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I met the guy who holds the record. An old Vietnam vet who just finished his 23rd degree! The summer time he hops in his van and drives around the country. In the fall he reports back to school. He said he makes more going to school than he would in the real world.


Can't blame the guy. The funnest 5 years of my life. Had a buddy who took seven, but 11 is stretching it.


Funniest line I heard from my best friend at school who got married the summer after graduation " I don't know what happpened, I woke up from a five year drunk, and I was married".


BTW, I redshirted freshman year, so the five year plan was planned.

I met the guy who holds the record.  An old Vietnam vet who just finished his 23rd degree!  The summer time he hops in his van and drives around the country. In the fall he reports back to school.  He said he makes more going to school than he would in the real world.



My dad knows a guy who, last he knew about 10 years ago, had been in college for over 30 years. Name is Roland Houle. His father, a doctor, told him as long as he was in college, he'd pay for it. So, he became a professional student. Unbelievable.

Didn't take many English classes, did you?  :P





English, Smenglish. It is truly amazing however, how bad my spelling has become since the invention of spellcheck.

Hard to believe I could actually spell back in the day, before PCs, which BTW was when I was in college :doh:


Tommy: Did you hear I graduated?

Richard Hayden: Yeah and just a shade under a decade. All right.

Tommy: You know a lot of people go to college for seven years.

Richard Hayden: I know, they're called doctors.

He started attending classes full time in 1994, "before the Internet," as he likes to say.


if this guy truly thinks 1994 was before the internet maybe he needs a couple more decades of education

Tommy: Did you hear I graduated?

Richard Hayden: Yeah and just a shade under a decade. All right.

Tommy: You know a lot of people go to college for seven years.

Richard Hayden: I know, they're called doctors.



Great movie


This guy and I are both in UW-Whitewater. He's running for student president. Him and his running mate's slogan is "who else has 15 years of college experience?" something like that. Wish I could just stick around for another ten years or so. I love being a slacker.


Man 11 years is kinda of pushing it..................... I wonder who will hire him after he graduates when they see he was in college for 12yrs..........and for what.......A LIBERAL ARTS MAJOR ?????. Dont get me wrong college is one of the best life experiences around....but 12 years c'mon

if this guy truly thinks 1994 was before the internet maybe he needs a couple more decades of education



No kidding...


Heck, UB is where I got my first 'net access from in '88 (from a friend of a friend who went there... :doh: ).



My dad knows a guy who, last he knew about 10 years ago, had been in college for over 30 years. Name is Roland Houle. His father, a doctor, told him as long as he was in college, he'd pay for it. So, he became a professional student. Unbelievable.



i'd do it if i had the funding...no more engineering school classes though

too painful

No kidding...


Heck, UB is where I got my first 'net access from in '88 (from a friend of a friend who went there... :doh: ).






1994 wasn't pre-internet, it was pre Internet boom. If you were smart enough to hop on the Internet business bandwagon in 1994, you're probably quite rich about now.


Hell, I'd take a class a semester until the day I die just to enjoy he company of a few thousand 21 year old ladies! Mwa ha ha ha.

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