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Posted (edited)
20 minutes ago, oldmanfan said:

I think you misconstrued my percentage estimate.  I thought you meant the percentage of deaths from protestors in a given community, not for the overall country.  So take say say in LA where they had a lot of protestors,  that to me would be around 5-10% of the number of infections in LA at the very most.


The 150,00 deaths attributed to Corona should rightfully be attributed to the virus in my opinon.  I know the hospital network I work for does not fudge that stuff, or there'd be hell to pay when we get audited.   I'll give you an example of a friend from church who unfortunately died from Covid.  He had a recent bout of pancreatitis, and had some underlying respiratory issues (mild COPD).  Both of those were pre-existing conditions, but were managed very well with different medications.  But when he got the Covid virus, it kicked his respiratory issues into overdrive, and they in the end could not compensate for the added burden.  another example would be patients with diabetes, again a chronic condition but can be managed.  When they get hit with Covid though, Covid exacerbates the damaging effects of diabetes, in that diabetes is really a vascular disease, and Covid ravages the vascular system. 


I don't envy governmental leaders right now.  I agree some of the decisions don't make sense.  Like why in Nevada casinos can be open but churches can't.  I think if we all went along with the recommendations of hand washing, masks, and distancing, we' could go a long way in knocking this thing down.  But it seems clear that the public won't do that on their own (at least not in my city).  So I understand the mandates for masks, etc. - it sucks to be sure but they have the charge of the public health.  


I would rather focus on Covid, and really do not understand how that somehow gets conflated with the protests and such.  All I can say to that is I am pro-police, and I think saying defund the police is stupid.  Retraining the police, adding funds for that and for more social workers to de-escalate things before police need to come in, and using funds to get overstressed police counseling, or to increase training, I'm all for.  But I am also all for using the justice system to charge and imprison police that overstep things and criminally abuse their authority.  


Appreciate the dialog.  Don't mean to sound cranky with the other  guy, but I get tired of the insults.  Thanks for reminding me to be above that level of discourse.  



I'm trying, I really am.  I just revert back to what I know to be true:

  • Individual enterprises can be honest and truthful, but when you look at the massive amounts of money changing hands, there are inevitably organizations that do not follow the ethical path.  Hospitals are sales organizations, they just sell different products than Chipolte.  I'm sorry to hear you lost a friend (I have a friend who at age 54 was admitted to the hospital 4 days after I saw him--both maskless---in the early COVID days--he had a tough go but survived, no underlying health issues), and certainly would attribute your friend's death to COVID.  I am aware of a story where a friend in end stage cancer who was on hospice tested positive for COVID, and his death subsequently attributed to COVID.  I'd think that death was due to catastrophic organ failure that began before COVID was even a thought in our minds. 
  • Some people like to control other people.  It's a story as old as humanity.  It makes zero sense for a governor shutting down a state, destroying people's financial and emotional lives as they comply to NOT scream to the high heavens  "COVID SPREADS AMONG PROTESTORS. STAY AT HOME. STAY AWAY. YOU'RE KILLING PEOPLE!". 

Either the dead don't matter, or we're being manipulated for political gain.  


We agree on the police though--so that's something. 




Edited by leh-nerd skin-erd
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1 minute ago, bilzfancy said:

Just curious, how many on here wear a mask when they leave the house? Be honest

I do. Not in the car, but from condo to car and from car to office - yes. There are quite a few older people in my building and I have no intention of risking their health. I also use the stairs instead of the elevator for similar reasons. 

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3 minutes ago, bilzfancy said:

Just curious, how many on here wear a mask when they leave the house? Be honest

I don't wear a mask walking the dog, through a parking lot, at work when clients are not in. 

I do wear a mask when there is any person in my field of vision, when I enter stores, and when I'm setting treasured national monuments ablaze. ?

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I don't wear one playing golf, walking the dog, riding my bike, the only time I do is when I know I'll be around others, such as a store, but that's very seldom, and it's not that I think it's that effective but to avoid hassles and dirty looks. 

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2 hours ago, SlimShady'sSpaceForce said:




Stop being a wussy 

My question to you is what do we do people who refuse to wear masks? Are you going to arrest them? I ask this in all seriousness because at this point with or without a law people are generally wearing a mask and some are not just to be defiant. I personally wear my mask almost all the time I am outside my house but don't see an appropriate punishment for those who will not listen. 

2 minutes ago, Buffalo Timmy said:

My question to you is what do we do people who refuse to wear masks? Are you going to arrest them? I ask this in all seriousness because at this point with or without a law people are generally wearing a mask and some are not just to be defiant. I personally wear my mask almost all the time I am outside my house but don't see an appropriate punishment for those who will not listen. 

On the other coast here in Miami, it's a hundred dollar fine for first offense and goes up after that.

43 minutes ago, bilzfancy said:

IF he got it at the rally, zero proof that's the case since he was in Arizona and other places before and after the rally

So he could have been a spreader at Tulsa! 

9 minutes ago, Buffalo Timmy said:

My question to you is what do we do people who refuse to wear masks? Are you going to arrest them? I ask this in all seriousness because at this point with or without a law people are generally wearing a mask and some are not just to be defiant. I personally wear my mask almost all the time I am outside my house but don't see an appropriate punishment for those who will not listen. 

You can only hope that since most people do obey laws, especially sensible ones, most people will comply, those that don’t should just be looked at with scorn. 

  • Haha (+1) 1
21 minutes ago, bilzfancy said:

Just curious, how many on here wear a mask when they leave the house? Be honest


Only wear one indoors in public, not outdoors.  For the handful of occasions that have been at another's residence / private business will follow the "house rules" regarding masks (which is typically no mask) but still social distance.


Do social distance when around others outdoors but without mask.  Also try to be good about remembering to use hand sanitizer / hand washing after touching gas pumps, door handles, & the like.

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40 minutes ago, oldmanfan said:

I would have to look at the data on other corona viruses.  It is likely they did not receive as much research or attention; the current pandemic is much more damaging which attracts more research attention.  Not hat it makes that right.


Yes, it was not advisable to gather in large groups.  I did not condone that anywhere.  What I did say is that protests are outside which helped mitigate, and that in the walk I did outside everyone was asked to wear masks or not participate.  We had about 100 people total.  


How you do science is to make an observation, form a hypothesis to explain the observation, then do experiments and/or gather data to test your hypothesis.  That is the scientific method.  And yes, it should be used to address police shootings and other social issues.


If you agree why are you so offended?

9 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

So he could have been a spreader at Tulsa! 

You can only hope that since most people do obey laws, especially sensible ones, most people will comply, those that don’t should just be looked at with scorn. 


So, now shaming is good?  Thought you libs opposed that.  


What if the non-mask wearer has an underlying condition that precludes them from wearing a mask?  Do you find out 1st before you scornfully gaze upon them?

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2 minutes ago, Taro T said:


So, now shaming is good?  Thought you libs opposed that.  


He says people who don't obey sensible laws should be looked at with scorn.


Unless they're burning down black-owned businesses, destroying police cars and shooting nail-filled fireworks at federal agents. That should be cheered.

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4 hours ago, SectionC3 said:


Hoax.  Trump destroyed the economy and wasted millions of years of life of Americans by attempting to do such things as wishing the virus away (15 cases soon to be zero!), promoting baseless cures (hydroxychloroquine and direct-to-lung Lysol application will stymie the China virus!), undermining health experts who ostensibly did not pay someone to take their SATs for them, and eschewing, for personal gain, the simplest and cheapest solution to this mess: wearing a face covering in public.  


You support all of this.  Congratulations on all of the winning.  

You're an idiot and a liar. 

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50 minutes ago, bilzfancy said:

Just curious, how many on here wear a mask when they leave the house? Be honest


I have to wear one at work.


I will not wear on at big stores, I don't get close to people, thats not new.


If I go to locally owned stores I put it on because the shopping areas are smaller and it's harder to maintain distance.


I wear one in church because the dicktater says so

55 minutes ago, RiotAct said:

who did they ask?   A bunch of 3rd graders???




35 minutes ago, Taro T said:


So, now shaming is good?  Thought you libs opposed that.  


What if the non-mask wearer has an underlying condition that precludes them from wearing a mask?  Do you find out 1st before you scornfully gaze upon them?

Nope, just give them the dirty look anyway. 


Now, if someone goes into a store where masks are required, I'd call the police and have them arrested and fined. 

5 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

Nope, just give them the dirty look anyway. 


Now, if someone goes into a store where masks are required, I'd call the police and have them arrested and fined. 

So you would snitch on a fellow citizen? I can tell you aren't Italian

  • Haha (+1) 1
Posted (edited)
4 hours ago, leh-nerd skin-erd said:

Same question for you Cap. What divine intervention causes the virus to hover over tens of thousands of protestors—by now, more like millions—gathered arm and arm, yet targets 17 people socially distanced outside at a bar in Upstate NYwith laser focus, assuming of course they only ordered 25 chicken wings (hot, xtra crispy with extra blue) v a cheeseburger with a Caesar salad on the side? 

I think you’re right about the part about being in good hands though. 


There is nothing protecting the protesters other than a common sense that many Americans seem to lack when it comes to wearing masks. 


In addition, outdoor transmission isn’t as bad as indoor transmission. Seeing hundreds or thousands at these large political rallies (that the Democrats are not holding, btw) or these giant gatherings at places of recreation where no one is wearing a mask concerns me a heck of a lot more.


But yes, it’s undeniable that having large groups of protesters in the streets is less safe than having them all quarantine themselves at home. At the same time, the protests are organic and it’s impossible to expect them all to go home and wait out the coronavirus before picking up their protests again.


Let me put it this way: if a pandemic had occurred during the 60’s, would protesters of that time put the Civil Rights Movement on hold?


Bona fide organizations on the other hand... like, you know, political parties and the federal government... have that ability to organize themselves to fit the situation at hand. 

Edited by Capco
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1 hour ago, bilzfancy said:

Just curious, how many on here wear a mask when they leave the house? Be honest

100% me and my family. my daughter has an autoimmune disease and we arent taking any chances. If we are in stores around people not wearing them we simply walk away from them. Not going to make a big stink about it bit not going near them either. We still have not been out to eat. We do take out but that's our limit. 

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