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The Next Pandemic: SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19


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32 minutes ago, westside2 said:

When you shut everything down for months at a time, the economy is bound to collapse no matter how strong it is.

All these free things you want aren't actually free. You do know this right? Someone has to pay for it. As far as starting new wars, what war has Trump started in the last four years? 

Do you know how much money the country spends on Iraq and Afghanistan? Billions of dollars, yet you want us to pay more? 

What about defunding/disbanding the police? You never answered that question? I wonder why?


I believe the police need better training and better education. invest in that. 


Why do we spend money in Iraq and Afghanistan? Why are we not focusing on helping our own people instead of tearing down middle eastern countries for oil and our own political agenda? 


Any 1st world country should have the ability to provide free healthcare, and they do...except America. We are the richest country to ever exist yet the question is always asked "who is going to pay for it". There is more than enough money to fund universal healthcare 

Edited by Penfield45
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21 minutes ago, Penfield45 said:


Any 1st world country should have the ability to provide free healthcare, and they do...except America. We are the richest country to ever exist yet the question is always asked "who is going to pay for it". There is more than enough money to fund universal healthcare 


First of all, “any first world country” is not a standard.

Second, as has been stated many times, free healthcare (or anything) isn’t free. Either you’re confiscating money from one person to give to another or conscripting a person’s labor to perform medical services, or both. 

Third, the idea that you would just take taxpayer  money spent on one thing and spend it on another is absurd. Every single dollar should first go back to the taxpayer. I agree with less intervention, but I want those dollars back to the taxpayer and to pay down the federal debt. Not to fund communist wet dreams. This is precisely the problem with massive federal governments, people lose touch with taxpayer dollars because the numbers are so large and decision makers so distant. It becomes incomprehensible people, which makes it easier for those in power to abuse. 

Fourth, I’m assuming the goal of universal healthcare is so that people have better, healthier lives. If that’s really what you want, the focus should be on lifestyle not drugs and hospitals and massive government takeover of the healthcare industry so it can create an even more Byzantine “industrial medical complex”. 90% of chronic diseases are caused by lifestyle and choices. If you really want to improve health care outcomes, then people should be eating better, exercising, and practicing stress management. Period, end of story. 

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42 minutes ago, Penfield45 said:


I believe the police need better training and better education.

Per your own vile racist words, you also believe “all black people are dumb as hell”. 

So who gives a flying !@#$ what a racist communist asshat thinks about anything? Your existence down here is only to be a cat toy now that you exposed your inner racist. And you’ll get tossed around by everyone like you were the most popular guy on cell block C. 

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7 minutes ago, dubs said:


First of all, “any first world country” is not a standard.

Second, as has been stated many times, free healthcare (or anything) isn’t free. Either you’re confiscating money from one person to give to another or conscripting a person’s labor to perform medical services, or both. 

Third, the idea that you would just take taxpayer  money spent on one thing and spend it on another is absurd. Every single dollar should first go back to the taxpayer. I agree with less intervention, but I want those dollars back to the taxpayer and to pay down the federal debt. Not to fund communist wet dreams. This is precisely the problem with massive federal governments, people lose touch with taxpayer dollars because the numbers are so large and decision makers so distant. It becomes incomprehensible people, which makes it easier for those in power to abuse. 

Fourth, I’m assuming the goal of universal healthcare is so that people have better, healthier lives. If that’s really what you want, the focus should be on lifestyle not drugs and hospitals and massive government takeover of the healthcare industry so it can create an even more Byzantine “industrial medical complex”. 90% of chronic diseases are caused by lifestyle and choices. If you really want to improve health care outcomes, then people should be eating better, exercising, and practicing stress management. Period, end of story. 


you do realize your taxpayer money for the last 20 years has been going towards funding war crimes in the middle east, bombing innocent children, and america purchasing billions of dollars worth of military equipment that they don't even use. 


the reason why americans are so unhealthy is because they don't have ACESS to these type of things. 

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11 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:

Per your own vile racist words, you also believe “all black people are dumb as hell”. 

So who gives a flying !@#$ what a racist communist asshat thinks about anything? Your existence down here is only to be a cat toy now that you exposed your inner racist. And you’ll get tossed around by everyone like you were the most popular guy on cell block C. 

Obviously you care... attacking everyone in sight as it’s been a really bad year for Trumpy.


Keep up the good work conman.  

Edited by BillStime
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Just now, Penfield45 said:


you do realize your taxpayer money for the last 20 years has been going towards funding war crimes in the middle east, bombing innocent children, and america purchasing billions of dollars worth of military equipment that they don't even use. 


the reason why americans are so unhealthy is because they don't have ACESS to these type of things. 

so you’re not very smart huh?


People don’t have access to their feet to walk and run, their brain to practice meditation, their choices to buy vegetables and fruit?


youve been so conditioned to think that people don’t have agency in their lives. It’s sad. Not just because you’re a pawn, but because you’ll never be satisfied because even if you get the government to take over all you desire right now, that will just lead to more conditioning and more agitation. It never ends. 

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1 hour ago, Penfield45 said:


if the economy was strong it wouldn't have collapsed in a few weeks because of a virus. clearly the economy wasn't doing so well, and neither was the country. 

I take it you don’t know what the economy is. 

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2 minutes ago, Penfield45 said:


you do realize your taxpayer money for the last 20 years has been going towards funding war crimes in the middle east, bombing innocent children, and america purchasing billions of dollars worth of military equipment that they don't even use. 


the reason why americans are so unhealthy is because they don't have ACESS to these type of things. 

The problem is that people have access to all the sugar, processed foods, and vegetable oils they could possibly stuff down their throats. Healthcare is what you do for yourself. No doctor can prescribe enough pills to mitigate that, and all the health problems that come with it. Healthcare and health INSURANCE are two different things.

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54 minutes ago, Penfield45 said:


I believe the police need better training and better education. invest in that. 


Why do we spend money in Iraq and Afghanistan? Why are we not focusing on helping our own people instead of tearing down middle eastern countries for oil and our own political agenda? 


Any 1st world country should have the ability to provide free healthcare, and they do...except America. We are the richest country to ever exist yet the question is always asked "who is going to pay for it". There is more than enough money to fund universal healthcare 

Name me one country that offers free healthcare. Just one. 

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See, the conditioned lefties try to boil everything down to a simple binary and divide everyone. Did you ever stop to think why that is the case?


if you followed the conditioning of the left you’d think that Donald Trump is the cause of all the evil in the world and his removal from office is the cure. That’s because their narrative starts and ends with Trump. 

if you really asked most Trump voters why they voted for him you’ll find that it was because he was not part of the Government establishment. In other words, people were sick of the growing government, both from the right and left. The irony that the left doesn’t understand is Donald Trump was a flat out rejection of the right by the voters. That’s what scares all the establishment and why there’s been such a swift and violent reaction. Just review the lies you’ve been told by the establishment the last 3.5 years and ask yourself why you keep feeding into the narrative written by the liars. 

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1 hour ago, Penfield45 said:


I believe the police need better training and better education. invest in that. 


Why do we spend money in Iraq and Afghanistan? Why are we not focusing on helping our own people instead of tearing down middle eastern countries for oil and our own political agenda? 


Any 1st world country should have the ability to provide free healthcare, and they do...except America. We are the richest country to ever exist yet the question is always asked "who is going to pay for it". There is more than enough money to fund universal healthcare 


Maybe some police and police forces need more training and more discipline for malfeasance.  Police departments are manged and funded mostly locally.  I prefer the cities/counties/states to deal with it.  The vast majority of police forces have good records and probably don't need any changes whatsoever.


Agree too much money spent in Iraq and Afganistan.   Finally those expenses are winding down.


Our federal government has an abysmal record of properly funding and managing entitlements.  It can't be trusted with universal health care which would become the largest of them all.  However, the current "system" is a patchwork quilt of separate state programs with opaque pricing which is all over the board depending upon who is the provider and what coverage is in place.  Government has completely ***** it up over the past few decades.  The reality is we are already under a government controlled system which is funded by private, employer and taxpayer dollars.  We can do much better but giving the government more control of this is a big no thank you from me. 


Most of our citizens that find themselves at the bottom of the economic ladder can look in the mirror for the cause.  A lifetime of poor decisions and actions that stack up week to week, month to month and year to year are usually the root cause IMO.  Sounds harsh but even in my own family there are examples of this.

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3 minutes ago, Buffalo Bills Fan said:

Business and people need to work. Money man just to live.  Business needs money survive among many other things. Rather try and not do anything in that.


not an excuse  


they could have opened in waves just like Michigen, Ohio, and Virginia did and heavily enforce masks ...all those states are all doing well currently. 

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1 minute ago, Penfield45 said:


not an excuse  


they could have opened in waves just like Michigen, Ohio, and Virginia did and heavily enforce masks ...all those states are all doing well currently. 

The nonchalant attitude towards the virus/mask-wearing in Arizona has been its undoing. They're trying to react now by enforcing mask-wearing. Too late.

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