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The Next Pandemic: SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19


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11 minutes ago, IDBillzFan said:


I don't spend much time on the football board during off-season because there's a lot of embarrassing content, so I genuinely thought your over-the-top Chicken Little routine on PPP was you being a far-left Tibs/Q-Tip/Gary/TDS-dementia thing, but then I saw your posts during the draft last night, and I stand corrected: it appears you're just one of the most pessimistic people in the world. 


Things aren't bad to you. They're the baddest bad that could ever be bad. You look into the future and all you see is misery. Whether it's millions will die fro Covid or Miami will run the draft board and destroy everyone next year, you are one pessimistic mutherfugger.


You should break open a Kit-Kat bar. Maybe a Snickers.

He is beyond pessimistic. He is not a “half glass empty” kind of guy, he is a “the glass is shattered all over the floor, we’ll never get it back together, and we are all going to die of thirst kind of guy.”


Edited by billsfan1959
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6 minutes ago, Scraps said:

Its called gaslighting.


You mean gaslighting like: "TRUMP SAID TO DRINK BLEACH!"? 


Or maybe gaslighting like: "TRUMP IS A RUSSIAN ASSET!"


Or maybe gaslighting like: "TRUMP STOLE THE ELECTION WITH PUTIN!"




... Funny how you're fine being gaslight by the media so long as they cater to your anti-Trump opinion -- but when they're proven to not only be wrong, but KNOWINGLY wrong, you give them a pass. 


Principles you have not.

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13 minutes ago, IDBillzFan said:


I don't spend much time on the football board during off-season because there's a lot of embarrassing content, so I genuinely thought your over-the-top Chicken Little routine on PPP was you being a far-left Tibs/Q-Tip/Gary/TDS-dementia thing, but then I saw your posts during the draft last night, and I stand corrected: it appears you're just one of the most pessimistic people in the world. 


Things aren't bad to you. They're the baddest bad that could ever be bad. You look into the future and all you see is misery. Whether it's millions will die fro Covid or Miami will run the draft board and destroy everyone next year, you are one pessimistic mutherfugger.


You should break open a Kit-Kat bar. Maybe a Snickers.

He sees no future, he's Canadian. Besides, it must hurt to recognize every day that we're his daddy, that his country only exists because we allow it. 

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Just now, Buffalo_Gal said:

Which you and a few others here have done in spades this morning.



The hypocrisy is hilarious. And sad, because most don't realize they're being hypocrites since they're so misinformed (because they continue to think the media is an ally of truth).

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25 minutes ago, BillsFanNC said:

I think he likely meant antivirals and used the wrong word. Not uncommon for a layperson. 

He interrupted someone who was talking about UV light, alcohol and bleach killing the virus.  He didn't mean an antiviral drug.

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10 minutes ago, arcane said:

And no, it's not being done by the people who control zero of the following:


all major pop culture voices


all major pop culture institutes


all major academic institutes


all major media conglomerates, save one channel 



How's that hydroxychloroquine working out?

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Just now, Scraps said:

How's that hydroxychloroquine working out?

You really are a piece of work. Thousands have benefited from the treatment (when used with zinc under a doctor's order), but for some reason, that is not good enough for you because everyone has not (sadly) survived when using it?


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Trump: I just heard how to kill the virus. Can we inject disinfectants or put light under the skin to cure the disease? Can you scientists spend some time looking into this. 


Scientists: Jesus Christ dude. You do your job, let us do our jobs. OK?

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5 minutes ago, Scraps said:

How's that hydroxychloroquine working out?


It saved Rita Wilson's life (and countless others). So, you know, pretty well. 



Just now, shoshin said:

Trump: I just heard how to kill the virus. Can we inject disinfectants or put light under the skin to cure the disease? Can you scientists spend some time looking into this. 


Scientists: Jesus Christ dude. You do your job, let us do our jobs. OK?




You're better than this, shoshin.

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11 minutes ago, Buffalo_Gal said:

You really are a piece of work. Thousands have benefited from the treatment (when used with zinc under a doctor's order), but for some reason, that is not good enough for you because everyone has not (sadly) survived when using it?



Got a link? 


Also, the point isn't that some have benefitted. It's that the side effects might, and likely do, outweigh the benefits.  




(And I know you'll say, "But Zinc!!"  If zinc protects form muscle weakness and heart arrhythmia then I'd love to know about it). 

8 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:


It saved Rita Wilson's life (and countless others). So, you know, pretty well. 






You're better than this, shoshin.


Countless, eh?  We can count the number of infections and casualties, but we can't count the number saved.  More fake news from you, sir. 

35 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:


UV treatment has been used for a long time, mainly in depression -- but in other clinical ways as well. 


Again, you had people argue that the sun was bad yesterday just because Trump said something positive about it. People don't want truth or fact. They want their preformed opinions validated -- and thus they'll filter everything through that lens first. 


Which is why the TDS addled crew continues to embarrass themselves almost daily. 


Fake news.  But it is true that you embarrass yourself regularly here. 

20 minutes ago, Warren Zevon said:


Has Eric Trump read your manifesto?


Eric Trump can read?

Edited by SectionC3
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1 hour ago, Scraps said:

I'm channeling Trump and his loyal followers.  Quite frankly, if you are ######ed enough to think injecting disinfectant has merit, you deserve the label.

When did I say that? Good God your an idiot. 

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1 hour ago, Chef Jim said:

Zero leadership?  Let me ask you. Would you consider holding a press conference every day during this as leadership?  Methinks you’d not recognize leadership if it smacked you upside the head. 


Honestly I wouldn't.  I consider it a waste to devote approximately 10% of the time he could spend dealing with this issue to sparring with the media about nonsense and then analyzing the presser thereafter.  It's obvious that the most important public education tool of the pressers isn't to provide information about the virus response, it's to provide information about Donald J. Trump.  

3 minutes ago, westside2 said:

When did I say that? Good God your an idiot. 


Now that you're on the sheep list it's hard to take anything you say seriously.  We can work together to get you off of that list, but it's going to take time.  And name-calling isn't going to help.  

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