oldmanfan Posted April 24, 2020 Posted April 24, 2020 8 minutes ago, 3rdnlng said: A treatment for the symptoms of Lyme disease is daily sessions in an infrared sauna. Unorthodox Alternative Therapies Marketed to Treat Lyme Disease Paul M. Lantos,1 Eugene D. Shapiro,2 Paul G. Auwaerter,3 Phillip J. Baker,4 John J. Halperin,5,6 Edward McSweegan,7 and Gary P. Wormser8 Author information Article notes Copyright and License information Disclaimer See "Editorial commentary: what constitutes appropriate treatment of post-Lyme disease symptoms and other pain and fatigue syndromes?" on page 1783. This article has been cited by other articles in PMC. Go to: Abstract Background. Some patients with medically unexplained symptoms or alternative medical diagnoses suspect that they chronically suffer from the tick-borne infection Lyme disease. These patients are commonly targeted by providers of alternative therapies. This study was designed to identify and characterize the range of unorthodox alternative therapies advertised to patients with a diagnosis of Lyme disease. Methods. Internet searches using the Google search engine were performed to identify the websites of clinics and services that marketed nonantimicrobial therapies for Lyme disease. We subsequently used the PubMed search engine to identify any scientific studies evaluating such treatments for Lyme disease. Websites were included in our review so long as they advertised a commercial, nonantimicrobial product or service that specifically mentioned utility for Lyme disease. Websites with patient testimonials (such as discussion groups) were excluded unless the testimonial appeared as marketing on a commercial site. Results. More than 30 alternative treatments were identified, which fell into several broad categories: these included oxygen and reactive oxygen therapy; energy and radiation-based therapies; nutritional therapy; chelation and heavy metal therapy; and biological and pharmacological therapies ranging from certain medications without recognized therapeutic effects on Borrelia burgdorgeri to stem cell transplantation. Review of the medical literature did not substantiate efficacy or, in most cases, any rationale for the advertised treatments. Conclusions. Providers of alternative therapies commonly target patients who believe they have Lyme disease. The efficacy of these unconventional treatments for Lyme disease is not supported by scientific evidence, and in many cases they are potentially harmful. Keywords: Lyme disease, Borrelia burgdorferi, alternative, complementary, unorthodox 1
Bob in Mich Posted April 24, 2020 Posted April 24, 2020 If any regular poster here made such stupid comments as Trumps disinfecting ideas from yesterday’s press conference, you folks would never let that person live it down. If it were me, there would be at least a dozen posts about cannabis rotting my brain. Go ahead though and keep making excuses for him. If anyone here doubted the Trump cult accusations, these defenses should erase those doubts 2 3
SoCal Deek Posted April 24, 2020 Posted April 24, 2020 Just now, Bob in Mich said: If any regular poster here made such stupid comments as Trumps disinfecting ideas from yesterday’s press conference, you folks would never let that person live it down. If it were me, there would be at least a dozen posts about cannabis rotting my brain. Go ahead though and keep making excuses for him. If anyone here doubted the Trump cult accusations, these defenses should erase those doubts We'll put you down as a 'no' vote in November then Bob. Thanks for playing. 1 1
oldmanfan Posted April 24, 2020 Posted April 24, 2020 1 minute ago, SoCal Deek said: People 'who are not trained in Science and Medicine' should not be testing home remedies....and the President didn't ask them to! By the way, those same morons should not be going to their doctors every day telling them they saw a commercial on TV for a fancy sounding medication that will cure their made up symptoms....yet every commercial on TV tells them to do just that. Presidents have the most powerful platform in the world. Throwing out half baked ideas, then telling his staff to research them, is irresponsible. It gives false hope to the public, and because there are supporters who believe his every word we can only hope that someone doesn't go out there and bake themselves in UV rays or drnk/inject some household disinfectant because of what they ehard yesterday. 2
Trump_is_Mentally_fit Posted April 24, 2020 Posted April 24, 2020 12 minutes ago, leh-nerd skin-erd said: This is a waste of time but I'll share it anyways. I learned not to drink bleach well before 5th grade, and I learned the number of states stands at 50 by the time I was 4. How did Barrack Obama get through high school, and complete is education at Harvard thinking there were 57 states? I learned to look before I leap when I was 6, how on earth did Barrack Obama think it wise to rashly jump into the fray and accuse the Boston PD of overt racism, and suggest his buddy was targeted solely because of the color of his skin, and think some bs pr rolled up-sleeve beer summit would rebuild trust between the American people and the police? It made him look emotionally vapid. I learned around the age of 21 that virtually every large financial transaction was rightly subject to scrutiny and oversight and typically was accomplished electronically. The problem, I understood, was that cash was untraceable, subject to skim, and frowned upon by both the banking industry and the US Government. Yet...when Obama acted unilaterally to return money to Iran, he went out of his way to avoid traditional banking rules, US regulations and common sense and loaded a cargo plane full of nickles, dimes and quarters and shipped it off to individuals who are commonly heard muttering "DEATH TO AMERICA". I'm uncertain how he missed the whole requirement for financial transparency. Maybe he's fiscally challenged? The fact is that Donald Trump graduated from a prestigious business school, made a fortune working in a world of payola, crooked schemes, organized crime, onerous regulation and a corrupt NYC and NYS government. Thereafter, he shocked the world with a grass roots run at the presidency that was well run, technologically sound, and successful beyond his widest dreams. Thereafter, he beat entrenched career politicians, a corrupt former administration, the democrat leadership, the FBI, the DOJ, elements of the Central Intelligence Agency, a team of a dozen former prosecutors with an unlimited budget and a hostile at a game no one could ever imagine he could win. By contrast, Mitt Romney buckled because he used to drive his car with a dog on the roof, he kept resumes of potential recruits for key leadership rolls in his business, and because he correctly stated that 50% of the American electorate would never vote for him. Hillary Clinton was undone because she thought there were only 3 states that mattered, she deleted emails, and she thinks she's the only woman in America not bullied by her husband into voting for racists. I never underestimated Barrack Obama because he thought there were two extra Dakotas, that Washington DC was a state and California had broken off into three separate parts. I think it's silly to underestimate Donald Trump (again). Have at it all you want with this issue, but just remember when push came to shove, the experts predicted a massive number of dead and dying in the street, and in a time when unprecedented leadership by a strong hand was required, the Trump administration delivered and many, many thousands of lives were saved as a result. You can thank him later, at the ballot box. In contrast, we found that in a state like NY, with dem leadership across the board, we quickly discovered chaos, anarchy, a lack of preparedness, and no true plan to address the needs of the people of the state. Thank God for Trump, huh? LOL, and he still sucks. Stupid people elected him, he's a good rabble rouser, congrats. He is also Individual Number One. Jail!
Q-baby! Posted April 24, 2020 Posted April 24, 2020 (edited) 3 minutes ago, Bob in Mich said: If any regular poster here made such stupid comments as Trumps disinfecting ideas from yesterday’s press conference, you folks would never let that person live it down. If it were me, there would be at least a dozen posts about cannabis rotting my brain. Go ahead though and keep making excuses for him. If anyone here doubted the Trump cult accusations, these defenses should erase those doubts Yep, instead of saying “wow, that was stupid.” They are looking for ways this could “possibly” help and in turn, making themselves look just as moronic. Love it! ??? Edited April 24, 2020 by Q-baby! 3
Scraps Posted April 24, 2020 Posted April 24, 2020 8 minutes ago, SoCal Deek said: I couldn't agree more Scraps. Let's not look into a communication tool where people can talk with each other all of over the world in real time by just typing into a keyboard. Let's not look into getting electricity from the sun. Let's not put people into aluminum tubes, and have them fly all over the world. And....let's not inject people with little radioactive isotopes to cure cancer! Yeah....none of that will EVERY POSSIBLY work. Your talking about proven technologies versus abject stupidity to make your point? 1
leh-nerd skin-erd Posted April 24, 2020 Posted April 24, 2020 3 minutes ago, Bob in Mich said: If any regular poster here made such stupid comments as Trumps disinfecting ideas from yesterday’s press conference, you folks would never let that person live it down. If it were me, there would be at least a dozen posts about cannabis rotting my brain. Go ahead though and keep making excuses for him. If anyone here doubted the Trump cult accusations, these defenses should erase those doubts Bobby--how are you doing in Michigan? Hope you're doing well and riding out the storm. 1
BillsFanNC Posted April 24, 2020 Posted April 24, 2020 There are chemotherapies that use toxic drugs that are encapsulated inside liposomes which are conjugated/tethered to an antibody that will target the drug payload to specific tissues. They inject this into people. Did Trump have this in mind when he made his comment? Very unlikely, but it's not unheard of to inject toxic compounds into human beings in this way and something similar to this strategy could very well be under consideration by real, actual scientists. 1
SoCal Deek Posted April 24, 2020 Posted April 24, 2020 1 minute ago, oldmanfan said: Presidents have the most powerful platform in the world. Throwing out half baked ideas, then telling his staff to research them, is irresponsible. It gives false hope to the public, and because there are supporters who believe his every word we can only hope that someone doesn't go out there and bake themselves in UV rays or drnk/inject some household disinfectant because of what they ehard yesterday. I'm sure you're right. We never want to give 'false hope' to the people. That is unless we base our entire political campaign on "Hope and Change" like the last circus clown did. Right, Old Man? 1
Buffalo_Gal Posted April 24, 2020 Posted April 24, 2020 3 minutes ago, Scraps said: Some things are just to stupid to spend even a second of serious consideration. Injecting people with disinfectant is one of them. Maybe. Maybe not. Heck, I get needles in my eye. If you had told me 30 years ago someone was gonna stick a needle in my eye to help heal it, I'd have told you you had a screw loose. Sounds like a lot of you would still be staring at that mold on a piece of bread. It is a wonder there are any innovations in science and technology.
leh-nerd skin-erd Posted April 24, 2020 Posted April 24, 2020 2 minutes ago, Tiberius said: LOL, and he still sucks. Stupid people elected him, he's a good rabble rouser, congrats. He is also Individual Number One. Jail! If you think he's in jail, you need to get out more.
SoCal Deek Posted April 24, 2020 Posted April 24, 2020 1 minute ago, BillsFanNC said: There are chemotherapies that use toxic drugs that are encapsulated inside liposomes which are conjugated/tethered to an antibody that will target the drug payload to specific tissues. They inject this into people. Did Trump have this in mind when he made his comment? Very unlikely, but it's not unheard of to inject toxic compounds into human beings in this way and something similar to this strategy could very well be under consideration by real, actual scientists. That same crazy therapy SAVED MY MOTHER'S LIFE! But no....there's no way it could work against Covid 19. Why? Because President Trump asked about it. 2
leh-nerd skin-erd Posted April 24, 2020 Posted April 24, 2020 38 minutes ago, Tiberius said: LOL Because Cuomo would take "his" spotlight, It's all ego driven with Trump Trump aside, based on the outbreak, failure to act, failure to contain and lack of preparedness over his tenure as governor---Cuomo has failed cataclysmically. You're limited in your vision, that's one of the reasons why you run toward a sexual predator like Biden while claiming to run away from Trump.
billsfan1959 Posted April 24, 2020 Posted April 24, 2020 54 minutes ago, Tiberius said: LOL, snowflake melting You are right, some posters do seem to be having a meltown over this. Like this guy: 59 minutes ago, Tiberius said: He's a ######. He can say anything and you guys would say he said the opposite. He belongs in jail. Total loser 47 minutes ago, Tiberius said: He's just an idiot. Babbling idiot. Your president. You guys should be made to pay for pushing this POS on the country. 47 minutes ago, Tiberius said: Got Bleach? Bleach bleach bleach! Trump said drink bleach, how pathetic ? 1
oldmanfan Posted April 24, 2020 Posted April 24, 2020 (edited) 11 minutes ago, SoCal Deek said: I'm sure you're right. We never want to give 'false hope' to the people. That is unless we base our entire political campaign on "Hope and Change" like the last circus clown did. Right, Old Man? I am not going to discuss anything political here, other than to say Obama is not the president right now. Trump is the president right now, and the response to this pandemic is on him. And he put out something completely irresponsible yesterday. And yes, you do not, in the midst of a pandemic, want to give out false hope to the people. What people need right now is data, they need realistic and sober assessments of the current status of things. They need to know when they can be tested, how we can use testing to go forward, how we can start getting back to normal while also respecting the infectiveness of this virus. They do not need pie in the sky insane ideas just thrown out there. I am a scientist.. Science works. Seeing the complete lack of understanding of science throughout this pandemic so far is disheartening. People claiming for example that the epidemiologists said 1-2 million would die, and then using the current 60k as somehow meaning the epidemiologists were engaged in some conspiracy or wrong, when the precise reason why the death rate has been held down is because we have buy and large listened to the advice of our epidemiologists and infectious disease experts and used appropriate sheltering and social distancing policies to do so. Edited April 24, 2020 by oldmanfan 2
Bob in Mich Posted April 24, 2020 Posted April 24, 2020 7 minutes ago, leh-nerd skin-erd said: If you think he's in jail, you need to get out more. I saw Cohen was sent home to do his time with in-home confinement. How does that differ from all the rest of us? We should all get ‘pay it forward’ credit toward future prison sentences 1
oldmanfan Posted April 24, 2020 Posted April 24, 2020 6 minutes ago, SoCal Deek said: That same crazy therapy SAVED MY MOTHER'S LIFE! But no....there's no way it could work against Covid 19. Why? Because President Trump asked about it. I'm glad your mom was successfully treated. The targeted therapy using monoclonals and liposomes was also the product of decades of experimentation and clinical trials and such. Hardly the same as what was intimated yesterday. 1
Trump_is_Mentally_fit Posted April 24, 2020 Posted April 24, 2020 3 minutes ago, billsfan1959 said: You are right, some posters do seem to be having a meltown over this. Like this guy: I'm laughing and you and Trump. How in the world you guys got this clown elected is unreal. Well, paying hush money accounts for some of it.
Buffalo_Gal Posted April 24, 2020 Posted April 24, 2020 Just now, Bob in Mich said: I saw Cohen was sent home to do his time with in-home confinement. How does that differ from all the rest of us? We should all get ‘pay it forward’ credit toward future prison sentences Here's hoping none of us need it. ?
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