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Kerry still crying about the election.....

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"Repigs" Debbie? Come on now.


Whoops musta been a typo. I meant Repugs....no, Rethugs....hmmm I guess I need a Funk & Wagnall to get the proper spelling. :P


I don't see anyone taking exception to "Dummycrats" or "Libertards"... :P Could it really be true what they say that cons have no sense of humor? I know YOU do Bill, so maybe it's something else? You're not one of them. They know who they are. :o

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Kerry got more votes then Reagan.



Kerry's 59,028,109 votes in 2004 totaled 48% of the popular vote

Reagan's 54,451,521 votes in 1984 totaled 58% of the popular vote


the population of the US, and therefore the voting population was larger in 2004 than it was in 1984


yeah, kerry got 5M more popular votes. but he also got 10% less of the votingn population


but as we all know, the president is not elected by popular vote. the electoral vote is what matters


both electoral colleges totaled 538 votes

Kerry got 252 EV in 2004

Reagan got 525 EV in 1984, which i believe is the most ever


an electoral difference of more than 2 to 1

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Admit it or not but that fact eats at right-wingers.



:doh: You apparently don't know many right wingers.


btw, Barry Goldwater got more votes than Washington and Lincoln combined.

Let's see what other completely pointless nonsense we can create!

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Kerry busted :doh::P




John Kerry, the haughty, French-looking Massachusetts Democrat, who by the way served in Vietnam*, showed up yesterday at a Boston event, where he was "using crutches as he recovers from knee surgery," reports the Associated Press. He was also using emotional crutches as he recovers from last year's election:


    "Last year too many people were denied their right to vote, too many who tried to vote were intimidated," the Massachusetts senator said at an event sponsored by the state League of Women Voters. . . .


    Kerry also cited examples Sunday of how people were duped into not voting.


    "Leaflets are handed out saying Democrats vote on Wednesday, Republicans vote on Tuesday. People are told in telephone calls that if you've ever had a parking ticket, you're not allowed to vote," he said.


Where did Kerry come up with that idea about leaflets saying "Democrats on Wednesday"? Probably from this story, which appeared a week before the election:


    With the knowledge that the minority vote will be crucial in the upcoming presidential election, Republican Party officials are urging blacks, Hispanics, and other minorities to make their presence felt at the polls on Wednesday, Nov. 3. . . .


    "You can't walk through a black neighborhood here in Miami without seeing our 'Don't Forget Big Wednesday!' message up on a billboard, tacked to a phone booth, or taped to a bus shelter," Monreal added. "The Republican Party has spared no expense in this endeavor."


Before Kerry embarrasses himself further, someone ought to take him aside and explain to him that the Onion is a satirical publication--as is ScrappleFace.com, which came up with the idea first.


* And who by the way promised 71 days ago to release his military records.

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Ouch is right. It pains me that people actually believe that rubbish too. Here are the first of many articles I came across that validates Kerry's claim.



Leesburg, FL The Daily Commercial - Online Edition

Voters who received calls over the past few days saying their precincts have been moved should pay no heed, election officials said, and should go to their previously assigned precincts. The calls are part of what appears to be an organized misinformation campaign, officials said.


Detroit Free Press

Some voters on Monday complained of getting misleading automated phone calls over the weekend telling them either that their polling place had changed or that a vote for Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry was a vote to legalize gay marriage.


The messages - known as robo calls - were placed in heavily Democratic cities of Detroit, Flint and Pontiac and the Democratic-leaning city of Grand Rapids.

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Ouch is right.  It pains me that people actually believe that rubbish too.  Here are the first of many articles I came across that validates Kerry's claim.

Leesburg, FL The Daily Commercial - Online Edition

Detroit Free Press


Hold on. I thought liberals were the intellectuals of our society. Surely such obviously juvenile tactics would have little to no affect on the mentally affluent.

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Hold on.  I thought liberals were the intellectuals of our society.  Surely such obviously juvenile tactics would have little to no affect on the mentally affluent.


Rest assured that ignorance is a bipartisan trait

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