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Kerry still crying about the election.....

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I hope i am not out of line in saying that I am pretty certain, perhaps close to positive he might be but not that certain that I might offend anyone who may have voyed for him or who went to the polls with the intention of voting for him... not that there is anything wrong with that or not that , I mean we need to take into account so many factors any which of which may, I repeat may change the whole dynamic... so ,in collusion I am quite ready to agree, but first let me consult the experts

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Saw this today will I was looking at the Clinton News Network and I am still just amazed. We were so close to having this whiner as our CIC.


When will he and the democratic party ever get over the fact that they lost?


The truth is that there were several instances of voting place irregularities. Regardless of who one votes for, I would think that all voters would have an interest in seeing them resolved.


As for his "crying about the election," the article points out that "Kerry has never disputed the outcome of election, saying voting irregularities did not involve enough votes to change the result."

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"Last year too many people were denied their right to vote

like people who never bothered to register, update their voter registration, or those removed from the rolls because they haven't voted in the last couple elections


too many who tried to vote were intimidated

those pesky ballots are historically intimidating to democratic voters. do i punch the dot next to bush or the dot next to kerry?


"Leaflets are handed out saying Democrats vote on Wednesday, Republicans vote on Tuesday.

anyone stupid enough to believe that is doing the electoral process a favor by not voting anyway


The Count Every Vote Act would create a federal holiday for voting, require paper receipts

IMO, people are less likely to vote on a day off

and paper receipts??? so much for anonymous ballot


at least kerry can look at early exit polling and say he won the election before he lost it :(

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The truth is that there were several instances of voting place irregularities.  Regardless of who one votes for, I would think that all voters would have an interest in seeing them resolved.


As for his "crying about the election," the article points out that "Kerry has never disputed the outcome of election, saying voting irregularities did not involve enough votes to change the result."




Isn't the term "Voteing irregularities" really just a nice PC way of saying that dumb people don't know how or where to vote?

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I'd be alot more concerned if he alluded to "vote counting irregularities." It's just not that hard to vote. Everytime this comes up, I go back to the "Good Morning America" exercise where they took the Florida Ballots into a grade school and young children were able to figure it out with few problems.


It looks to me like the same tired crap from the losers.

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Isn't the term "Voteing irregularities" really just a nice PC way of saying that dumb people don't know how or where to vote?



No, it also means machine breaking down or failing to properly register votes. It includes (as in the case of Philly) votes on the machines before the polls have opened. It is more then just stupidity.

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I hope i am not out of line in saying that I am pretty certain, perhaps close to positive he might be but not that certain that I might offend anyone who may have voyed for him or who went to the polls with the intention of voting for him... not that there is anything wrong with that or not that , I mean we need to take into account so many factors any which of which may, I repeat may change the whole dynamic... so ,in collusion I am quite ready to agree, but first let me consult the experts


Please tell me someone here has the crackerjack box with the secret decoder ring required to translate this into something we serfs can understand...

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No, it also means machine breaking down or failing to properly register votes. It includes (as in the case of Philly) votes on the machines before the polls have opened. It is more then just stupidity.




So tell me, did these so called faulty machines only breakdown in areas where stupid people voted? Thats what it seems like to me.


Please why is it that every election that the dems lose (and it just about every big one these days) the crying never seems to end, and the complaining over voters rights and faulty equipment in poor areas are endless?


This kerry charactor should spend his time on something slighty more meaningful like...............checking into the criminal cost over-runs on the big dig.

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So tell me, did these so called faulty machines only breakdown in areas where stupid people voted? Thats what it seems like to me.


Please why is it that every election that the dems lose (and it just about every big one these days) the crying never seems to end, and the complaining over voters rights and faulty equipment in poor areas are endless?


This kerry charactor should spend his time on something slighty more meaningful like...............checking into the criminal cost over-runs on the big dig.



You did intelligence tests on all areas where there were voting questions or did you just pull this out of your azz, as usual?

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Oh I would hazard I guess that he'll stop about the same time the GOP in the State of Washington quit whining about losing the governer's race and drop their stupid lawsuit.


OH silly me, that's right, when it happens to the Dems "they lost, shut up and stop whining" but when it happens to the Repigs it's "where there's smoke, there's fire, so run to the courts, quick!".



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Oh I would hazard I guess that he'll stop about the same time the GOP in the State of Washington quit whining about losing the governer's race and drop their stupid lawsuit.


OH silly me, that's right, when it happens to the Dems "they lost, shut up and stop whining" but when it happens to the Repigs it's "where there's smoke, there's fire, so run to the courts, quick!".





"Repigs" Debbie? Come on now.

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Oh I would hazard I guess that he'll stop about the same time the GOP in the State of Washington quit whining about losing the governer's race and drop their stupid lawsuit.


OH silly me, that's right, when it happens to the Dems "they lost, shut up and stop whining" but when it happens to the Repigs it's "where there's smoke, there's fire, so run to the courts, quick!".





No I think most of us on the right told them in WA to shut up and stop whining too. That's just the difference between the left and the right, we're typically more consistant. :P

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Kerry also cited examples Sunday of how people were duped into not voting.


"Leaflets are handed out saying Democrats vote on Wednesday, Republicans vote on Tuesday. People are told in telephone calls that if you've ever had a parking ticket, you're not allowed to vote," he said.


Truth be know, anyone who believes either of these statements should not be allowed to vote.

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Earlier this year, Kerry joined Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, a New York Democrat, in filing voting reform legislation. The Count Every Vote Act would create a federal holiday for voting, require paper receipts for votes and authorize $500 million to help states upgrade voting systems and equipment.


I don't know about you Rich, but as a Republican, getting a federal holiday for voting is something for us to desire. You saw in this election how bad W was losing in the swing states until after 5pm when, well, the working people started showing up.


You go John, you go! haha

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