Warren Zevon Posted January 1, 2020 Posted January 1, 2020 He slapped the hand of a believer last night. Was it justified? Is he a serpent in disguise?
RochesterRob Posted January 1, 2020 Posted January 1, 2020 7 minutes ago, Gary Busey said: Globalist? Change Catholic practices? Criticizes Trump? One World Government believer? You and he should be best of buds by the sounds of it.
Trump_is_Mentally_fit Posted January 2, 2020 Posted January 2, 2020 He is more in line with Christianity than the corrupt American Evangelical greed balls who have attached themselves like barnacles to the most immoral person to be president since the 19th century Trump a leader worthy of Christian adoration, what a joke.
Wacka Posted January 2, 2020 Posted January 2, 2020 Gary and Tibs ving on day one for stupidest PPP poster of 2020. 1
Chef Jim Posted January 2, 2020 Posted January 2, 2020 41 minutes ago, Tiberius said: He is more in line with Christianity than the corrupt American Evangelical greed balls who have attached themselves like barnacles to the most immoral person to be president since the 19th century Trump a leader worthy of Christian adoration, what a joke. Whataboutism? Go away.
row_33 Posted January 2, 2020 Posted January 2, 2020 so Tibs has theories about Christianity and who is more in line with it... ? 1
Nanker Posted January 2, 2020 Posted January 2, 2020 I think I found more video. There seems to be more to the story than what Adam Schaffer’s and Nadler reported to the media. The Pope (seeen here in his informal robe) seems to do more than just slapping the woman’s hands. This is a Bombshell! It’s the beginning of the end. He won’t be able to survive this.
Trump_is_Mentally_fit Posted January 2, 2020 Posted January 2, 2020 32 minutes ago, row_33 said: so Tibs has theories about Christianity and who is more in line with it... ? Christianity actually has rules that Christians are suppose to follow
row_33 Posted January 2, 2020 Posted January 2, 2020 38 minutes ago, Nanker said: I think I found more video. There seems to be more to the story than what Adam Schaffer’s and Nadler reported to the media. The Pope (seeen here in his informal robe) seems to do more than just slapping the woman’s hands. This is a Bombshell! It’s the beginning of the end. He won’t be able to survive this. the scandal, spanking a WOMAN
Trump_is_Mentally_fit Posted January 2, 2020 Posted January 2, 2020 Here is a great example of a Christian scam: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/01/02/health/christian-health-care-insurance.html?action=click&module=Top Stories&pgtype=Homepage Quote Instead, they pay about $530 a month through a Christian health care sharing organization to pay members’ medical bills. But the group capped payments for members at $250,000, almost certainly far less than the final tally of Blake’s mounting medical bills. “Just trust God,” ? the nonprofit group, Samaritan Ministries, in Peoria, Ill., said in a statement about its coverage, and advises its members that “there is no coverage, no guarantee of payment.” More than one million Americans, struggling to cope with the rising cost of health insurance, have joined such groups, attracted by prices that are far lower than the premiums for policies that must meet strict requirements, like guaranteed coverage for pre-existing conditions, established by the Affordable Care Act. The groups say they permit people of a common religious or ethical belief to share medical costs, and many were grandfathered in under the federal health care law mainly through a religious exemption. These Christian nonprofit groups offer far lower rates because they are not classified as insurance and are under no legal obligation to pay medical claims. They generally decline to cover people with pre-existing illnesses. They can set limits on how much their members will pay, and they can legally refuse to cover treatments for specialties like mental health. “Nothing is guaranteed,” said Dr. Carolyn McClanahan, a physician who is also a financial planner in Jacksonville, Fla. “You have to depend on the largess of the program.” The main requirement for membership is adherence to a Christian lifestyle. And the alternative sharing plans keep flourishing, especially now that the Trump administration has relaxed rules to permit alternatives to the A.C.A. that don’t provide such generous coverage. But state regulators in New Hampshire, Colorado and Texas are beginning to question some of the ministries’ aggressive marketing tactics, often using call centers, and said in some cases people who joined them were misled or did not understand how little coverage they would receive if they or a family member had a catastrophic illness. On Monday, Washington State fined one of the larger health-sharing ministries, Trinity Healthshare, $150,000 and banned it from offering its product to state residents because it was operating as an unauthorized insurer.
bdutton Posted January 2, 2020 Posted January 2, 2020 2 hours ago, Nanker said: I think I found more video. There seems to be more to the story than what Adam Schaffer’s and Nadler reported to the media. The Pope (seeen here in his informal robe) seems to do more than just slapping the woman’s hands. This is a Bombshell! It’s the beginning of the end. He won’t be able to survive this. 1 hour ago, row_33 said: the scandal, spanking a WOMAN
IDBillzFan Posted January 2, 2020 Posted January 2, 2020 17 hours ago, RochesterRob said: Globalist? Change Catholic practices? Criticizes Trump? One World Government believer? You and he should be best of buds by the sounds of it. In fairness, the Pope did recommend changing the Lord's Prayer a couple of years ago because he doesn't accept the translation that God leads people to temptation. It's a translation thing more than anything, but I think one of the reasons people on the right don't like some of the stuff the Pope says and does is because it's easily taken out of context by leftists, who still are unbelievably stupid enough enough to think that Christians who support Trump can't be real Christians because they don't fit the leftist idea of what a Christian should be. But like pretty much everything else they opine about, leftists will speak on most topics as an authority, in spite of their true lack of knowledge and understanding of most subjects. 2
Trump_is_Mentally_fit Posted January 2, 2020 Posted January 2, 2020 No, the left can see Trump in no ways stands for Christian morality yet the Christian elites don't care, they see the $$$$$$ flowing in No wonder Christianity is in such decline
OldTimeAFLGuy Posted January 2, 2020 Posted January 2, 2020 2 hours ago, Tiberius said: No, the left can see Trump in no ways stands for Christian morality yet the Christian elites don't care, they see the $$$$$$ flowing in No wonder Christianity is in such decline ....maybe "Nancy The Practicing Catholic" should impeach the Pope next then.............
3rdnlng Posted January 2, 2020 Posted January 2, 2020 19 minutes ago, OldTimeAFLGuy said: ....maybe "Nancy The Practicing Catholic" should impeach the Pope next then............. 1
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