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Covid 19 vs Trump

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July 16, 2020:  the US set a new record of 75,469 new Covid-19 cases.  According to his WH sycophants, Covid Donnie will address the pandemic next week.  He's apparently too busy this week trying to discredit Dr Anthony Fauci and hide Covid-19 statistics by funneling them through HHS rather than through CDC which has been responsible for gathering and publishing disease statistics for about 20 years.

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17 minutes ago, SoTier said:

July 16, 2020:  the US set a new record of 75,469 new Covid-19 cases.  According to his WH sycophants, Covid Donnie will address the pandemic next week.  He's apparently too busy this week trying to discredit Dr Anthony Fauci and hide Covid-19 statistics by funneling them through HHS rather than through CDC which has been responsible for gathering and publishing disease statistics for about 20 years.



Statistics that are now being weaponized out of context to stoke fear and expand control:




This is absolutely spot on and why that running death and "cases!" counter on CNN is a flipping disgrace.  


But totally indicative of the low info left's intelligence.  Or lack thereof.  Emotions over facts.




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6 hours ago, Big Blitz said:

"In Texas, more than 11,000 people died from flu and its complications during the 2017-18 flu season, including 16 children, the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) said."







Oh, current allegedly dead from Covid, 3500.  Allegedly.  


News flash:  opinions posted on Twitter are exactly that, opinions, and as we all know, like buttholes, everyone has one.


PS - Chuck Woolery apologized for his rant about "everybody is lying" above the coronavirus  on July 13 and then deleted his Twitter account after his son tested positive for Covid-19.




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Trump doesn't want scientific facts about the dangers of the virus to affect school openings.


Amazing that anyone thinks that way, yet his followers will come up with a way to defend it, because that's what they reflexively do.

12 minutes ago, SoTier said:


News flash:  opinions posted on Twitter are exactly that, opinions, and as we all know, like buttholes, everyone has one.


PS - Chuck Woolery apologized for his rant about "everybody is lying" above the coronavirus  on July 13 and then deleted his Twitter account after his son tested positive for Covid-19.





Pretty wild that a game show host is part of the discussion because of Trump.

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7 hours ago, Big Blitz said:

"In Texas, more than 11,000 people died from flu and its complications during the 2017-18 flu season, including 16 children, the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) said."







Oh, current allegedly dead from Covid, 3500.  Allegedly.  


Curious as to why the other pandemic's numbers are not similarly alleged, especially since diagnostics are far better, now.

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2 hours ago, T master said:


So please tell us what leader would have done any better in this situation -  Hypothetically of course ?

Huh...Magamerica has pretty much the worst Cv19 response in the first world

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14 minutes ago, TH3 said:

Huh...Magamerica has pretty much the worst Cv19 response in the first world

Have you ever considered that the massive protest/looting/violence/arson allowed by the soft Left has caused the virus to continue to spread? 

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9 hours ago, T master said:


So please tell us what leader would have done any better in this situation -  Hypothetically of course ?


Hillary, clearly. Biden too - his retroactive policy statements have been 100% accurate, while only using several months of hindsight.

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Part of the problem with Florida numbers right now is Orlando Health is either incompentent or being intentionally misleading. They have have several reports with bad information and have called at least 2 car accident victims Covid deaths. They also have at least one person listed as sick incorrectly. My friend went to the Orlando Health urgent care for a test and when the delay hit an hour without any update she left but still recieved paperwork a few days later saying she had Covid despite not taking test. 

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This was posted by a friend of my wife to mock conservative people. The best part is this person left FLA to visit NY and did not quarantine. I wanted to ask why Liberal areas are responsible for 75% of deaths if they care so much? My wife would not let me since it is her friends 


Man, all these doctors, nurses, microbiologists, immunologists, epidemiologists, and other researchers keep saying COVID-19 is dangerous, but all these people who barely passed science in high school keep saying it's not. It's so hard to know who to believe anymore.


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On 7/17/2020 at 10:41 AM, T master said:


So please tell us what leader would have done any better in this situation -  Hypothetically of course ?


Don't have to be "hypothetical" ... just look at the governors of New York (Cuomo) and Maryland (Hogan). 

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3 minutes ago, SoTier said:


Don't have to be "hypothetical" ... just look at the governors of New York (Cuomo) and Maryland (Hogan). 

33,000 dead in NYS alone, great job... Cuomo is one reason why people and businesses are leaving that state in droves. The 2nd worse run state in the country, though Washington and Oregon are catching up.

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3 minutes ago, bilzfancy said:

33,000 dead in NYS alone, great job... Cuomo is one reason why people and businesses are leaving that state in droves. The 2nd worse run state in the country, though Washington and Oregon are catching up.


New York got hit first, and lots of mistakes were made because of ignorance.   One of the things that Cuomo did right was mandate that all New Yorkers where a mask when outside their homes before any other governor did.    Unlike dumbasses like Trump and his sychophant DeSantis, Cuomo didn't declare victory in May and ignore the CDC's benchmarks for a safe reopening.  Consequently,  as of July 17, New York's 7 day average positivity rate is 1.2% from an average of 3.3 tests per 1,000 population while Florida's 7 day average positivity rate is 18.1% from an average of 3.0 tests per 1,000 population.   Johns Hopkins Testing Overview


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5 minutes ago, SoTier said:

Deaths from Covid-19

April 27, 2020  -   56,502

June 1, 2020    -   98,536

June 25, 2020  - 121,809

July 12, 2020   - 135,140

July 18, 2020   - 139,748


Projected Deaths by November 1, 2020  -  224546



Johns Hopkins Data Charts

Projections for Covid 19

How many of those actually died because of the virus, and not just with the virus?

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19 hours ago, SoTier said:

Deaths from Covid-19

April 27, 2020  -   56,502

June 1, 2020    -   98,536

June 25, 2020  - 121,809

July 12, 2020   - 135,140

July 18, 2020   - 139,748


Projected Deaths by November 1, 2020  -  224546



Johns Hopkins Data Charts

Projections for Covid 19


I've heard recently of numbers being inflated . One in particular was a guy that died in a motorcycle crash & died because of the crash but he had covid so they marked his death with covid deaths .


Remember too that the protests didn't effect any of the increase in cases they all had masks according to some .


Have heard other times of counts being as much as +10 over the actual amounts of deaths if that happens a couple hundred times across the US that's a lot . We will probably never know the exact amount .


I do know though Cuomo's sharp he's on top of it too you can bet on that especially his thing on putting the elderly back in their communities when they were the highest risk but he did say later that that was all Trumps doing so i got to believe him because he now has it under control .

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July 19, 2020 - Deaths from Covid-19 surpass 140,000 since March.


In an interview over the weekend with Chris Wallace of Fox News, Covid Donnie claimed ...

...But when you talk about mortality rates, I think it's the opposite. I think we have one of the lowest mortality rates in the world.

... Look, I take responsibility always for everything because it's ultimately my job, too. I have to get everybody in line.

Some governors have done well, some governors have done poorly. They're supposed to have supplies they didn't have. I supplied everybody.

... Many of those cases are young people that would heal in a day. They have the sniffles and we put it down as a test. Many of them -- don't forget, I guess it's like 99.7 percent, people are going to get better and in many cases they're going to get better very quickly.

... No country has ever done what we've done in terms of testing. We are the envy of the world. They call and they say the most incredible job anybody's done is our job on testing, because we're going to very shortly be up to 50 million tests.

...It's going to disappear and I'll be right.


FOX News Sunday interview transcript


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