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Hadn't seen this posted yet...

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Some highlights:


# $3,000,000 for the Cal Ripken Sr. Foundation.


# $1.7 million for the International Fertilizer Development Center. With all the crap in Washington, you'd think they'd have all the free fertilizer they need.


# $100,000 for the Tiger Woods Foundation. Tiger Woods was the highest-paid athlete in the world last year, with earnings of $80 million. Why you and I need to kick in a hundred grand for his foundation is beyond me.

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I need to see if I can get a grant for the Gavin Wants to Sit on His Ass All Day and Drink Beer Foundation. Think I can get a couple million for such a worthy cause from the Feds?



Only if you put it in the form of a study: A Study on the Effects of Sitting on Ones Ass and Drinking Beer All Day As It Pertains To the Pissing Away of Federal Grant Money.


Actually, you probably could get a grant for studying something stupid like the relation between beer drinking and urine production. Considering the federal government gives research grants for things like studying the effect of placebos (two years of research and a quarter-million dollars to find that placebos have no effect. :doh:) or homosexual necrophilia in malllard ducks, I don't see why not...

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Some highlights:


# $3,000,000 for the Cal Ripken Sr. Foundation. 


# $1.7 million for the International Fertilizer Development Center.  With all the crap in Washington, you'd think they'd have all the free fertilizer they need.


# $100,000 for the Tiger Woods Foundation.  Tiger Woods was the highest-paid athlete in the world last year, with earnings of $80 million.  Why you and I need to kick in a hundred grand for his foundation is beyond me.



I am suprised Darin did not jump on this. Slacker. :doh:

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I am suprised Darin did not jump on this. Slacker. :doh:



Well, I did notice this:


Alaska again led the nation with $985 per capita ($646 million), or 30 times the national pork average of $33.



Maybe that's why he's quiet?



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Well, I did notice this:

Maybe that's why he's quiet?





Don't you know that pork is allocated based on acreage rather than population? Don't make Darin start with the "size" comparisons again, as you know how much that ticks off VABills....

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Yeah, sorry.  I was sleeping - you know this being 4 hours behind takes its toll when it comes to timely information.




You need to get a federal research grant to figure out how to get input and output of PPP information in your brain as you sleep.

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You need to get a federal research grant to figure out how to get input and output of PPP information in your brain as you sleep.


Good idea, but he'd be a day late and a dollar short


THE Japanese entertainment giant Sony has patented an idea for transmitting data directly into the brain, with the goal of enabling a person to see movies and play video games in which they smell, taste and perhaps even feel things, it was reported today.


Link thingy

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# $100,000 for the Tiger Woods Foundation.  Tiger Woods was the highest-paid athlete in the world last year, with earnings of $80 million.  Why you and I need to kick in a hundred grand for his foundation is beyond me.



So just because Tiger makes a lot of money and is already giving a boatload to help out children with his charity, plus his time which is worth a lot, it isn't okay for the Feds to throw a few dollars to help teach children?


I know several federal agencies that roll over computer hardware every two years or so. They donate all of the old stuff to local schools, public and private. One of these recently donated probably about 40K in equipment (computers, projectors, servers, etc....)


Are you saying that the children should suffer?

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