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NFLPA recommends that players stop practicing together


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What’s the Vegas under over?

not on the season, on the election...

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29 minutes ago, DBilz2500 said:

The news, on both sides, is mostly just opinion. Very little actual truthful news anymore. So who knows what’s actually true or false about this virus ??‍♂️



If you seriously believe that, you need to start paying attention to the CONSENSUS of scientists---not politicians. Some (I use Fauci as the prime example) are not only long time respected experts in the field, but also have access to most every study and opinion. When confronting an issue for which you have no expertise, look to the BEST experts who have access to the best minds and research. You can always find an outlier or two, of course. But why pay attention to them, when there is very good data on outcomes. Places that put mandatory stay at home orders in place and those requiring masks are having much better outcomes than those who do not. And yes, you can always fine an outlier or situation that seems to contradict the consensus. But why focus on the trivial outliers unless you simply are someone who constantly looks for, and believes, information that confirms your personal bias?


Ignorance is different than stupidity. But staying purposefully ignorant is pretty damn stupid, IMO.

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5 hours ago, WhoTom said:



You both spelled "science deniers" wrong.

Man this whole time I thought the ground zero was Wuhan China ?‍♂️ !!! 
Thanks for educating us  !!! 

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I fear that we are doomed for this year. It will be like the moon landing, 9/11, Woodstock, the 2008 financial collapse, etc. It will be a milestone that helps to put life in perspective. Like it, or not. 

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5 hours ago, Hapless Bills Fan said:



Pssssst: what if I told you.... the difference is not China?



In that "What IF?" I'd ask "Why you are ***** for WHO (Wuhan Health Organization) for free?"


It is no coincidence biggest producer of masks post COVID-19 virus emergence is Hubei province, specifically its capital Wuhan.

Whats App traffic shows companies there preparing to ramp up producing of masks before virus was acknowledged by China's health Organization.

Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.

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49 minutes ago, ScottLaw said:

I think he means they got ahead of this thing a lot earlier then we did... back in March they had something like 6 cases and still went into complete lock down.... meanwhile we had a ***** ton of cases and you have guys like Trump downplaying everything and De blasio telling us to go out and have a blast around the town. ?

There is that. Similar issues in the UK but the PL just had their first games. 

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5 hours ago, DBilz2500 said:

I’m starting to come to the awful realization that an NFL season will almost be impossible to pull off. Thank you China for ruining that for us as well...


Couldn't agree more!!!!!!!!!  ?


56 minutes ago, BUFFALOBART said:

Listen to the Scientists...



Edited by wppete
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6 hours ago, Logic said:


The NFL had no offseason workouts in 2020, but plenty of players have worked out together on their own. The NFL Players Association officially has asked them to stop.

“Please be advised that it is our consensus medical opinion that in light of the increase in COVID-19 cases in certain states that no players should be engaged in practicing together in private workouts,” Dr. Thom Mayer, the NFLPA medical director, said in an email to all players, a copy of which PFT has obtained....




Does NFLPA recommend that they not collect money they would normally get for practices and are getting paid anyways?

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5 minutes ago, Limeaid said:



Does NFLPA recommend that they not collect money they would normally get for practices and are getting paid anyways?

Did you read the article? I'm gonna go ahead and guess you did not.

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5 hours ago, Hapless Bills Fan said:


New Zealand


South Korea KBO Baseball




Germany Bundesliga



Now what might differ between those countries and ours? 

Hmmmm  ?


Pssssst: what if I told you.... the difference is not China?


But what about freedom! Right?

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3 minutes ago, Logic said:

Did you read the article? I'm gonna go ahead and guess you did not.


Yes and no where is there anything about players not giving money back for practices they are not attending.


P.S. It was not much of an article.

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11 minutes ago, Limeaid said:


Yes and no where is there anything about players not giving money back for practices they are not attending.


P.S. It was not much of an article.

You may have read it, but perhaps you failed to comprehend it.

The NFLPA is suggesting that players not engage in PRIVATE, on-their-own practice sessions, outside of the scope of the official NFL offseason activities. 

As such, your comment about "giving money back" for "practices they are not attending" makes no sense and has no relevance whatsoever.


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2 minutes ago, Logic said:

You may have read it, but perhaps you failed to comprehend it.

The NFLPA is suggesting that players not engage in PRIVATE, on-their-own practice sessions, outside of the scope of the official NFL offseason activities. 

As such, your comment about "giving money back" for "practices they are not attending" makes no sense and has no relevance whatsoever.




You are expecting far too much from him. Not only reading, but comprehending.  That's a lot of work!

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2 hours ago, ScottLaw said:

I think he means they got ahead of this thing a lot earlier then we did... back in March they had something like 6 cases and still went into complete lock down.... meanwhile we had a ***** ton of cases and you have guys like Trump downplaying everything and De blasio telling us to go out and have a blast around the town. ?

Don’t forget Nancy with the bottle of vodka in her hand ,   telling everyone the water if fine & come to SF / China town parade !!! 

Edited by Putin
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7 hours ago, LeGOATski said:

Yeah, a lot of players train in Florida, AZ, CA, TX...it's probably best to exercise caution.

Just happen to be the hot spots of the US.  Josh and the gang need to shut it down. With OTA's lost and camp probably shortened, no one is going to have an advantage. The biggest challenge the NFL will have is the inability to create a bubble like the NBA. You will have players test positive this fall.

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1 hour ago, Limeaid said:


In that "What IF?" I'd ask "Why you are ***** for WHO (Wuhan Health Organization) for free?"


It is no coincidence biggest producer of masks post COVID-19 virus emergence is Hubei province, specifically its capital Wuhan.

Whats App traffic shows companies there preparing to ramp up producing of masks before virus was acknowledged by China's health Organization.

Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.


I’m sure you’ve come up with the reason why Taiwan, Singapore, Japan, and S. Korea were able to supply their citizens with masks and their HCW with PPE....


OH WAIT It’s not.  China hates Taiwan’s guts and wouldn’t sent ‘em a worn rubber chicken let alone cases of masks


My point is, if we can’t have sports this fall in US (and I hope we can) we can look in the mirror, because we had every bit as much warning as those countries.


We just didn’t make effective use of it.


Not being a tin-foil-hat type or a WhatsApp expert I won’t comment on your allegation, but it’s beside the point I’m trying to make - whatever China did, other countries responded effectively and are starting back up with the sports.  Meanwhile we never brought the epidemic under control and are starting back up with the cases.

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48 minutes ago, Putin said:

Don’t forget Nancy with the bottle of vodka in her hand ,   telling everyone the water if fine & come to SF / China town parade !!! 



There are not a lot of clean hands in this. But let's be clear. Pelosi did NOT have a bottle of vodka in her hand and did NOT promote a Chinatown parade or fair, as the president claimed. She did however, say to come to Chinatown and it would be safe. BTW, that was two days before SF's first confirmed Covid case.


Not defending anyone here. Just setting the record straight. Outright lies should be corrected ASAP, IMO.


For the record, since then SF has done a relativity great job compared to most populated cities in the US from what I understand.

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12 hours ago, Hapless Bills Fan said:


New Zealand


South Korea KBO Baseball




Germany Bundesliga



Now what might differ between those countries and ours? 

Hmmmm  ?


Pssssst: what if I told you.... the difference is not China?


Hapless, you beat me to it and personally thank you. Bilz, I understand you’re comment on China and yes, all information points to it starting there and not handled well by them in the beginning, but as Hapless points out, we didn’t handle this pandemic well at all and acted too slow and poorly so as a result, it has spread like wildfire here.  We tried to minimize and do very little until too late.


On a personal note, there must be TBD posters who are Chinese American on this board.  This hits home for me as my daughter, my Chinese American daughter who we adopted 16 years ago this month at 10 months ago after having two boys biologically has felt the pain of looking different.  She attended until the quarantine a Christian school down here.  Her classmates brutally teased her relentlessly that it was somehow her fault for the virus until my ex and I finally stepped in with the principal.  It stopped and then the quarantine started.  I had to see her come home sobbing a lot, even though she is normally a very happy easy going girl. Please don’t be narrow minded as my daughter is just as much an American as you or I.  

I don’t blame people from Africa for the terrible diseases that have some from there, nor I hope my ancestors didn’t blame people from Europe when the Spanish Flu that killed far more people than this virus.  I’m not upset, just asking consider you’re audience as many of us may have a connection to China like my last girlfriend who is a wonderful person.


Bottom line is we need to take the right steps to protect ourselves during these times.  I still believe we’ll have some sort of season, probably with no fans, and maybe truncated into say 10-12 games.  I understand the NFLPA’s stance, yet if the players want to practice together, it’s up to them and their families.  If they are smart they would take lots of precautions for example not taking a pic of the players there not six feet from each other like our guys.  It’s just another example unfortunately many young people not taking this virus seriously, and not keeping six feet.  The skill guys can if they work at it stay away from each other and use fresh balls where they have a young person wiping them down after each play.  Sounds silly, but this is the world we are in right now.


Lastly, not just them, but hope all of you stay safe, and I am painfully aware how hard this is on all of us in our daily lives and our wallets, but we have to do it to get this virus under some kind of control.

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13 hours ago, LeviF91 said:

Centralized power and strong borders? Like, NZ is a couple islands and South Korea has one border with a country they’re technically at war with. Not to mention the differences between East Asian societies and their view of government vs. western ideals. 

Meanwhile Germany is spiking in cases, not huge spikes but not surprising given they’ve been at least semi open since May. 

And of course, their combined populations are less than half that of the USA. 



Germany has strong borders? Please.


And yes, their combined populations are less than half that of the USA. But the USA has about 4.2% of the world's population and 26% of the world's coronavirus cases. The fact that we're doing worse than nearly anyone else at stopping this thing is not due to our population numbers. Nor is it due to our borders being more open that countries like Germany's, which they are not.


Oh, and as for Germany's "spiking in cases," Their highs for new cases were back in late March and early April, around 5K - 6K per day. They're now closer to 10% of that. Those "spikes" brought the infection rate up to 50 new infections per 100,000 people. How does that relate to the US rate?


There are many contributing factors, but probably the single biggest one was slow and poor reactions right at the beginning, which is the most crucial time in a pandemic.


We needed to listen to the scientists and doctors. We didn't. Bad decisions were made, and they were not restricted to one side of the political map.

Edited by Thurman#1
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