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The Next Pandemic: SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19


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Every State has a model like this. 


The UVA model last one I saw updated in early June had VA between 5000 and 10000k new cases a day.   


Minnesota is currently at 1500 deaths btw.  





"Just wear the dam mask!!!!!"   

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1 hour ago, wppete said:



If it were real why would you have to lie? Wake up everyone. There have been a lot of big hoaxes the last 50 years or so but this one is the biggest as hurts everyone (except govt, tech, Walmart and Amazon). I used to laugh at people walking around in 100 degree heat with face diapers on. Now they just make me angry because they are complicit in this control op. They are the problem. 

Edited by Dante
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1 hour ago, bilzfancy said:

We live in a 55 and over community, and haven't changed the way we live at all. I still play golf a few times a week, we go to the pool, out to eat, bike ride etc. The hospitals here are doing fine, but some of the labs around the state have been reporting many false positives, so may are getting retested. Also the is no reporting on if someone died with the virus, or because of the virus. Most of the deaths here are people over 75 and if you check deaths year by year, including 2020 to date, you won't see much difference. I'm not saying not to take this seriously but I do think it's being way overblown and being an election year makes it so, in my opinion.


Where in Florida, If you don’t mind me asking? My dads folks were in one of those places in Sarasota for years. Absolutely lovely!


42 minutes ago, TH3 said:

I see the Trump info and spin machine is working quite well

Ah yes, instead of engaging like an adult, let’s plug our ears and go “lalalalala” until the bad people and their facts leave. 


Edited by whatdrought
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7 minutes ago, Big Blitz said:

Every State has a model like this. 


The UVA model last one I saw updated in early June had VA between 5000 and 10000k new cases a day.   


Minnesota is currently at 1500 deaths btw.  





"Just wear the dam mask!!!!!"   

That's the problem. All this nonsense is based on a worse case scenario model. And why believe numbers put out by known liars?? Damn you got more chance of being killed by a bear in MInnesota than by this thing.

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6 minutes ago, whatdrought said:


Where in Florida, If you don’t mind me asking? My dads folks were in one of those places in Sarasota for years. Absolutely lovely!


Ah yes, instead of engaging like an adult, let’s plug our ears and go “lalalalala” until the bad people and their facts leave. 


A little south of Sarasota, Ft. Myers, yeah, great place, no kids, and it's not that I don't like kids but.....

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26 minutes ago, bilzfancy said:

Not sure what you mean, I just gave my opinion, had nothing to do with our president


Let me explain. When you express an opinion that a leftist does not agree with, you're a Trumpian who lies to protect the president.


People unable to think for themselves often struggle with people who can. Independent thought is foreign to leftists...an oddity...an ancient myth...like personal accountability. And Keyser Soze.

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1 hour ago, RochesterRob said:

He and his brethren feel personally threatened by Trump for some reason.


1 hour ago, IDBillzFan said:


Let me explain. When you express an opinion that a leftist does not agree with, you're a Trumpian who lies to protect the president.


People unable to think for themselves often struggle with people who can. Independent thought is foreign to leftists...an oddity...an ancient myth...like personal accountability. And Keyser Soze.

Let’s see...autocratic leader rearranging federal command chain to control message....unlabeled soldiers taking govt protesters into custody....


The exact stuff you preach against and here you idiots sit....parroting and retweeting the WH message and you can’t even see how brainwashed you have become


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48 minutes ago, shoshin said:

The bots are out tonight. Nice!



I can assure you that I'm not a bot, I just don't believe the numbers, they can be manipulated any way you want. All news outlets have an agenda, whether liberal or conservative, and they'll tell you what they want, true or not, it doesn't seem to matter anymore. Call me a cynic, and I may be, but I go back to my old friend, Marvin Gaye and " believe half of what you see, and none of what you hear"

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Listen, in the middle of the deadliest pandemic of all times*, with 100s of thousands dead, with millions of Americans livelihoods completely destroyed, and 10s of millions of kids were about to permanently ruin----I think if I belonged in any, some, or all of those groups, what I really want to see right now, is the point man on combatting this pestilence, on the cover of In Style magazine, sitting by his in ground pool, enjoying another lovely day of being a 1 percenter, while we the little people merely suffer a little "inconvenience."




*Its a really bad flu in which almost half our deaths were people who's next flu could have taken them out.  Or a motorcycle accident.  

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and yet many in this country still want schools to fully open up . 1 out of every 3 children tested in Florida were positive. but because kids aren't dying the white house thinks it's perfectly safe. not even considering the catastrophic outcome it could put on parents/teachers/communities as a whole. 



28 minutes ago, Big Blitz said:

Listen, in the middle of the deadliest pandemic of all times*, with 100s of thousands dead, with millions of Americans livelihoods completely destroyed, and 10s of millions of kids were about to permanently ruin----I think if I belonged in any, some, or all of those groups, what I really want to see right now, is the point man on combatting this pestilence, on the cover of In Style magazine, sitting by his in ground pool, enjoying another lovely day of being a 1 percenter, while we the little people merely suffer a little "inconvenience."




*Its a really bad flu in which almost half our deaths were people who's next flu could have taken them out.  Or a motorcycle accident.  


oh for ***** sake. enough with the fear mongering. 


what kids lives are being ruined because they missed out on 1 year of schooling? Americans seriously need to grow a pair, this country is literally the most spoiled in the world. and the fact you are actually still calling it a "bad flu" shows how misinformed and ignorant you are. 


please no one take this persons take on anything seriously. he has just exposed himself 

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3 minutes ago, Penfield45 said:



and yet many in this country still want schools to fully open up . 1 out of every 3 children tested in Florida were positive. but because kids aren't dying the white house thinks it's perfectly safe. not even considering the catastrophic outcome it could put on parents/teachers/communities as a whole. 



Complete bullschiff, I live in Florida and those numbers aren't even remotely close......USA Today another bastion of truth

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1 hour ago, TH3 said:


Let’s see...autocratic leader rearranging federal command chain to control message....unlabeled soldiers taking govt protesters into custody....


The exact stuff you preach against and here you idiots sit....parroting and retweeting the WH message and you can’t even see how brainwashed you have become


You are wrong on both accounts.

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45 minutes ago, bilzfancy said:

Complete bullschiff, I live in Florida and those numbers aren't even remotely close......USA Today another bastion of truth

They cited state data.  That's actually good news for herd immunity purposes that a third of kids tested positive and only 4 of 16,797 children died from it (.02% death rate - lower than the flu).  

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1 hour ago, Penfield45 said:



and yet many in this country still want schools to fully open up . 1 out of every 3 children tested in Florida were positive. but because kids aren't dying the white house thinks it's perfectly safe. not even considering the catastrophic outcome it could put on parents/teachers/communities as a whole. 




oh for ***** sake. enough with the fear mongering. 


what kids lives are being ruined because they missed out on 1 year of schooling? Americans seriously need to grow a pair, this country is literally the most spoiled in the world. 


please no one take this persons take on anything seriously. he has just exposed himself 



This person definitely exposed himself as white, privileged, and definitely of means.....and most definitely does not have kids.  


Please tell our students from low income impoverished families many with only one parent--that statistically are in minority communities; tell them "to grow a pair and they won't be set back missing 1 year of school (it is going to be 18 months minimum)."



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