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Obvious police beating...

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Was this guy's face mangled as police say because he jumped from a third floor window or because of a run in with the cops after he killed a detective of with his own gun?


The only way his face got that messed up from jumping out the window, including the black eyes, was if he landed on the fists of every cop on the force, along with their service revolvers and night sticks!



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Was this guy's face mangled as police say because he jumped from a third floor window or because of a run in with the cops after he killed a detective of with his own gun?


The only way his face got that messed up from jumping out the window, including the black eyes, was if he landed on the fists of every cop on the force, along with their service revolvers and night sticks!





From the jump, of course. Had he not tried to escape, he wouldn't have received a beating.

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Was this guy's face mangled as police say because he jumped from a third floor window or because of a run in with the cops after he killed a detective of with his own gun?


The only way his face got that messed up from jumping out the window, including the black eyes, was if he landed on the fists of every cop on the force, along with their service revolvers and night sticks!




A possible sneak peak at Michael Jackson's prison photo?

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Looks like Baby Joe Mesi after his last fight......by the way.....the medical review board upheld their decision that Mesi should not fight anymore! tough luck Joe...but I don't want your life ending in the ring either!

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Man the police are always messing up. Why did'nt they kill the mothereffer?


I love this quote by the subhuman old lady.


""Oh my God, look what they did to him." Officers wrestled both women out of the courtroom as they screamed about a coverup and police brutality."

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What the heck kinda of "hair-do" does that moron have? It looks like some type of carpet. And I love the blood dripping on the protective mask - that is a nice touch. He should be thankful he is alive. Another prime example of ignorance breeding ignorance as evidenced by his mothers or aunts "cries" as they were escorted out of the police room. Would someone remind those idiots their "boy" killed someone. Ugh..

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Guy got less than he deserved.... lets see probably stabbed an 84 year old woman and definately killed a 50 year old cop.. The guy desrves to share a cell with Mikey Jackson with his hands tied while mike plys him with jesus juice!!!



He will be beggin for a beating after that!

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Mr. Carpio was in the news again this morning. He beat a correctional guard that was in his cell for a transfer, and broke a bone near his eye, broke his jaw, and cracked a vertabrae. Two other guards were treated for minor injuries.


I'm sure the mother will say it's police brutality. :lol: :lol:

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Not only did he jump out a 3rd floor window but when the cops finally caught up with him, he put up a vicious struggle.


From what I've read, it looks like he has some serious mental problems. He'll probably be deemed not fit to stand trial and sent to the local psych hospital for criminally insane.

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This lowlife is the poster child for the death penalty.


But no-- we will spend a fortune of tax dollars on his trials, feeding, care, and security instead.


Boston Globe: Man accused of killing detective attacked guards


The judge probably won't allow it into evidence because it's "opportunity violence" rather than "premeditated." That's what happens when you allow fuggin' lawyers to run the country.

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