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Ron Mexico and all the hype


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I am mowing the grass today and thinking about the upcoming season. Well Ron Mexico and the Georgia criminals have 3 Monday football games. The NFL is pushing old Ronnie on us. So I get inside to look at his stats, this guy hasn't even thrown for 3000 yards once in a seas (out of 4). He has a lifetime 76 career QB rating. Completes only about 50% of is passes. Oh and to top it off this guy makes Travis look like he uses stick'em.


If he is the future of the NFL, then the product on the field is going to be pretty bad for a few years.


It's kind of like the NBA, after Johnson, Jordan and Bird left, we got stuck with a career lifetime 40% free throw shooter as the best player, and a couple of promising high school kids. When guys like Ron Artest who basically sucks is a "known" name in the NBA then they are in trouble.


The NFL seems to be following in the NBA footsteps and that is a very bad thing.

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Watching Terrence McGee return a kick is the most exciting thing for me to watch in the NFL today....want to talk about a kid with "Football Speed" .....whoa baby...sure glad he is ours...


Mr. Mexico has nothing on this kid.


One question--if RM and his babe adopt kids are they New Mexico or Mexico, Jr...

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I am mowing the grass today and thinking about the upcoming season.  Well Ron Mexico and the Georgia criminals have 3 Monday football games.  The NFL is pushing old Ronnie on us.  So I get inside to look at his stats, this guy hasn't even thrown for 3000 yards once in a seas (out of 4).  He has a lifetime 76 career QB rating.  Completes only about 50% of is passes.  Oh and to top it off this guy makes Travis look like he uses stick'em. 


If he is the future of the NFL, then the product on the field is going to be pretty bad for a few years. 


It's kind of like the NBA, after Johnson, Jordan and Bird left, we got stuck with a career lifetime 40% free throw shooter as the best player, and a couple of promising high school kids.  When guys like Ron Artest who basically sucks is a "known" name in the NBA then they are in trouble.


The NFL seems to be following in the NBA footsteps and that is a very bad thing.



I feel your pain. Don't get confused between product and marketing. The NBA and it's marketing is one in the same. They play a playground game and market to kids and the inner city. ESPN controls all the prime time slots through Disney with ABC, so they are just co-branding by pumping Vick. They already have the "BO-YEAH" audience, and Vick's style of play suits that. To give Atlanta credit, they did make it to the conference final though.


Free agency is the NFL's biggest problem. You build pride through continuity and vice versa. That's why New England is so good. If you put their guys through the combine tests with the rest of the NFL, I bet they score near the bottom. They just work hard and for each other. Hopefully the Bills defense is at that point now, but I get nervous with all the kung-fu and bling bling celebrations because we hold a team to a 2nd and 7.

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after Barry Sanders suddenly left the NFL world, the league has been desperate for at least 1 truly exceptionally exciting player. Along comes Ronald South-of-the-Border. The guy jukes a few defenders, makes some scintillating plays, and the NFL hype machine jumps all over it.


I will say this.' He aint no Barry.

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I am mowing the grass today and thinking about the upcoming season.  Well Ron Mexico and the Georgia criminals have 3 Monday football games.  The NFL is pushing old Ronnie on us.  So I get inside to look at his stats, this guy hasn't even thrown for 3000 yards once in a seas (out of 4).  He has a lifetime 76 career QB rating.  Completes only about 50% of is passes.  Oh and to top it off this guy makes Travis look like he uses stick'em. 


If he is the future of the NFL, then the product on the field is going to be pretty bad for a few years. 


It's kind of like the NBA, after Johnson, Jordan and Bird left, we got stuck with a career lifetime 40% free throw shooter as the best player, and a couple of promising high school kids.  When guys like Ron Artest who basically sucks is a "known" name in the NBA then they are in trouble.


The NFL seems to be following in the NBA footsteps and that is a very bad thing.



Well your argument was fine until you said that Ron Artest "sucks" as a player. I guess averaging over 20 a game and being a top notch defender means you suck these days.


As far as character he does suck.

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I know everyone is on this Ron Mexico kick and i know he receives a lot of press, but i disagree with this post here. Yes, the NFL is using him as a marketing tool, and they should be. He is able to make plays that no one else in the league can make currently. And the fact he is a quarterback gives him more touches of the ball to do something exciting with it. His highlights over the past few years with his feet rival any other highlights in that same time span. I enjoy watching him play. If he had an elite arm with accuracy he would be an unstoppable QB. I think it is hard to not respect his talent and his ability to make plays from the QB position. Can you blame the NFL for marketing him? Would you blame the NFL for marketing Manning or any of its other elite players? Vick appeals to a different target marget than Manning and that is good for the league. The NFL is the best run, best marketed and most competitive league of the major sports. If i have to see commercials of Vick everyday in order to sell more tickets and merchandise to games, allowing the salary cap to increase for all teams allowing greater competition across the league, i am more than willing to do it.

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Even though it's a team game, Ron Mexico is a winner. He was 20-1 as a starter at VT. He is 24-12 as a starter in Atlanta, and while one can never say it is only him or not him, the team is 9-19 over that same time period when Ron Mexico is not a starter. He's exciting, win or lose. People want to watch him play, people want to watch him fail. Ron Mexico is a star with a capital STD, er, STAR. I see no problem with the NFL trying to up sagging MNF ratings by showcasing stars. MNF is a prime time show on a weeknight faced off against other prime time shows. Does CBS promote "Everyone Loves Raymond" with the brother or the parents or the wife even though they are all better actors? People want to watch stars, golf fans want to watch Tiger, the list goes on forever.

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Well your argument was fine until you said that Ron Artest "sucks" as a player.  I guess averaging over 20 a game and being a top notch defender means you suck these days.


As far as character he does suck.


But that is the point 20 PPG when MJ, Johnson and Bird was playing was not a star. Those three played defense as good as anyone in the league and averaged around 30 or more per game. Plus they got the assists, rebounds, etc...


Artest doesn't yet he gets name recognition. Yes the NBA sucks, Artest sucks, and the NFL sucks with some of the players they market.

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