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Rebublican right wing conservatism spreading!

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JPII's writings on Capitalism, Centesimus Annus, argues that the free market is best but warns against Materialism and Consumerism.

JPII's youth was marred by the Pilsudski dictatorship which was in turn was "liberated" by Nazism which, in its turn, was "liberated" by Communism. His primer on Economic theory and practice was thorough.

As priest, Bishop, Arch-Bishop, Cardinal and Pope he was a staunch supporter of the workers movement. His promise as Pope to return to Poland if the Russians invaded made manifest the fatuity of Stalin's mocking query "how many divisions has the Pope?". His request to visit Russia was rejected by any and all Russian political leaders of the past thirty years. It was wise on their own behalf.

JPII was a principal reason that "liberation theology" ( a merger of the ideas of Karl Marx and Jesus Christ- especially in vogue in Latin Americain the seventies and eighties) is passe. Parenthetically, the Pope replaced stubborn adherents of lib-theo with "Opus Dei" faithful which is a reason anti-Catholic Dan Brown of "Davinci Code" fame makes Opus Dei a villain. But that is a topic for another day.

JPII believes property rights to be natural law. He believes that human dignity is paramount. Profit is not to be sneared at but it is not to be sought at the expense of dignity.

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Do Catholics read this stuff? Did you read this stuff?


Yes and yes. It always amazes me how much factual knowledge increases understanding. I really believe that you would find much to object to if you read his writings prior to posting.

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Actually, he was in favor of redistributative taxation. He was a socialist.



That's a little too simplified, according to this columnist, interesting read.


A papal message on socialism


Good quote from PJPII-


By intervening directly and depriving society of its responsibility, the social-assistance state leads to a loss of human energies and an inordinate increase of public agencies, which are dominated more by bureaucratic ways of thinking than by concern for serving their clients, and which are accompanied by an enormous increase in spending.
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