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13 year old kills friend with baseball bat


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It seems a 13 year old pitcher was very upset after his team that had been undefeated winnng its first eight games lost their first game to a team with a one and six record.

The young man went to the food stand were his "friend" cut in front of him and teased him about losing the game. The 13 year took a baseball bat out of his bag and first attacked the boys legs and then stuck higher , killing his friend. After the boy was said to be found standing in shock with his parents.

Quote from article:



The boys had no history of fighting, said Tony Trevino, coach of the Dodgers, which had just defeated the suspect's team, the Angels, when the clubbing took place.


"That's what's so shocking and so appalling," he said. "What happened? What did we miss as a community? What did we miss as parents?"


Baseball Bat


Just maybe from day one as young people the biggest import is doing ones best and that when one has done their best their is no shame, if fact one who has achieved his best is a true winner.

A culture that raises people who win to heights of Gods and treats those who lose at games as something to be ashamed of at the youngest of ages ask what as a community and people they do wrong.

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This is what happens when you make the game about winning and losing at a young age. The game is meant to be fun for the kids.



I'm sorry but that's just bull sh--. I played little league baseball, we won and LOST games and I never clubbed anyone to death! Nor did anyone else in the league we were in.


Let's continue this idiocy where we shield our kids and tell them there are no winners and losers cause we wouldn't want to damage anyones self esteem. This way when theY enter the real world where there ABSOLUTELY ARE WINNERS AND LOSERS they be completely unprepared.


If my son does this at age 13, I've failed as a parent and I'm equally responsible.

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My brother was molested at St. Francis, lets not be narrow minded, D. :doh:


It has nothing to do with narrow mindeness and I wasn't advocating for Catholic or religious schools, either. You know better.


The reality is, our public school system and the overwhelming government intervention into our daily lives has made us less tolerant as a society while at the same time robbing us of our conflict resolution skills. The frustrations continue to build until something horrible happens.


Our friggin' state legislature is now going to pass "anti-bullying" legislation. That's certain to fix the problem better than putting the switch back into the hands of adults.

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I'm sorry but that's just bull sh--.  I played little league baseball, we won and LOST games and I never clubbed anyone to death!  Nor did anyone else in the league we were in.


Let's continue this idiocy where we shield our kids and tell them there are no winners and losers cause we wouldn't want to damage anyones self esteem.  This way when theY enter the real world where there ABSOLUTELY ARE WINNERS AND LOSERS they be completely unprepared.


If my son does this at age 13, I've failed as a parent and I'm equally responsible.



What children need be taught and the sooner the better is that the only shame is in a person not doing their best with what they are given those people are losers.

Our culture is full of people who are held up as winners , when in fact are the biggest losers of all.

It is possible to walk aff the field on the wrong side of a 4-3 score and be a winner and its also possible to walk off on the high side of a 4-3 score and be a loser.

A young man who feels such shame at losing to a lower team while many would admire as having the competitive fibre that is needed in real life is in fact being lead and taught in the wrong direction.

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It has nothing to do with narrow mindeness and I wasn't advocating for Catholic or religious schools, either.  You know better.


The reality is, our public school system and the overwhelming government intervention into our daily lives has made us less tolerant as a society while at the same time robbing us of our conflict resolution skills.  The frustrations continue to build until something horrible happens.


Our friggin' state legislature is now going to pass "anti-bullying" legislation.  That's certain to fix the problem better than putting the switch back into the hands of adults.





Point taken, and you know me well enough to know I agree. I was using a personal example of how there's not nesserally (sp) a difference between private and public schools. Though I agree with you on the private issue.


BTW, My brother kicked the sh&t out of the Priest so bad he had to be put into the Hospital. Nothing like a linbacker getting !@#$ with by a homo, God he beat the sh&t out of him. I remember the Photos. .........true story.

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Yeah, but he beat the sh&t out of him. It was different. it really never upset him, because, he beat the sh^t out of him. You may be missing the point.....



In that case, Good for your brother to beat the sh-- out of him. And I quote George Carlin about fencing off all sex offenders into a state, "We could outlaw religion and this problem would disappear within a few generations, but we don't have time to use rational thinking instead we send them to Kansas!!!"

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My brother was molested at St. Francis, lets not be narrow minded, D. :doh:



Let's not lump all private schools with Catholic ones, ok? Difference there. Most private school teachers are ALLOWED to marry or masturbate should the urge ever hit them when they are alone at home.

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Believe it or not I actually feel the worst for the kid who did the attacking with the bat. He has to live with this the rest of his life. I'll actually be surprised if he doesn't end up killing himself one day of depression if everyone isn't careful with him. :doh:

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Generation Ritalin. Thanks public schools.


Don't forget the parents. I have a little violent obnoxious 10 year old a-hole who lives next door to me who likes to punch and physically and verbally abuse kids much younger and smaller than him (including girls) - and everytime I confront the parents all I hear is excuses because he has ADD - like he's the victim. This story actually hits home with me - as I actually make sure my kids aren't playing baseball outside if this kid is around, or leave a bat laying around, because I actually believe this kid is capable of beating a kid to death.

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What children need be taught and the sooner the better is that the only shame is in a person not doing their best with what they are given those people are losers.

Our culture is full of people who are held up as winners , when in fact are the biggest losers of all.

It is possible to walk aff the field on the wrong side of a 4-3 score and be a winner and its also possible to walk off on the high side of a 4-3 score and be a loser.

A young man who feels such shame at losing to a lower team while many would admire as having the competitive fibre that is needed in real life is in fact being lead and taught in the wrong direction.


Well said Millbank.


Just look at the parents at a kid's game....tell me they're setting an example of good sportsmanship and accountability.

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Yeah, but he beat the sh&t out of him. It was different. it really never upset him, because, he beat the sh^t out of him. You may be missing the point.....



I remember you mentioning this in another thread. If you don't mind me asking, what year did it happen? I was there 87-91 and I don't remember ever hearing anything about.

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In that case, Good for your brother to beat the sh-- out of him. And I quote George Carlin about fencing off all sex offenders into a state, "We could outlaw religion and this problem would disappear within a few generations, but we don't have time to use rational thinking instead we send them to Kansas!!!"


So George Carlin has somehow managed to convince himself the only people who molest kids are religious? Maybe he did more drugs than I realized :D

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