Kelly the Dog Posted September 26, 2019 Author Posted September 26, 2019 On 9/26/2019 at 4:35 PM, dpberr said: I love the Bills fan base for its spirit and philanthropy. I like the oddities, the rituals, the weirdness and the amazing menagerie of fans from all walks of life. I like how it's distinctly not corporate. However, the Bills Mafia name itself is just so dumb. I feel like it was created by people who have never opened a history book and for some, especially Italian-Americans, I can see where it's culturally insensitive and disturbing, given the Italian mafia's violent history, to see it so freely used. Expand Are you saying the Irish, Jewish and Russian mafia weren't just as violent? As a Jew, I'm offended! That's racist! 2
OldTimeAFLGuy Posted September 26, 2019 Posted September 26, 2019 On 9/26/2019 at 3:13 PM, Herc11 said: What ever happened to the Ball Burglar? If I remember right it was started by a guy on the original BBMB. Was it Bumbles or something like that? Expand ...Bumbles247 was the BBMB Capologist Extraordinaire............ 1
PaattMaann Posted September 26, 2019 Posted September 26, 2019 (edited) On 9/26/2019 at 4:39 PM, Kelly the Dog said: Are you saying the Irish, Jewish and Russian mafia weren't just as violent? As a Jew, I'm offended! That's racist! Expand yea, has he never heard of MURDER INC??? They were the actual strong arm of the Italian Mafia in the 1920's and 1930's and they were mostly alllll Jewish!!!!! They killed hundreds of people for the italian mafia. Ruthless. The nerve! Edited September 26, 2019 by PaattMaann 1
dpberr Posted September 26, 2019 Posted September 26, 2019 On 9/26/2019 at 4:36 PM, PaattMaann said: so then you are admitting you A) didnt read the article or B) dont know the story of where the name came from? Expand Sure did. Bills mafia was a dumb name before I read the article. Post article? Still dumb.
PaattMaann Posted September 26, 2019 Posted September 26, 2019 On 9/26/2019 at 4:42 PM, dpberr said: Sure did. Bills mafia was a dumb name before I read the article. Post article? Still dumb. Expand Calling IT dumb......Ohhhhhh the irony.
dpberr Posted September 26, 2019 Posted September 26, 2019 On 9/26/2019 at 4:39 PM, Kelly the Dog said: Are you saying the Irish, Jewish and Russian mafia weren't just as violent? As a Jew, I'm offended! That's racist! Expand That's my point. The mafia isn't a fan base. It's a highly violent criminal organization. Somehow, some dork decided that should be attached to a football fan base. Let's do something with a strong World War II German military them next year like Billsmacht and get some polling when Bills fans start showing up with Iron Cross flags in red white and blue. (I'm kidding.) 1
Kelly the Dog Posted September 26, 2019 Author Posted September 26, 2019 On 9/26/2019 at 4:45 PM, dpberr said: That's my point. The mafia isn't a fan base. It's a highly violent criminal organization. Somehow, some dork decided that should be attached to a football fan base. Let's do something with a strong World War II German military them next year like Billsmacht and get some polling when Bills fans start showing up with Iron Cross flags in red white and blue. (I'm kidding.) Expand It's football. We want the Bills to be violent, and kill their opponent with blitzes and bombs. 1
BuffaloBob Posted September 26, 2019 Posted September 26, 2019 (edited) I’ve been a Bills fan since 1966 when I was 8. I saw OJs first game as a rookie. I don’t know when this Bills Mafia thing came into being, but it was no doubt decades after I became a lifetime fan. I see the name like I do the Dawg Pound or Raider Nation. But I do not consider myself a member of it, nor am I now somehow de facto assimilated into it like a member of the Borg Collective ?. Nor will I ever be. I’m just a lifelong Bills fan. Edited September 26, 2019 by BuffaloBob 3
PaattMaann Posted September 26, 2019 Posted September 26, 2019 On 9/26/2019 at 4:45 PM, dpberr said: That's my point. The mafia isn't a fan base. It's a highly violent criminal organization. Somehow, some dork decided that should be attached to a football fan base. Let's do something with a strong World War II German military them next year like Billsmacht and get some polling when Bills fans start showing up with Iron Cross flags in red white and blue. (I'm kidding.) Expand love it! good idea....gonna get one made, keep the good suggestions coming! The name Billsmacht needs work though, too guttural, no flow...
Kelly the Dog Posted September 26, 2019 Author Posted September 26, 2019 On 9/26/2019 at 4:49 PM, BuffaloBob said: I’ve been a Bills fan since 1966 when I was 8. I saw OJs first game as a rookie. I don’t know when this Bills Mafia thing came into being, but it was no doubt decades after I became a lifetime fan. I see the name like I do the Dawg Pound or Raider Nation. But I do not consider myself a member of it, nor am I now somehow de facto assimilated into it like a member of the Borg Collective ?. Nor will I ever be. I’m just a lifelong Bills fan. Expand Funny little story about the Dawg Pound. The original dog pound guys used to bring in that dog house on their shoulders. It took a couple years IIRC for the cops to realize that 4-6 guys carried it in and two carried it out. That is because it held a half keg of beer. To the Browns credit, when they found that out they just made them sign a paper saying they wouldn't do it again rather than ban them from games. 1 1
blacklabel Posted September 26, 2019 Posted September 26, 2019 (edited) Most of the tailgate traditions covered in this article have been around much longer than the Bills Mafia thing. It's just grown in notoriety over the last few years given the nature of social media and things going viral and getting more attention. I think the Pinto Ron stuff is great. It's just a bunch of fans making food with really odd utensils and then dousing a dude in ketchup. (Is anyone else a little bummed that Kenny says he really doesn't look forward to it anymore? But still does it because it's just tradition.) I'm a complete spectator when it comes to tailgating. I have no idea how some of youse guys can start pounding 'em at 10-11 AM and then go sit in the sun (or snow, depending on the time of year) for another three hours and keep going through the whole day. I'd be passed out before kickoff. The worst is really the morons who get completely annihilated in the lots and then stumble into the game and start sh*t with people. Went to the 2013 home opener and a dude in the row behind us was plastered and constantly accusing a dude a few seats down for staring at his girlfriend (nobody was eyeing up that mongoloid, who kept egging on her drunk boyfriend). Some pushing and shoving later, my SO and I are doused in beer and this dillhole is getting thrown out before they even did the National Anthem. Crap like that is what makes the gameday experience less enjoyable. But hey, if people wanna do shots out of bowling balls and bust up a bunch of folding tables, go for it. The only thing I hope doesn't happen is some fans start trying to push things to more extremes and next thing you know someone's trying a table dive from the 300 section and they wind up getting scooped off the pavement with a spatula. Edited September 26, 2019 by blacklabel 2
leonbus23 Posted September 26, 2019 Posted September 26, 2019 Not to extrapolate too much, I think the behavior serves as an example of people with the vision to live life and enjoy it despite risks. In an all too regulated and legalistic country full of policing and a hyper-emphasis on safety, Bills Mafia show that spontaneous and ritualistic mayhem still happens somewhere. 2
corta765 Posted September 26, 2019 Posted September 26, 2019 On 9/26/2019 at 4:56 PM, blacklabel said: I'm a complete spectator when it comes to tailgating. I have no idea how some of youse guys can start pounding 'em at 10-11 AM and then go sit in the sun (or snow, depending on the time of year) for another three hours and keep going through the whole day. I'd be passed out before kickoff. The worst is really the morons who get completely annihilated in the lots and then stumble into the game and start sh*t with people. Went to the 2013 home opener and a dude in the row behind us was plastered and constantly accusing a dude a few seats down for staring at his girlfriend (nobody was eyeing up that mongoloid, who kept egging on her drunk boyfriend). Some pushing and shoving later, my SO and I are doused in beer and this dillhole is getting thrown out before they even did the National Anthem. Crap like that is what makes the gameday experience less enjoyable. Expand I have no clue looking back on my early 20s how we would get there at 7 sun or snow and drink and party until 12:45 and then go to the game. These days we are far tamer and just do 9-12:30 so we can get in for kickoff. Ive never had a problem with how people party but like you said I DO have a problem when people party past their limits and stuff like you said occurs. I won’t even consider bringing my son to a game until he is 10 because of this and I think fan behavior has gotten better compared to 5-7 years ago. The KC home opener in 2012 some drunkhead passed out behind my wife and his gum fell onto a little bit of her hair. Thank god we got it out with ease but it was an unnecessary rude thing to have been part of. On 9/26/2019 at 5:24 PM, leonbus23 said: Not to extrapolate too much, I think the behavior serves as an example of people with the vision to live life and enjoy it despite risks. In an all too regulated and legalistic country full of policing and a hyper-emphasis on safety, Bills Mafia show that spontaneous and ritualistic mayhem still happens somewhere. Expand I agree with this to an extent. Bills tailgating is an Alamo to the league of corporate controlled everything. People are stunned with how loose and natural our tailgating is compared to the cookie cutter BS that other teams force on their fans.
muppy Posted September 26, 2019 Posted September 26, 2019 On 9/26/2019 at 3:04 PM, PaattMaann said: we ARE all part of Bills Mafia whether you like it or not, sorry to break it to you. It's the name of the fanbase, you can only get out of it by dying or rooting for another team. It is sad that we have some idiots that sully the Bills Mafia name, but that is true of any fan base (like those in Raider Nation that are violent)...but the only way to combat the losers who break tables and light themselves on fire and put their hands down girlfriends pants in the stadium is to do GOOD things in the name of Bills Mafia like we all do daily/weekly/yearly. You can say "thats not me", but you are wrong. Expand I don't know why any Bills fan would want to disassociate themselves from a moniker which yes does include antics of lunacy but is so much more than that...evidenced by the number of charitable causes that have benefitted from our generous nature most notably $17 donations to Andy Daltons charity which received nationwide GOOD publicity for Bills fans whom are known as the Bills Mafia wether you approve of all they do or not......Also go to any Billsbackers club and you will see generations of people packing the place..THAT to me is the meaning of Bills mafia we are all a multi generational international fraternity of diehards..whats not to like? To disavow from it makes no sense to me really..its just a fanbase name fcol WHY SO SERIOUS 5 1
stevewin Posted September 26, 2019 Posted September 26, 2019 That is a great article - captivating and extremely well written
yungmack Posted September 26, 2019 Posted September 26, 2019 On 9/26/2019 at 4:26 PM, Kelly the Dog said: As opposed to lighting yourself on fire as you jump off a car roof through a table? Expand At least they're keeping warm.
Kelly the Dog Posted September 26, 2019 Author Posted September 26, 2019 On 9/26/2019 at 5:37 PM, yungmack said: At least they're keeping warm. Expand They don't need fire, they already have enough anti-freeze inside them. 1
Don Otreply Posted September 26, 2019 Posted September 26, 2019 When me and my cohort were young and physically fit, it made it much easier to imbibe at a very high level, drinking and smoking ganja was just a way of life back in the day. Luckily we as a group we didn’t draw much attention to ourselves, we had a motto back then, “don’t leave tracks” we did slip up now and then, got thrown out of a piggly wiggly for telling dirty jokes to the other shoppers I think it may have been the mushrooms, it was a long time ago....? Anyway, I am far better behaved nowadays... ? GoBills!!!
Kelly the Dog Posted September 26, 2019 Author Posted September 26, 2019 On 9/26/2019 at 5:49 PM, Don Otreply said: When me and my cohort were young and physically fit, it made it much easier to imbibe at a very high level, drinking and smoking ganja was just a way of life back in the day. Luckily we as a group we didn’t draw much attention to ourselves, we had a motto back then, “don’t leave tracks” we did slip up now and then, got thrown out of a piggly wiggly for telling dirty jokes to the other shoppers I think it may have been the mushrooms, it was a long time ago....? Anyway, I am far better behaved nowadays... ? GoBills!!! Expand Baby.
plenzmd1 Posted September 26, 2019 Posted September 26, 2019 We decided last week, its not a team, or a fanbase, Its a lifestyle !!!
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