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An Update from Buckeyemike

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I've been busy since I've been out of the hospital. At least I'm eating almost normally again. I've gained back 3 of the 15 lbs. I lost.


I went to my gastro doctor yesterday...he told me to stay off large amounts of nuts and popcorn. Coconut macaroons are OK. :unsure: I have to have some more tests done in order to confirm the diagnosis. I am on a tremendous amount of medication right now, including a derivative of prednisone (a steroid).


I also decided to cut out alcohol entirely...before my hospital stay, I wasn't drinking large amounts and it had actually been a few weeks since I'd had a beer. For those of you who don't know, I am a Canadian beer aficianado.


I don't have a medical restriction against alcohol, I just don't want to end up in the hospital for another two weeks. And you know what? I feel better.



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cutting out alcohol is never a good idea :unsure:


I've been busy since I've been out of the hospital.  At least I'm eating almost normally again.  I've gained back 3 of the 15 lbs. I lost.


I went to my gastro doctor yesterday...he told me to stay off large amounts of nuts and popcorn.  Coconut macaroons are OK.  :angry:  I have to have some more tests done in order to confirm the diagnosis.  I am on a tremendous amount of medication right now, including a derivative of prednisone (a steroid).


I also decided to cut out alcohol entirely...before my hospital stay, I wasn't drinking large amounts and it had actually been a few weeks since I'd had a beer.  For those of you who don't know, I am a Canadian beer aficianado. 


I don't have a medical restriction against alcohol, I just don't want to end up in the hospital for another two weeks.  And you know what?  I feel better.




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No seeds like caraway, sesame, poppy etc, too. Glad to see you back. Still a Nugent advocate? :angry:



Me or Darin?


BTW, apparently Darin thinks I'm a moron for liking Canadian beer. :unsure:



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:unsure: Good to hear you are doing much better. Watch your diet and you will be fine. And, TRY THE MACAROONS! They work.



I have eaten a whole tin of macaroons in the last three weeks.


And you're correct, they do work!



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I've been busy since I've been out of the hospital.  At least I'm eating almost normally again.  I've gained back 3 of the 15 lbs. I lost.


I went to my gastro doctor yesterday...he told me to stay off large amounts of nuts and popcorn.  Coconut macaroons are OK.  :unsure:  I have to have some more tests done in order to confirm the diagnosis.  I am on a tremendous amount of medication right now, including a derivative of prednisone (a steroid).


I also decided to cut out alcohol entirely...before my hospital stay, I wasn't drinking large amounts and it had actually been a few weeks since I'd had a beer.  For those of you who don't know, I am a Canadian beer aficianado. 


I don't have a medical restriction against alcohol, I just don't want to end up in the hospital for another two weeks.  And you know what?  I feel better.




Mike...glad to hear you are feeling better. Hopefully it won't be long before you are done with the meds and on the road to recovery.

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Hang tough Mike. It is wonderful to hear that you are doing better.

God Bless.



Same sentiments from the Beach :unsure:

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I'm glad this got kicked up. I almost missed it. Great news, Mike. Just great.



I appreciate all of the good wishes. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.


An update of what I'm eating:


Tonight's menu was steak (leftover Angus strip from a barbecue at my in-laws last night...just tremendous, medium-well), scrambled eggs, and toast. My wife, the lovely and talented Kimberly, who put up with me throughout my hospital stay, is out tonight, so I am left to fend for myself. BTW, Kim's pic is in my profile with the World's Greatest Cat.


Hey, the steak is only about six ounces. I ate half last night and the other half tonight. I have no restrictions on red meat, but I'm not the world's biggest carnivore. A Wendy's double is even too much for me. :D


And that's probably all the red meat I'll have until next week.


BTW, on Friday I am going back into the hospital for a procedure to remove some cysts. This is totally unrelated to my abdominal matters and was scheduled even before I got sick on March 10.



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