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Guess who's caught lying about his military record


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Notwithstanding that you just lied twice in one sentence, would you care to explain how:


(1) Bush disobeyed a direct order to take his flight physical;

(2) Bush was suspended from flying not only for failing to take his flight physical but also for "failing to perform to the standards of the United States Air Force and Texas Air National Guard;"

(3) Bush signed a commitment to locate a Massachusetts Air Guard unit with which to train while at business school, and then never showed up;

(4) Bush's people magically "found" the records displayed on 60 Minutes last night -- records they claimed never existed;

(5) Bush's people have on at least three occasions this year released "all" of his military records, only to admit they were lying by the mere act of releasing "more" records


That's just for starters and should keep you occupied for awhile.


The bottom line is that the more the Swift Boat accusations get investigated, the more evidence turns up that tends to prove that Kerry earned his medals and the Swifties are politically-motivated, GOP-funded liars -- while the more the TANG charges get investigated, the more evidence turns up that tends to show that not only are the charges true, but that Bush and his people have been lying and covering it up for 30 years.


I don't expect a real answer here.  Instead, I'll come back in a bit to find the usual pabulum about how the past doesn't matter, how I-know-Bush-is-but-what-is-Kerry, and a bunch of :fyou:'s that do little to enhance the dialogue.


[edited at 12:40:  sound of crickets in reply]


Ok I menat to say boy , and was the kid younger than a teenager ? :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:

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Kind of reminds me of the pro-hazing arguments when I was in the military.  I would always ask those who used the "well, it was done to me when I was coming up" argument the following:  "DID YOU LIKE IT?"


Inevitably, they would admit they didn't.  Hazing stopped in my shops.  We treated everyone alike.  Just like stevestojan.




Bad analogy Darin, in your case the new guys got the hazing, in this case the guy ho has been hazing just got a dose of his own medicine. :pirate:

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Bad analogy Darin, in your case the new guys got the hazing, in this case the guy ho has been hazing just got a dose of his own medicine. :flirt:


Except my analogy had nothing to do with the President. It had to do with the followers who where whining so vociforously when their "man" was the supposed victim. Now they are dancing in the streets like Jaggar and Bowie because the other side is getting some of the same that they didn't like.

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Except my analogy had nothing to do with the President.  It had to do with the followers who where whining so vociforously when their "man" was the supposed victim.  Now they are dancing in the streets like Jaggar and Bowie because the other side is getting some of the same that they didn't like.



Cavey here again :flirt: , me no understand.

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Cavey here again :unsure: , me no understand.


Kerry supporters were whining about the swift boat veterans and other's attacks on his service record (purple hearts, not fullfilling commitment, etc). Now they are happy because some other group (including a high ranking Democrat) are doing basically the same thing to the President. Fuggin' hypocrites.

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