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Passports needed for Fort Erie?

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Some do.  I'm too busy throwing crap. 


And that's an excellent demonstration of using a dictionary to obtain almost no meaningful understanding of a concept.  Exaggerating the importance of malaprops in determining intelligence isn't hyperbole because it's too subtle?   :D



No...I just think youre full of sh--.


Wait...maybe thats why youre always THROWING it.


Ahhhhh....NOW I get it!!!!!!

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Your number of ever ridiculous posts, unfortunately.



Ha! You're the cats pajamas Pots!


You wouldn't care to discuss this crucial issue for WNY and Southern Ontario now would you? It may not have anything to do with guns and taxes but it would be a major pain in the ass for those of us along the northern border.

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Ha! You're the cats pajamas Pots!


You wouldn't care to discuss this crucial issue for WNY and Southern Ontario now would you? It may not have anything to do with guns and taxes but it would be a major pain in the ass for those of us along the northern border.


Whaaaaaaaaaa! We'll have to carry a passport to go across the border. Whaaaaaaaaaaa! Ding! My Hot Pockets are done. I'm alot more concerned with the limitations of individual freedoms by our overwhelming government than I am about forcing people to have proper paperwork to get into this country from a place that has been notoriously lax about letting terrorists get in.


It'll affect Alaskans just as much, as we also share a border with Canada.

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Whaaaaaaaaaa!  We'll have to carry a passport to go across the border.  Whaaaaaaaaaaa!  Ding!  My Hot Pockets are done.  I'm alot more concerned with the limitations of individual freedoms by our overwhelming government than I am about forcing people to have proper paperwork to get into this country from a place that has been notoriously lax about letting terrorists get in.


It'll affect Alaskans just as much, as we also share a border with Canada.




Yeah I forgot about all that traffic crossing over to check out all the hot action in Yellowknife.

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Yeah I forgot about all that traffic crossing over to check out all the hot action in Yellowknife.




So because there are less people crossing from Alaska to Canada then there are from Buffalo to Canada, the people in Alaska dont really count in your eyes? Im sure some people there that cross the border from AK to Canada have needs just like anyone else. So what if there are less people, dosent make it less important.


Do what I did. Go get a passport. Smile for the little camera, Take it with you. Show it to them. Move on.


Is that so hard?

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So because there are less people crossing from Alaska to Canada then there are from Buffalo to Canada, the people in Alaska dont really count in your eyes?  Im sure some people there that cross the border from AK to Canada have needs just like anyone else.  So what if there are less people, dosent make it less important.


Do what I did.  Go get a passport. Smile for the little camera, Take it with you. Show it to them.  Move on.


Is that so hard?


It also ignores the fact that Alaskans and Canadians depend on one another at that border for survival AND that that crossing is the lifeline for many Alaskan communities to get goods. It's a significantly more important crossing to the little guy than the one in WNY, but let's let him continue to show how very smart he is.

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Whaaaaaaaaaa!  We'll have to carry a passport to go across the border.  Whaaaaaaaaaaa!  Ding!  My Hot Pockets are done.  I'm alot more concerned with the limitations of individual freedoms by our overwhelming government than I am about forcing people to have proper paperwork to get into this country from a place that has been notoriously lax about letting terrorists get in.


It'll affect Alaskans just as much, as we also share a border with Canada.


Well the poor people are going to be hurt as they don't have the money to spend on a passport so they can go to the ballet in Canada.

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So because there are less people crossing from Alaska to Canada then there are from Buffalo to Canada, the people in Alaska dont really count in your eyes?  Im sure some people there that cross the border from AK to Canada have needs just like anyone else.  So what if there are less people, dosent make it less important.


Do what I did.  Go get a passport. Smile for the little camera, Take it with you. Show it to them.  Move on.


Is that so hard?




Wait someone lives in Alaska? Who? This Darin person?

We'll have to find out if it effects him everytime he goes into Yellowknife.......or is it Whitehorse?

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Not sure if this was posted, but here you go:


Bush and Passports


Bush backs off passports for border travel

President orders review, says he was surprised by security move

The Associated Press

Updated: 9:43 a.m. ET April 15, 2005


WASHINGTON - Plans requiring passports from people entering the United States don’t pass muster with President Bush, who has ordered a review of this border security effort amid fears it would impede legal travel from Canada, Mexico and other U.S. neighbors.


The president said Thursday he was surprised by the proposed rules announced last week by the State and Homeland Security departments.


“When I first read that in the newspaper about the need to have passports, particularly today’s crossings that take place, about a million for instance in the state of Texas, I said, ‘What’s going on here?”’ Bush said when asked about the rules at a meeting of the American Society of Newspaper Editors.


“I thought there was a better way to expedite the legal flow of traffic and people,” he said.


Bush, a former Texas governor, said he has ordered a review of the rules. “If people have to have a passport, it’s going to disrupt the honest flow of traffic. I think there’s some flexibility in the law, and that’s what we’re checking out right now,” the president said.


“On the larger scale, we’ve got a lot to do to enforce the border,” he said.

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I was using a literary device called "hyperbole".  Look it up. 


And I've heard enough from people who would know to believe that Bush is pretty dull-witted, and even if he's not, the federal government in catering to the lowest common denominator of the American populace is pretty much designed to deprecate any intelligence that may exist in it...but that's not the point.  The point is that a lot of people who consistently rail against him for being an idiot are equally consistent in railing against him for being a clever schemer.  You really can't have it both ways; either the guy's dumb as a post, or he's not.


Now that's kind of curious to me, because you nearly always remark about how stupid he is. Could you give some idea of what people, and how they would know? If it would not betray anyone's confidence, of course. And I'm aware you have the same low opinion of, well, seemingly everyone's intelligence except yours. But after years of hearing nonsense about how 'stoopid' this or that Republican is/was, or how a particular Democrat is clearly the smartest to ever hold public office, I don't buy into any of it. I don't think either Bush or Kerry are geniuses, but I don't have any problem assuming they may both be slightly above the average level IQ for college graduates, say in the mid 120's somewhere.


BTW, most of the people who think they are smarter than Bush usually attribute the clever scheming to someone else (Rove, Wolfowitz, Cheney, etc).


Finally, I don't think it would be out of the question for someone with a BA from Yale and an MBA from Harvard that pursues a political career to make use of populist, folksy language - including some that may make you cringe - in an attempt to endear himself to common folk. I'm not saying this is the case, just acknowledging it would not be out of the realm of possibility. Because as John Kerry found, and by KRC's report the Libertarians appear to be figuring out, people don't vote for plans, they vote for people.

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Now that's kind of curious to me, because you nearly always remark about how stupid he is. Could you give some idea of what people, and how they would know? If it would not betray anyone's confidence, of course. And I'm aware you have the same low opinion of, well, seemingly everyone's intelligence except yours. But after years of hearing nonsense about how 'stoopid' this or that Republican is/was, or how a particular Democrat is clearly the smartest to ever hold public office, I don't buy into any of it. I don't think either Bush or Kerry are geniuses, but I don't have any problem assuming they may both be slightly above the average level IQ for college graduates, say in the mid 120's somewhere.



First...yes, I could name names. I could...but I won't.


Second, I never said anything about any particular Democrat. If, by particular Democrat you mean Clinton...my impression was that he's reasonably intelligent (though I don't even have second-hand information on that), but extraordinarily weasely and virtually incapable of taking a stand on an issue. Ditto John Kerry. To a limited degree, ditto Al Gore. Since you asked.


Thirdly...there's a lot of people on this message board alone whose opinions and intelligence I hold in high regard (John Adams, Mickey, AD, many others) - even higher than my own sometimes - not because I agree with them (JA and Mickey, I disagree with more often than agree with), but because they're capable of demonstrating a sound basis for their opinions. The problem is there's plenty of other people (Pete and beausox are two good current examples) who wouldn't know an informed opinion if it walked up and bit them in the ass...and even when I might agree with such morons, they're still morons. There's plenty of people I believe are smart, maybe even smarter than myself...I just don't feel compelled to respond to them too often, because they don't feel compelled too often to post arrant bull sh--.

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First...yes, I could name names.  I could...but I won't. 

I didn't think you would, but I always ask.


I do apologize if the rest of my post seemed directed at you. I didn't mean to imply you were saying 'GOP - Stupid, Dem - Brilliant!' - that thread is woven through TV and print/(and now, internet) media and op-ed, and I just got on a rant.

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Thirdly...there's a lot of people on this message board alone whose opinions and intelligence I hold in high regard (John Adams, Mickey, AD, many others) - even higher than my own sometimes - not because I agree with them (JA and Mickey, I disagree with more often than agree with), but because they're capable of demonstrating a sound basis for their opinions.  The problem is there's plenty of other people (Pete and beausox are two good current examples) who wouldn't know an informed opinion if it walked up and bit them in the ass...and even when I might agree with such morons, they're still morons.  There's plenty of people I believe are smart, maybe even smarter than myself...I just don't feel compelled to respond to them too often, because they don't feel compelled too often to post arrant bull sh--.



There is no topic more full of stinky stuff that the psychoanalysis of the message board by one poster and how s/he relates to the rest of the board. The only thing more tedious is the eventual point....and there always is that evental point....that writer is smarter than everyone else and/or above the fray.



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There is no topic more full of stinky stuff that the psychoanalysis of the message board by one poster and how s/he relates to the rest of the board. The only thing more tedious is the eventual point....and there always is that evental point....that writer is smarter than everyone else and/or above the fray.





All right, let me dumb it down for you: some people are smart. I respect them. You're not one of them.

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All right, let me dumb it down for you: some people are smart.  I respect them.  You're not one of them.



I didnt ask you for a clarification. I got what you meant. Now let me dumb it down for YOU: I could give a sh-- less what someone who models himself after an animal who throws sh-- and jerks off all day long thinks.


And Im not the !@#$ who forgot Rule #1 of posting on message boards: Subtely doesnt work. So go dig up some more "hyperbole".



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