SoCal Deek Posted April 5, 2020 Posted April 5, 2020 4 minutes ago, daz28 said: My grandfathers grandfather was alive and well when slavery was legal, and I hold a lot of the things that he taught my grandfather dear, so it's not as long ago as you might want to believe. If you want to go back to a time when many people on this board were alive, we can discuss the civil rights battles of the 60's. These are facts that have no right/left leanings, so maybe you ought to slow your roll. If you don't like the facts I post, you can use your ignore feature. I don't come here to argue my opinion, because it's not worth any more than anyone elses. You’re more than welcome to your opinion and your personal story....but you shouldn’t make the mistake of projecting it onto others life experiences. And yep, I remember the 1960s. Thanks for reading.
Gene Frenkle Posted April 5, 2020 Posted April 5, 2020 52 minutes ago, Kevbeau said: Agree with you in principle, but my personal feeling is the 90% is way too high. WAAAAYYYY too high. 1
Bob in Mich Posted April 5, 2020 Posted April 5, 2020 1 hour ago, Buffalo_Gal said: That's some world class revisionist history, Bob. Maybe you would like to read the timelines posted in this thread about when Trump "got off his ass." And, I am not certain why you think it is a-ok for Cuomo to criticize Trump/the Trump administration for their help and support during this crisis, and President Trump should allow his administration to be disparaged. That is nuts. Trump fights. He is fighting the "msm," the Democrats, and people like you willing to spread a false narrative, constantly. Want to know what his supporters like best about Trump? He fights. Trump has been overly concerned with appearances over reality at every turn. He chooses to look like he solves a problem over actually solving it whenever possible. He made a couple of good yet unpopular decisions closing travel from China early on and won't let anyone forget about it. He spends 15-20% of his time self congratulating. OMG if I hear one more time about how smart he was, ..... Yes, he made that decision. He did good. Since then, he has been his typical idiotic self however. If I can post the following post three weeks ago why has he still not realized that is what needs to be done? I also posted about making and using cloth masks weeks before Trump. Why didn't he kick things into gear weeks ago, if not months? Answer: appearances. Ok, the expert opinions were all over for a while but Jesus Christ, if I can post on this board about practical ideas to help weeks ago, why has the administration been so slow? Answer: fear of appearances. And, no one should have to kiss this President's ass in order to get him to do his ***** job. The people of Michigan should not be punished because Governor Whitmer spoke the truth to this highly flawed fool that is in charge. If where I worked I saw a manager taking criticism personally and acting so foolishly, I would go over his/her head to report the behavior. It is not how an organization should operate. Again, Trump should do his ***** job and that surely includes accepting criticism On 3/15/2020 at 5:06 AM, Bob in Mich said: From what I have read, the trained medical personnel, ICU beds, and the ventilators (respirators) seem to be the limiting resources when hospitals get overwhelmed. If we could do enough national testing to determine which areas are likely to go hot first, shouldn't we try to get additional resources to those areas? I don't know how long the 'extra' help would be needed and so this may not be practical, but couldn't we mobilize military transport planes and temporarily shift resources around from quiet areas to the hot spots? Once an area slows, the resources (people, beds, ventilators) are sanitized and moved to the next hot spot. I am unsure how many machines or volunteers could be manufactured or accumulated as I am sure states or even hospitals would be reluctant to loan out anything if they fear an imminent outbreak in their region. Widespread testing though could help in the determination of impending hot spots. Would something like this be helpful or even doable? 1 1
Taro T Posted April 5, 2020 Posted April 5, 2020 22 hours ago, RochesterRob said: Well, of course you can source seed from numerous sources. But what if the restriction grows from the neighborhood store to catalog or online sources which is in essence my joke? Before COVID-19 I would have said impossible as to not being able to buy or plant seed. In the last week we have politicians such as DiBlasio saying that places of religious worship should be closed permanently. By the way who is DiBlasio sending out to tell the Muslims that the mosques will never reopen should a permanent ban come to be? Under the surface there appears to be quite a number of socialists or communists ready to take charge should society at present fail. A starving population no doubt is a willing population in their minds. By the way Kudos to your gardening and livestock efforts. Hopefully, you will take the next step in terms of vegetable staples such as potatoes and sweet corn. Not as fancy and impressive as raised beds but gives you some control over the bulk of your food supply. Lastly, as of this morning on the local home improvement radio show plants for vegetables and fruits are NOT prohibited at this point in time for NY. Unless he has a lot of land to devote to the garden, would stay away from planting corn. For whatever reason, unless the field is pretty substantial, the yield will be poor. The plants just don't seem to pollinate/ germinate well unless they're well surrounded with other corn plants.
OldTimeAFLGuy Posted April 5, 2020 Posted April 5, 2020 50 minutes ago, Boatdrinks said: Unfortunately , the LSM won’t allow the POTUS to pull the country together , and express dismay if a poll shows he has support. It is also unfortunate that many believe the drivel and are pretty much too dumb to tell. They’ve been conditioned to believe in wokeness, gender fluidity, shaming of Caucasians and that America is systemically racist. They won’t change the channel ;rather they will regurgitate the garbage they are force fed daily. ...shouldn't there be a bronzed plaque erected in Washington, perhaps on the Capitol steps saying , "The Beltway 535 never lets a "crisis go to waste"?....absolutely LOVE sending my SIX figure tax tab to Washington and my FIVE figure tax tab to Big Fredo here in NYS.....and here I am at AGE 67 STILL I tell my kids, "I'll expire before I can retire"...... 2
billsfan1959 Posted April 5, 2020 Posted April 5, 2020 (edited) 34 minutes ago, Tiberius said: What about that? Is she president? Did she get the national security council meetings and ignore them? Nope Trump did, then said it was all a hoax. She sure as hell did. The Democrats are in charge of the House Intelligence Committee. Don’t tell me Schiff and Pelosi didn’t get essentially the same information that Trump did. If you don’t believe that, then you don’t want to believe that. You didn’t hear the word “coronavirus” from a single Democrat, In regard to anything anyone should be concerned about until a month or so after Trump formed his task force - The end of February into March. They had the power to call anyone they wanted to testify before them about how serious this was and what they should do. Instead, they chose to spend that time pushing an impeachment. Trump never said the coronavirus was a hoax. You know that. Your hatred and rage doesn’t allow you to separate your emotions from reason. Trying to engage in any kind of honest dialogue with you is pointless. Edited April 5, 2020 by billsfan1959 3 1
RochesterRob Posted April 5, 2020 Posted April 5, 2020 1 minute ago, Taro T said: Unless he has a lot of land to devote to the garden, would stay away from planting corn. For whatever reason, unless the field is pretty substantial, the yield will be poor. The plants just don't seem to pollinate/ germinate well unless they're well surrounded with other corn plants. I've planted sweet corn in an area 1/2 acre down to the size occupied by a full sized extended cab PU. The corn came out the same with generous size ears with excellent flavor and sweetness. Corn needs a soil pH of near neutral or 7.0. Needs abundant amounts of nitrogen, phosphate, and potassium which can be applied ahead of seeding to be utilized during the growing season. Seasonal rainfall should be around 15-20 inches per season or water 1" per week in temps 85 degrees or below. Corn likes sunlight as well as heat so do not plant in an area that will be shady a majority of the day when the Sun is up. Also, there should be some depth to the topsoil so shale 2 inches down from the top of the ground will be a problem. Stagger planting so maturity is spread so you can have a crop 70 days from initial planting until expectation of frost. One caveat is at least the best sweet corn is until mid-September as the days tend to cool after that point. Potatoes have similar needs to corn with emphasis on loamy top soil several inches deep. The deeper the better but the conditions can be offset by a process called hilling where the soil is moved mechanically from the midpoint between the rows towards the plant. 3
shoshin Posted April 5, 2020 Posted April 5, 2020 (edited) Ugh to all of this nonsense. Like the gardening talk though. Edited April 5, 2020 by shoshin
Trump_is_Mentally_fit Posted April 5, 2020 Posted April 5, 2020 10 minutes ago, billsfan1959 said: She sure as hell did. The Democrats are in charge of the House Intelligence Committee. Don’t tell me Schiff and Pelosi didn’t get essentially the same information that Trump did. If you don’t believe that, then you don’t want to believe that. You didn’t hear the word “coronavirus” from a single Democrat, In regard to anything anyone should be concerned about until a month or so after Trump formed his task force - The end of February into March. They had the power to call anyone they wanted to testify before them about how serious this was and what they should do. Instead, they chose to spend that time pushing an impeachment. Trump never said the coronavirus was a hoax. You know that. Your hatred and rage doesn’t allow you to separate your emotions from reason. Trying to engage in any kind of honest dialogue with you is pointless. Prove she did. We know Trump did, yet he called it a hoax. You are saying she is just as bad as Trump. Right? Nancy changed her tune, Trump kept on spewing nonsense. Pelosi's response to this crisis way better than Trump's. Remember when she offered $8 billion in aid and Trump refused that even? Not even close
Taro T Posted April 5, 2020 Posted April 5, 2020 5 hours ago, ALF said: We didn’t have to have ventilator shortage — leaders chose not to prep for pandemic It’s a little late. Several years ago, after learning that the Empire State’s stockpile of medical equipment had 16,000 fewer ventilators than the 18,000 New Yorkers would need in a severe pandemic, state public-health leaders came to a fork in the road. They could have chosen to buy more ventilators to back up the supplies hospitals maintain. Instead, the health commissioner, Howard Zucker, assembled a task force for rationing the ventilators they already had. In 2015, that task force came up with rules that will be imposed when ventilators run short. Patients assigned a red code will have highest access, and other patients will be assigned green, yellow or blue (the worst), depending on a “triage officer’s” decision. In truth, a death officer. Let’s not sugar-coat it. It won’t be up to your own doctor. Did Cuomo ever explain why he didn't buy more ventilators after the 2015 NY report ? Doubt it. But NOW is not the time to be hammering him on that decision. There will be plenty of time to review what decisions got us to this point and how to make better decisions to better handle (and ideally avoid) the next crisis. But the time for postmortems is when the crisis is over, not during it. 1
daz28 Posted April 5, 2020 Posted April 5, 2020 Him saying it was a hoax was misconstrued, but he DID say he thought that the media and the Democrats were happy this was happening. That was incredibly dumb. Sure, both sides will use this politically. He'll try to say he did the most tremendous job of any president ever, and that we were lucky to have him. They will try to say he mishandled it, but NO ONE is happy about this. That's absurd.
Buffalo_Gal Posted April 5, 2020 Posted April 5, 2020 34 minutes ago, Bob in Mich said: Trump has been overly concerned with appearances over reality at every turn. He chooses to look like he solves a problem over actually solving it whenever possible. He made a couple of good yet unpopular decisions closing travel from China early on and won't let anyone forget about it. He spends 15-20% of his time self congratulating. OMG if I hear one more time about how smart he was, ..... Yes, he made that decision. He did good. Since then, he has been his typical idiotic self however. If I can post the following post three weeks ago why has he still not realized that is what needs to be done? I also posted about making and using cloth masks weeks before Trump. Why didn't he kick things into gear weeks ago, if not months? Answer: appearances. Ok, the expert opinions were all over for a while but Jesus Christ, if I can post on this board about practical ideas to help weeks ago, why has the administration been so slow? Answer: fear of appearances. And, no one should have to kiss this President's ass in order to get him to do his ***** job. The people of Michigan should not be punished because Governor Whitmer spoke the truth to this highly flawed fool that is in charge. If where I worked I saw a manager taking criticism personally and acting so foolishly, I would go over his/her head to report the behavior. It is not how an organization should operate. Again, Trump should do his ***** job and that surely includes accepting criticism You know Bob, when people dunk on you, I sometimes feel they are being too harsh. I have changed my opinion. You deserve what you get. 1 1
daz28 Posted April 5, 2020 Posted April 5, 2020 5 minutes ago, Taro T said: Doubt it. But NOW is not the time to be hammering him on that decision. There will be plenty of time to review what decisions got us to this point and how to make better decisions to better handle (and ideally avoid) the next crisis. But the time for postmortems is when the crisis is over, not during it. I agree. For every person saying Cuomo should have got the ventilators in 2015, there's another saying Trump said it was unprecedented and there's no way you could have seen this coming. You can't have it both ways.
Bob in Mich Posted April 5, 2020 Posted April 5, 2020 4 minutes ago, Buffalo_Gal said: You know Bob, when people dunk on you, I sometimes feel they are being too harsh. I have changed my opinion. You deserve what you get. We live and we learn. I have learned your opinions are not well informed and that you are quite stubborn Want to tell us all again how this virus is no big deal? 1
Buffalo_Gal Posted April 5, 2020 Posted April 5, 2020 Just now, Bob in Mich said: We live and we learn. I have learned your opinions are not well informed and that you are quite stubborn Want to tell us all again how this virus is no big deal? My opinions are not well informed? M'kay. I have not changed my opinion much on this virus. Again though, I have qualified my opinion before by saying that there may be more going on that TPTB have not allowed the general public to know, and that makes me hesitate in a firm opinion (IOW I am willing to learn, can you say the same?) With over 150 countries closing their borders, and the Chinese lying and lack of forthcoming, it does make me wonder what we are not being told? What is still unknown? IOW, without all the data (and some of the numbers are shifting and will continue to do so), it is difficult to make a final judgement. 1
CommonCents Posted April 5, 2020 Posted April 5, 2020 3 minutes ago, Buffalo_Gal said: My opinions are not well informed? M'kay. I have not changed my opinion much on this virus. Again though, I have qualified my opinion before by saying that there may be more going on that TPTB have not allowed the general public to know, and that makes me hesitate in a firm opinion (IOW I am willing to learn, can you say the same?) With over 150 countries closing their borders, and the Chinese lying and lack of forthcoming, it does make me wonder what we are not being told? What is still unknown? IOW, without all the data (and some of the numbers are shifting and will continue to do so), it is difficult to make a final judgement. Do you think there is something we aren’t being told? I have no idea, it does all seem surreal though.
IDBillzFan Posted April 5, 2020 Posted April 5, 2020 43 minutes ago, Taro T said: Unless he has a lot of land to devote to the garden, would stay away from planting corn. For whatever reason, unless the field is pretty substantial, the yield will be poor. The plants just don't seem to pollinate/ germinate well unless they're well surrounded with other corn plants. Appreciate this. We have five acres, but the garden and coop comprise a 35'x35' area. We are going to do potatoes, mostly because they're easy to grow but also because my son loves the movie "The Martian." We also have an apple tree, but are preparing to add a couple of more for the reasons you cite above about the corn. My neighbor has 5 acres next to mine, and we plan to bring in some cows and make use of the 10 acres for our own beef, but also to sell. The goal was never to come here to become as self-sufficient as possible. The garden was my wife's way of ensuring everything we eat is our own. But she looks really, really smart right now and I have no intention of suggesting it was just a lucky call on her behalf.
Taro T Posted April 5, 2020 Posted April 5, 2020 33 minutes ago, RochesterRob said: I've planted sweet corn in an area 1/2 acre down to the size occupied by a full sized extended cab PU. The corn came out the same with generous size ears with excellent flavor and sweetness. Corn needs a soil pH of near neutral or 7.0. Needs abundant amounts of nitrogen, phosphate, and potassium which can be applied ahead of seeding to be utilized during the growing season. Seasonal rainfall should be around 15-20 inches per season or water 1" per week in temps 85 degrees or below. Corn likes sunlight as well as heat so do not plant in an area that will be shady a majority of the day when the Sun is up. Also, there should be some depth to the topsoil so shale 2 inches down from the top of the ground will be a problem. Stagger planting so maturity is spread so you can have a crop 70 days from initial planting until expectation of frost. One caveat is at least the best sweet corn is until mid-September as the days tend to cool after that point. Potatoes have similar needs to corn with emphasis on loamy top soil several inches deep. The deeper the better but the conditions can be offset by a process called hilling where the soil is moved mechanically from the midpoint between the rows towards the plant. Have always had excellent luck w/ potatoes and never any w/ corn. Not sure of the soil pH or nutrient levels (the garden is decent sized for a home garden (1,200 sq ft) but working it is a hobby so don't go too crazy on it) but have the rest of that. Corn is one of only 2 crops I've tried that haven't been successful with. Was always told by corn farmers that it was because the plots were too small. And not too concerned about the soil conditions as we literally have corn field within a block of us in all 4 directions and pretty much any other crop does well in our little garden. If you're able to grow corn successfully on a 8' xv6' plot, then congrats. That is quite impressive.
daz28 Posted April 5, 2020 Posted April 5, 2020 This looks like some promising numbers. Finally some good news: New York also reported fewer hospitalizations on Saturday than it had in days prior, with 574 new admissions reported on April 4. As Cuomo reviewed at the start of Sunday's address, there were 1,095 new hospitalizations on Friday and 1,427 on Thursday. 1
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