less information in order to make them better understand an issue. I don’t think the information overload is making things better. I’m concerned too, I just think this virus is so common there is no stopping it. I don’t think there is much we can do at this point to stop most people from being exposed to it. It’s everywhere, and I think people are trying to make themselves feel better thinking we can stop it now. I believe in wearing masks and taking precautions, but I don’t think we can contain it, unless we want to be shutdown another year, then many of these same people are complaining about not having a job. There has been an abundance of caution and many people have listened to health leaders and intelligent government leadership. NYS has suffered more than any other....then the leadership and the population shut down the spread of this disease using the latest info as it became known. Contrast this with states led and populated by morons who endlessly insisted the disease wasn’t a big deal or “nobody knows anything for sure so we can do what we want”. Those states are filthy with pandemic. 3 1 2
HerdMenatlity1 Posted July 8, 2020 Posted July 8, 2020 2 hours ago, SirAndrew said: How much testing does India do ? And how accurate do they keep tabs on Covid 19 death stats ? I’m not saying we’re doing a great job, but there is always more to everything than what meets the eye. I wondered that myself. I work with someone who just got married in India in the spring and she says she doesn't think the numbers given reflect the true scope due to lack of testing for so long. She said the #'s will spike as testing picks up. She is of the opinion that for such an advanced country, why are we so behind the curve on this? She did say no pun intended. 1
RiotAct Posted July 9, 2020 Posted July 9, 2020 5 hours ago, Captain Hindsight said: New Zealand has ZERO cases. Don't give me this BS that we can't eradicate this. We absolutely can and are actively choosing not to because people can't be moderately inconvenienced by wearing a piece of cloth over our mouth and nose for less than an hour at wal-mart. Its embarrassing to watch holy oversimplication!
Hapless Bills Fan Posted July 9, 2020 Posted July 9, 2020 12 hours ago, SirAndrew said: He wasn’t “concerned” about practicing with a bunch of teammates in Florida. I just find that inconsistent. I’m trying not to voice any controversial Covid comments, but you’d think a guy who was “concerned” wouldn’t hang around a bunch of teammates with no masks. Kind of like Malcolm Jenkins saying he’s not sure if the season is safe, yet he’s marching in protests. Live your life, but I just like consistency. I’m all in favor of keeping people safe, but you can’t have it both ways. Well, there's several parts to assessing the consistency: 1) Was the group in Florida a smaller group than an entire team? Yes. Yes, it was. So a guy might have less concern getting together with a smaller group than with an entire team + support staff. So lower risk. 2) Was there the same degree of physical contact/closeness that there would be during a regular week of outdoor practice, much less a game? No. No, there was not - no DBs shadowing, no practice blocks. So lower risk. 3) What were they doing when not practicing? This could be higher, lower, or the same risk, depending, but 90+ sweaty guys showering and toweling off and changing in a relatively small space, then hanging out in meetings/training rooms etc all day is pretty close, prolonged contact 4) What has Diggs learned about covid-19 between the Florida practice session and his tweet? People can legit transition from being not concerned, to being concerned (or vice versa), in the face of new information. In fact this is the way it's supposed to work. 3
Hapless Bills Fan Posted July 9, 2020 Posted July 9, 2020 6 hours ago, Dopey said: Not from what I read. Also, India has like a billion people. Billion with a B and has less than a 1/3 of number of cases. Countries are now banning Americans from traveling to their country. Embarrassing is right. https://us.search.yahoo.com/yhs/search?hspart=omr&hsimp=yhs-001&type=863138039¶m1=y6bdVFVIsvuYsgEClQfz8IfaIrULFWUA2DMVetLqXBrP3gi9K0k7QL0uqbojPKOCYRq9Fg6oiel%2FxHRp5HlVrHgnV4uk1QkmHJgQPnjuOPF7mD8P77x18bdmgmycomgrd1PtVc7S8vIcjOjZo2%2Bm15GokefepNPPLTlWW%2BXEo1fRNyYOX2olB7Jpkmud7aeCTAsFbQFM4vh5zycP8gZ4TbOW%2F%2BDlDFsXG%2FGbndgeYK4wwZJu%2FBOuYI9tKLCVhqz4nQE%2BaUL3cbMPncjkQP5LO0WJCsznNad6e4DRpDrb484%3D&p=coronavirus+new+zealand+update India is probably not a good comparator because their testing rates are very low - only about 8 thousand tests per million population. The good news is that their positive test rate is also fairly low - 7% - but it's very probable that they are missing a lot of cases. Valid point that it is still embarrassing that so many countries are barring us because we refuse to take appropriate action to rein in covid-19 disease. I mean, Mexico closing its border to us for cripes sake? 1
transplantbillsfan Posted July 9, 2020 Posted July 9, 2020 12 hours ago, 123719bwiqrb said: Experts have been batting about 0.075 this pandemic season, so I wouldn't trust what their saying... Hello. Life must be really weird for you right now. You've been sleeping for the last 7 months, right? 7 hours ago, Captain Hindsight said: Shockingly, people can change their opinions once they learn more about this situation. In January, I went out to dinner with my parents and told my parents I thought this would all blow over in a few weeks. I now believe that was incredible incorrect and I'm worried about football season being played at all this year Can I just say perfect post from the perfect poster. 1 1
Hapless Bills Fan Posted July 9, 2020 Posted July 9, 2020 21 hours ago, SirAndrew said: I get this, but I’m saying that many people don’t understand that, and it becomes dangerous when the public loses trust. Most scientific research isn’t consumed by the masses. This is the first issue in a long time where people are actually paying any attention to what science says. It would be better to use an abundance of caution, because we don’t know anything. It’s kind of like the question of whether children can spread the virus. Various organizations have said they can, some claim they can’t, and the CDC now says “we don’t have evidence that children are driving my the cycle of transmission” They never said children can’t spread the virus, they are just saying they don’t have evidence. If they discover the opposite, many people will feel as if they are being lied to (even though that’s not true) This is a valid point. There has been too much ASSuming among scientists and pronouncing prematurely, then having to walk it back (and too much opining by people with medical degrees who really didn't treat much infectious disease, before they treated any covid-19). And you're right, the WHO's cautious way of phrasing things - we don't have evidence that antibodies prevent reinfection, we lack convincing evidence of aerosol transmission, etc etc etc etc - while it represents their attempt to be good, conservative scientists it's out-of-step in a pandemic situation and it does make people feel they're being misled when the organization walks it back. Quote I’m concerned too, I just think this virus is so common there is no stopping it. I don’t think there is much we can do at this point to stop most people from being exposed to it. It’s everywhere, and I think people are trying to make themselves feel better thinking we can stop it now. I believe in wearing masks and taking precautions, but I don’t think we can contain it, unless we want to be shutdown another year, then many of these same people are complaining about not having a job. I think that's bull####. The virus is no more common now in the states where it's running rampant than it was in NYC, in Italy, in Spain, and in several other countries at the height of their infections. But NYS and those countries took appropriate action and brought it under control. Ironically, the only thing the draconian NYS plan is doing....is actually FOLLOWING the US CDC guidelines on safe reopening. Which seem to be working so far. Manufacturing businesses that have been reopen 6 weeks now with 100% mask wearing are guess what, not seeing infections spread when they find an employee who was infected outside of work and has been working in the facility. Look at Sweden...they refused to shut down. Many Swedish people voluntarily reduced their travel and changed their habits so that caused loss of income for many businesses (plus of course the effects of a global economy)....their economy is just as bad as their neighbors, and their death rate is much higher, 5-10x higher than their neighbor countries. But now Denmark's economy is rebounding much faster as it has the disease under control. We are likely to see the same thing here. By pursuing the strategy "Don’t let the cure — locking down the economy — be worse than the disease it is preventing", we are chasing a mirage - we are likely to still have a poor economy and loss of jobs. Why? Per investment strategist Dhavid Joshi, who compared Sweden and Denmark, “The simple answer is that in a pandemic, most people will change their behavior to avoid catching the virus. The cautious behavior is voluntary, irrespective of whether there is no lockdown, as in Sweden, or there is a lockdown, as in Denmark,” Joshi said. “People will shun public transport, shopping, and other crowded places, and even think twice about letting their children go to school.” Sure, some people in USA are thronging bars and restaurants. But many are still cautious: working from home when they can, bringing their lunch if they must go to work; not shopping in stores; not taking vacations; not having non-essential work done inside their homes. I would probably do ALL those things if the state I live in was like NYS and not populated by a bunch of "mask is a personal choice"ers who won't wear masks. And (at least here) it's not the straight up "democrats vs republicans" thing it's portrayed. People in this neighborhood are concerned about getting sick and losing their job (no work, no pay) or incurring medical bills that would put them in debt, or infecting a family elder they help care for. They canceled their vacation; they socialize in a limited way with a few friends; they limit their shopping to essentials. Packed bars don't suffice to run the economy. 2 2
Ed_Formerly_of_Roch Posted July 9, 2020 Posted July 9, 2020 14 hours ago, Hapless Bills Fan said: Well, there's several parts to assessing the consistency: 1) Was the group in Florida a smaller group than an entire team? Yes. Yes, it was. So a guy might have less concern getting together with a smaller group than with an entire team + support staff. So lower risk. 2) Was there the same degree of physical contact/closeness that there would be during a regular week of outdoor practice, much less a game? No. No, there was not - no DBs shadowing, no practice blocks. So lower risk. 3) What were they doing when not practicing? This could be higher, lower, or the same risk, depending, but 90+ sweaty guys showering and toweling off and changing in a relatively small space, then hanging out in meetings/training rooms etc all day is pretty close, prolonged contact 4) What has Diggs learned about covid-19 between the Florida practice session and his tweet? People can legit transition from being not concerned, to being concerned (or vice versa), in the face of new information. In fact this is the way it's supposed to work. I'll add #5 to your list which IMO is the biggest difference. They were practicing at a point in time when things were getting better in most of the county numbers wise. Now things are heading out of control in many parts. 2
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