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A neighbor dilemma


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I was reading an article this morning regarding rocker Ted Nugent's address at a recent NRA meeting, and I think if you follow the meat of his speech, you'll find your answer.


"Remember the Alamo! Shoot 'em! To show you how radical I am, I want carjackers dead. I want rapists dead. I want burglars dead. I want child molesters dead. I want the bad guys dead. No court case. No parole. No early release. I want 'em dead. Get a gun, and when they attack you, shoot 'em."


I'm not certain he was referring to neighbors, but hey...it's a technicality.

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If you do choose to do something less than legal, back off for a few weeks first. In other words, let him think you've given up and forgotten about his antics before you pour corn syrup into his tank.


You may also want to consider super gluing washers over his car keyholes.

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If you do choose to do something less than legal, back off for a few weeks first. In other words, let him think you've given up and forgotten about his antics before you pour corn syrup into his tank.


You may also want to consider super gluing washers over his car keyholes.



I prefer to stick the little nozzle of super glue right into the keyhole and squeezing. Much more effective, especially on garage door locks.

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Purchase the compressed gas airhorns, from Dicks. Blow them at like 11am when he is still sleeping. Or... simply talk to him like a decent guy without putting him of the defense. "Look, Whn i was your age i loved doing those things too, however I have kids, we can hear the cursing inside, and we all go to bed by midnight, so I would reallllly appreciate if you could tone it down. i know you have a right to do whatever, but it'd be cool. then buy him a pack of heineken..." It should work unless he's an outright DiK

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i think i would consider making a videotape of the offense in case it does escalate to a court proceeding. record a tv station with the time on it and continue recording as you go to the window to prove how late it night it is. and as for the vigilante 'sugar in the gas tank' trick, i saw that on Mythbusters (discovery channel) and it really doesn't work very well. if you want real damage, put BLEACH in the gas tank. very effective, not that i condone this sort of thing :D

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I would say almost the exact same thing >>


"Look, when I was your age I loved doing those things too. However I have small kids, we can hear the cursing inside, and we all go to bed by midnight. So I would really appreciate it if you could tone it down. I know you have a right to do whatever you like, but it'd be cool if you could be quieter.” Then buy him a pack of pure heroin and help him OD.

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Doesn't relate to your situation, but here is my 2 cents on neighbors....


The best neighbor one can have is an empty lot. I've never had a problem with my neighbors, but I'm just a "hi, how are you doing " kind of neighbor. I don't want to come have a beer on their deck and I don't want them showing up on mine. The biggest problem with becoming chummy with neighbors is that some of them don't know when they have crossed the line(where they never leave you alone) and you don't know until you let it get to that point.

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I was reading an article this morning regarding rocker Ted Nugent's address at a recent NRA meeting, and I think if you follow the meat of his speech, you'll find your answer.

I'm not certain he was referring to neighbors, but hey...it's a technicality.




And we want this guy as our kicker??!?

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I agree and right now I have those good neighbors on both sides. They do their thing. I do mine. I wave and say hello and it stops there. Some people would think I am bad for being that way but it makes the best of the limited privacy we have on our half acre lots. The neighbor on one side is there by himself. The folks on the other side have three little kids. The kids are angels and as a family they are hardly ever home.

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At least you have this crap to deal with: http://thewvsr.com/gargoyle.htm


My neighbors house was foreclosed upon. Dude lost his job. Was talking to the folks across the road this morning. They used to let the no-longer-neighbors kids pet-sit when they were out of town.


They had a bit of work done to their house last weekend, there were some construction types over for a good part of the morning. I asked what they had done...


1. The neighbors' daughter broke the bathtub screwing in it. This is what they were having fixed. He also told me that...

2. The broke his scanner while screwing on his desk. AFTER loading his computer up with all kinds of 'net porn.


You could have your neighbor's 16 year old daughter getting knocked up on your desk. Be glad you've only got exhaust!



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At least you have this crap to deal with: http://thewvsr.com/gargoyle.htm


My neighbors house was foreclosed upon.  Dude lost his job.  Was talking to the folks across the road this morning. They used to let the no-longer-neighbors kids pet-sit when they were out of town.


They had a bit of work done to their house last weekend, there were some construction types over for a good part of the morning.  I asked what they had done...


1. The neighbors' daughter broke the bathtub screwing in it. This is what they were having fixed. He also told me that...

2. The broke his scanner while screwing on his desk. AFTER loading his computer up with all kinds of 'net porn.


You could have your neighbor's 16 year old daughter getting knocked up on your desk.  Be glad you've only got exhaust!






OMG! I read that gargoyle part about a year ago, it's hilarious!!!

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At least you have this crap to deal with: http://thewvsr.com/gargoyle.htm


My neighbors house was foreclosed upon.  Dude lost his job.  Was talking to the folks across the road this morning. They used to let the no-longer-neighbors kids pet-sit when they were out of town.


They had a bit of work done to their house last weekend, there were some construction types over for a good part of the morning.  I asked what they had done...


1. The neighbors' daughter broke the bathtub screwing in it. This is what they were having fixed. He also told me that...

2. The broke his scanner while screwing on his desk. AFTER loading his computer up with all kinds of 'net porn.


You could have your neighbor's 16 year old daughter getting knocked up on your desk.  Be glad you've only got exhaust!






The neighbors daugheter broke the bathtup screwing in it? :w00t: That must one large woman!!!


I pissed my pants reading the gargoyle letters. ;);):w00t:

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I have a neighbor thats, well, he's an *.

"3 OR 4 IN THE MORNING" and he's reving his car ( which he has set up to sound like a 747) and having a grand old time with his buddies, with emphasis on the f-word every other word. He's clearly audible in my house and my kids dont need to hear this. My house stinks from exhaust fumes when he works on his car because he revs the sh*t out of it. His buddies bring their cars over and it looks like a used car lot. This is not an unusual circumstance. I've already spoken to him, and since I cant kneel on his chest and pound his head into a pulp, I'm looking for options. Yes, the police have been contacted but I'd like to get up close and personal. The kid is about 19, "NO DAD AT HOME and he makes his mom park in the drive so he can have the 2 car garage to himself.


No dad at home, Call Dr Phil, it seems he needs a HUG!

3 or 4 in the morning. VIDEO tape it EACH time it happens. Grin and Bear it till you get tape of the 3-4 am reving a couple of times. Then take it to the police.


Buddies working on cars, Is this kid running a garage!! Check zoning laws also with building inspector. One of my motorhead buddies had a building inspector stop by his house and told him to stop working on cars other than his own. He is in a residental zone (not buisness zone).

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I once lived next door to an a-hole with a wood chipper he used all the time.  One Saturday night he left it too close to our fence.  I put steel wool shavings in the gas tank about 2 AM and never heard it roar again. 


The guy also had a German Shepard that would bark at me when I was in my own back yard.  I fixed that dog problem.... kind of.  When the owner wasn't looking I would feed the dog Milk Bone Treats through the fence and I didn't even have a dog at the time.  It sure made the dog stop barking at me.  But when the dog would see me it would come over to the fence and sit in that doggie "I'm being good" posture.  When the owner was there I had to pretend I didn't see the dog doing that. I miss that dog.







Your neighbor..Trailor #90


P.A.B. :w00t:

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