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Interesting read from Bills.com

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And I'm sure a bunch of you have seen it in Bills Digest I guess. But this is Chris Brown's timeline from last years draft:


On the Clock with the Bills


10:42AM – Donahoe takes a call. It’s a team calling back, and they’re not too interested in moving down to allow Buffalo to move up. They covet a player they don’t believe will be available if they slide back to Buffalo’s spot at 13.

11:32AM – Another call. It’s a team that is shopping their top pick to move out of the first round, but Donahoe doesn’t sound interested.

12 Noon – The room gets quiet as ESPN coverage begins.

12:08 – ESPN announces the possibility of Eli Manning going number one and Phillip Rivers going at four and then the two being swapped. Donahoe smirks.

12:11 – The room falls silent as Commissioner Tagliabue makes his tribute to Pat Tillman, the former NFL player killed in action in Afghanistan.

12:13 – When the tribute is over Mr. Wilson, who just walked in, asks Donahoe, “Did they pick yet?” Donahoe tells him the Chargers are still on the clock. Wilson turns to the room and says in an energetic tone, “1960… the Buffalo Bills first pick… Richie Lucas… Penn State! How about that?” The room breaks up as the team patriarch has successfully lightened the mood in the room.

12:25 – The Chargers select Manning. There’s no reaction in the room, until the boos come raining down on Manning in New York. Donahoe shakes his head in disappointment.

12:35 – Oakland takes Robert Gallery. A few eyebrows are raised among the scouts. They believed Roy Williams would be selected.

12:46 – Larry Fitzgerald is taken by the Cardinals.

12:54 – Carpenter relays that the Lions are at Cleveland’s table according to Hojnowski in New York.

12:58 – The Giants take Phillip Rivers. Is the reported deal on? Donahoe nods his head and says he thinks the deal is on.

1:07 – Sean Taylor is taken by Washington, and the room issues a collective “Oooh.” It’s because former coach Gregg Williams got a defensive player when most thought head coach Joe Gibbs would take an offensive player.

1:08 – Trade is consummated between the Chargers and Giants. The quarterbacks are swapped and the other terms of the trade are announced. A big “Oooh” goes up in the room. Donahoe is stone faced.

1:15 – Carpenter relays that Cleveland has moved up to Detroit’s spot at six and that it will be Kellen Winslow.

1:18 – Donahoe takes a call, with Cleveland on clock, and says during his phone conversation with another team, “Pittsburgh wants Roethlisberger.”

1:27 – Detroit takes Roy Williams.

1:33 – Donahoe takes another call from a team with a trade offer. He says, “We’ll call you,” and hangs up.

1:36 – Carpenter relays that Atlanta’s card is in. He says it will be DeAngelo Hall.

1:40 – Mood in the room begins to turn more serious. Donahoe and Modrak are pouring over their notes, occasionally glancing up at the television.

1:47 – Donahoe gets up from his seat and takes a look at the draft board. He looks at the quarterback and wide receiver positions and then glances at the defensive ends and defensive tackles on the opposite side of the board.

1:48 – Donahoe takes another call and hangs up a minute later. He tells Modrak that the team he just spoke to is trying hard to move up in the first round, offering two players and a third round pick, but Buffalo isn’t interested.

1:55 – Houston takes Dunta Robinson.

1:59 – Pittsburgh takes Roethlisberger. There’s no visible look of disappointment from Donahoe, and no noticeable reaction in the room.

2:05 – The Jets take Jonathan Vilma. Carpenter relays that Buffalo is on the clock. Wilson discusses defensive linemen, Donahoe discusses wide receiver. On their board there are three first round receivers left. Lee Evans is at the top, and he’s also the highest ranked player on the board. The two first round defensive tackles on the board are almost the same grade. Modrak looks up at the receivers. Mularkey talks about getting some speed opposite Eric Moulds. They discuss who is a better catcher. Donahoe asks Carpenter how much time they have. Carpenter tells him 10 minutes. Donahoe smiles and says, “Oh we’ve got a lot of time.” The room lets out a small laugh.

2:07 – Donahoe says to Vice President Scott Berchtold, “Get Lee Evans on the phone.”

2:08 – Berchtold dials Evans’ draft day phone number. The line picks up. Berchtold says, “Hi, is this Lee?” It is. Berchtold then asks Evans if he’s healthy since the last time they saw him. Evans says he’s fine. Berchtold hands the phone to Donahoe. “Lee, this is Tom Donahoe. How are you doing today?” says the Bills GM. “What did you think of your visit to Buffalo?” Evans says it was great. “Do you think you can make our team better?” Evans answers with a “Yes sir.” “Well we’re going to turn our card in and put your name on it so tell everybody to jump up and down and get very excited,” said Donahoe. “Congratulations.” Donahoe hands the phone to Coach Mularkey. “Lee, are you as fired up as we are?” asks Mularkey. “Are you ready to work?” Evans answers both in the affirmative. “I thought we might be able to see each other again,” Mularkey said. “Do you remember what we talked about? I’ll talk to you later in the week. Congratulations.”

2:11 – Paul Tagliabue announces the pick, “Lee Evans, wide receiver, University of Wisconsin.” The room applauds. Modrak and Donahoe walk over and shake hands with Majeski and the other scouts who are still seated.

2:25 – Donahoe, Modrak, and Mularkey leave the room to speak with the media about the selection of Evans.

2:26 – John Guy is busily working the phones. He’s been calling every team with a pick from 14-24 to see if any of them are interested in trading their first round pick. He’s informing each team of what the Bills would be willing to offer.

3:25 – Donahoe, Modrak, and Mularkey are back from their press conference and huddle with Guy as they discuss their efforts in moving back into the first round. Both New England and Dallas are interested, but nothing has happened yet, and New England with the 21st pick is on the clock.

3:34 – Carpenter relays that Vince Wilfork has been written on New England’s card.

3:36 – Wilfork is taken by New England.

3:38 – John Guy is on the phone with Dallas trying to consummate a deal. He hangs up the phone and talks with Donahoe and Mularkey. Donahoe gets a call on his cell phone and leaves the room. He returns a few minutes later.

3:48 – Donahoe takes a call from Dallas, consummating the trade to move up to pick 22. The Bills have two minutes to make the trade official with the league, and make the pick. Donahoe tells Berchtold to get J.P. Losman on the phone. Jim Overdorf squares away the terms of the deal with the league official over the phone.

3:49 – Scott Berchtold tries to get Losman on the phone, but he’s not answering. He tries a secondary number. No answer. Donahoe tells Hojnowski in New York to send the card up.

3:50 – Commissioner Tagliabue announces that the Bills have acquired the pick from Dallas, and have taken J.P. Losman.

3:51 – Berchtold calls Losman’s agent Gary Wichard. Wichard puts J.P. on the phone. Berchtold hands the phone to Donahoe. “J.P,. this is Tom Donahoe. Congratulations,” says Donahoe chuckling. “We know you are (happy) and we’re really excited to have you in Buffalo. Who are you with, your family? We’re thrilled it’s worked out for you. I’ve got some people who want to say hello to you.”

3:52 – Donahoe hands the phone to Mularkey. “J.P., hey, congratulations,” says Mularkey. “I hope you’re as excited as we are. I love your mentality and I am so anxious to get you up here and get you started. Enjoy this time because it’s a once in a lifetime thing. You’re going to help us, really help us.”

3:54 – ESPN’s Sean Salisbury says it’s a strong pickup by Buffalo. He calls Losman the most athletic quarterback in the draft. Donahoe responds by saying, “All right Sean,” while clapping enthusiastically.

3:58 – Mr. Wilson shakes hands with Donahoe and Mularkey. Modrak and Donahoe share a smile.

Buffalo’s weekend is just beginning.



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Yeah that is pretty interesting. I remember when they showed the video for the JP trade that was exciting as well. I thought it was interesting they were looking at defensive ends and defensive tackles perhasps they knew pat williams would be walking.

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1:48 – Donahoe takes another call and hangs up a minute later. He tells Modrak that the team he just spoke to is trying hard to move up in the first round, offering two players and a third round pick, but Buffalo isn’t interested.



I wonder what team was offering this, and what players it actually was.

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Here's a little snippet Drew apparently didn't hear:


3:52 – Donahoe hands the phone to Mularkey. “J.P., hey, congratulations,” says Mularkey. “I hope you’re as excited as we are. I love your mentality and I am so anxious to get you up here and get you started."

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