Capco Posted September 22, 2019 Posted September 22, 2019 @Deranged Rhino Thanks again DR. You’re solid. I can’t read now obviously but I will later. Go Bills! 1
OldTimeAFLGuy Posted September 22, 2019 Posted September 22, 2019 ...yet another "Putz In Power" outta control.......another Yiddish disaster............... Adam Schiff threatens to defund intel community unless they disclose Trump whistleblower details By Nick Givas | Fox News As President Trump faces media scrutiny over a phone call he held with Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskiy, Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., said he may seek to withhold funds from the intelligence community unless they disclose the full contents of the conversation. Schiff, who serves as the House Intel Committee chairman, appeared on CNN's "State of the Union" Sunday, where host Jake Tapper asked if Schiff would be willing to put the nation at risk to get to the bottom of the cryptic report. "It depends on what funds we withhold," Schiff replied. "In this case, you have the office of the director of national intelligence that is withholding this complaint in violation of the clear letter of the law... And there are funding requests that that office makes that don’t go directly to national security that we can withhold." The story was first reported by the Washington Post as a whistleblower claim about Trump making some type of "promise" to a foreign leader, which may have been of a nefarious nature. Further reporting claimed the conversation was linked to Ukraine, and Trump's request for their government to look into 2020 presidential hopeful Joe Biden's son and his business dealings.
John Adams Posted September 22, 2019 Posted September 22, 2019 1 hour ago, Deranged Rhino said: Wow. Okay... I was prepping for the game but this now deserves a response: No. I understand inserting UFOs into the discussion is immediately divisive. But it's an important element when discussing the recent spat of major disclosures. In fact, there's none bigger when you really cut to the meat of it. As for the specific post: The disclosure of UFO/UAP reality was included in a list of multiple former "conspiracy theories" which have suddenly been proven and publicly acknowledged in just the past three years. If you do not think this USN disclosure is a major shift in our paradigm, then you're not paying attention. For 70 years the USN specifically, and the US Gov't as a whole, have denied this reality. More than denied it, they actively lied to the world about it. They said it was fake, "swamp gas", and spend US tax payer dollars to ridicule, silence, and infiltrate communities of citizens determined to examine the question of UFOs. This isn't "theory", it's fact. Backed by 70+ years of FOIA requests proving the government's deception on this issue, using the media to punctuate the point. They destroyed people's lives to keep this secret from being publicly acknowledged. That's not a little thing. That's the US Gov't abusing it's power to crush individuals who dared to question their narrative -- facts and truth be damned. Now we know the USN and US Government were lying. For 70 years. And not about a tiny thing. But about the biggest philosophical/religious/scientific paradigm shifts in our civilization's history. Answering the question: are we alone -- not in the solar system but on this planet was answered with a definitive "no" by the USN after 70 years of literally bankrupting (or disappearing) people who attempted to prove the very fact they now publicly admit. This subject touches on everything -- not just religion, science, and philosophy -- but our economy (reliance on oil over advanced propulsion methods we know now exist right here on Earth), our geopolitcs (keeping this secret is the secret for 70 years for multiple countries), and our environment (over population and pollution go away with advanced propulsion which would allow us to leave/explore the solar system). This isn't a little thing. This is a major piece of information which was systemically kept from the public by the US Gov't (and others) for our entire lives. And now they admit it. That's a major paradigm shift -- or should be -- but yet despite this disclosure it barely made a dent on the news cycle. Why? Think back to the 90s, how many movies or shows or books started with the premise of the government acknowledging that fact and the world stopped. But in 2019 it didn't even make people blink... That's fascinating. But the reality is, and the point of the original post you quoted which you're ignoring, is that this is just one of several major disclosures which have occurred -- including international pedophile rings tied directly to US politicians and people in power (Epstein), international sex trafficking cults based on esoteric ancient occult religions tying together DC power players and Hollywood (NXIVM), and the revelation that the US media complex works hand in hand (and for) the US Intelligence services (Russia Collusion narrative implosion). Those are all pieces of disclosure which five years ago would NEVER be taken seriously. And now, they're proven facts. Backed by court convictions, official US Gov't disclosures, and mountains of hard evidence. What do all those things have in common? They're REAL yet institutions of power have gone out of their way to make them APPEAR FAKE for 70+ years. That's curating our reality, keeping us steeped in ignorance of the true nature of this world for their own benefit. That's what the Deep State does. Keeps us in chains by keeping us ignorant and angry at one another rather than at the gatekeepers who have intentionally deceived us as a civilization/country/people. It's not a reach. It's an example of the lies we've been told which the government is now backing away from. Not backing away from, doing a complete 180. Lying about the existence of advanced craft operating in our skies is not a reach or a little admission. It's a major paradigm shift -- especially when you look back at the past 70 years and understand the lengths the USN and USG went in order to keep this issue "taboo". The question I have to ask you is, don't you find that... interesting? Curious? Enraging? Boring? Read the OP in the DS thread: It lays it all out for you with sources and evidence. But note, the term Deep State was not en vogue when I began that thread. I used that term because it wasn't widely used and didn't have the baggage attached to it that it now does. Because in the years since I wrote that post, not only has the Deep State revealed itself publicly (it's an admitted thing now in the mainstream, it's undeniable) but it's been bastardized to include a host of fringe definitions. This was done, intentionally, to diminish the stock average people would put into this topic. You get enough people ridiculing the term, then the average person will assume it's nonsense without looking deeper. Like the US Gov't did with UFOs as an example. Now, 70 years later, they admit they were lying about it this whole time... wonder what they'll admit about the "Deep State" 70 years from now. If any topic or subject were tied to the deep state it would be the question of UFOs. The fact you don't see how the biggest question in the history of questions would be prime territory for the "deep state" is staggering to me. Think about what this topic touches on: * National Security (there are objects in our airspace which we can't identify or compete with technologically -- that's a HUGE Nat Sec Issue) * Technological Patents (this technology, if we were able to recover any, would be worth trillion in terms of commercialization) * Global Economy (this technology would make our dependence on oil obsolete, not to mention revolutionize the transportation industry at every level -- think there aren't serious players with fortunes at stake who would want to keep this topic hidden/taboo?) The origins of the Deep State in the west is tied to 1947 for a reason. It's not just the year that the CIA was created and the National Security Act was passed, it's also the year that the US Gov't started to take the UFO question seriously. They did this by compartmentalizing the knowledge/study of the topic while ridiculing and diminishing anyone who dared to ask questions about "little green men". In the 60s and 70s this research and development moved from government hands (which was vulnerable to oversight by the Congress) into private defense contractors hands. This isn't theory. It's backed by mountains of evidence, primary source material from the government itself and defense contractors, not to mention witness testimony. See above. The UFO question has always been hidden by our government. This was just admitted by the USN last week. That proves my point. Our reality, in no small part, has been curated by elements of the US Intelligence community (and many different sub groups). The purpose is to keep us ignorant, which is the best way to maintain control over a population. Again, not theory. Now proven fact. Backed by the USN. There's no other way to describe the past 70 years of denials from the US Gov't other than an intentionally deception designed to keep knowledge about the fundamentals of our reality from the public. The UFO admission last week not only proves we're not alone on Earth, but that our models of physics and understanding of propulsion and aeronautics is woefully quaint and incomplete. That has ripple effects throughout our society in ways too countless to list. Imagine how much further ahead technologically we could be as a civilization had this knowledge been shared in the 50s, rather than locked away behind classifications and disinformation for 70 years. We could have a clean environment, be on multiple planets/bodies in our solar system, and literally be living in a different age. But that was kept from us. It was denied to us by a small group of officials who decided that we could not be trusted to know the truth. How is that not tied to the notion of a deep state? Now you're parroting a common tactic used by the very people you're denying exists to belittle the topic. A topic we now know is real -- yet you're still using dated disinformation to ridicule. "Alien lizards run the world" is one of many disinformation tactics deployed by the USN specifically to keep people from taking it seriously. One can hold the position that UFOs/UAPs are real, here, and their existence has been hidden/denied by the powers that be for decades without buying into the next step you list above. That's reductio ad adsurdum to the extreme. GO BILLS! (whew, finished right before kickoff.) Jim what’s it say? 1
Albwan Posted September 22, 2019 Posted September 22, 2019 (edited) 3 hours ago, John Adams said: DR and his group dominate the this board. If you bring up gaping chasms in their credibility, they will close ranks and attack. Enjoy. You mean like a partisan whistle blower with second hand knowledge that someone said something? that's a nice tight closed and shut case... no gaping chasm there amirite The gaping chasms are these accusations that keep coming and disappearing as quickly with zero actual evidence of anything perfect unison, story comes, lingers for a bit, and just as it dies another one pops with impeccable timing. Edited September 22, 2019 by Albwan
John Adams Posted September 22, 2019 Posted September 22, 2019 27 minutes ago, Albwan said: You mean like a partisan whistle blower with second hand knowledge that someone said something? that's a nice tight closed and shut case... no gaping chasm there amirite The gaping chasms are these accusations that keep coming and disappearing as quickly with zero actual evidence of anything perfect unison, story comes, lingers for a bit, and just as it dies another one pops with impeccable timing. see Guiliani, Rudy.
DC Tom Posted September 22, 2019 Posted September 22, 2019 3 hours ago, John Adams said: DR's main disciple, Hedge Tasker Foxxy Some guy whose name begins with L but escapes me and I don't care to look it up (Leroi!) Are they his disciples, or is that what I want you to think? WAKE UP SHEEPLE!!!!! 55 minutes ago, John Adams said: Jim what’s it say? What's really funny is how accurately you called it... 6 hours ago, John Adams said: He has modified his PPP-published theories and tried to mainstream them (Away from the Bilderberg/blood drinkers) over the last few years but I hate you in advance for the wall of text to come.
John Adams Posted September 22, 2019 Posted September 22, 2019 I could Rosen the board if I created an alias just asking for DR to explain things to me.
DC Tom Posted September 22, 2019 Posted September 22, 2019 28 minutes ago, John Adams said: I could Rosen the board if I created an alias just asking for DR to explain things to me. Been done. The board's pretty rhino-resistant. Or derangement-resistant. Probably that, given history.
B-Man Posted September 22, 2019 Posted September 22, 2019 WELL, YES: Biden Dealings With Ukraine Raise Troubling Questions, despite Dem criticism. The proposed investigation involves Hunter Biden’s involvement with a controversial Ukrainian natural gas company while then-Vice President Biden was overseeing America’s Ukraine policy. Critics of the president have accused Trump of attempting to “extort” Ukrainian officials for “dirt” on Biden, the current front-runner for the Democratic nomination to run against Trump next year. But why would Ukraine have dirt on Joe Biden? For answers, one must look at Burisma, the Ukrainian gas company which, until earlier this year, employed Hunter Biden. Yes, but the media has been pretty ruthless in avoiding looking into the Biden family’s dealings with Ukraine or China. Trump, however, is fair game for perhaps trying to push the Ukrainians into doing what the American press won’t. Old school media: “It’s not the crime, it’s the coverup.” New school media: “It’s not the crime, it’s the investigation.”
Capco Posted September 23, 2019 Posted September 23, 2019 8 hours ago, DC Tom said: Been done. The board's pretty rhino-resistant. Or derangement-resistant. Probably that, given history. Do you buy any/all of this stuff DC? Also, @3rdnlng, was Rhino's post too much for you to ingest in one sitting, or do you buy everything he just said at face value? You know, considering the trust between you two and all.
John Adams Posted September 23, 2019 Posted September 23, 2019 (edited) 5 hours ago, Capco said: Do you buy any/all of this stuff 9-11 was an inside job. Next week the other shoe will drop. Numerology related to "Q" is real. The government covers up UFO technology...including antigravity tech put out by the Hyperspace Research Institute of St. John USVI. There's a cult of blood drinkers that secretly rules the world. Anyone who doesn't see that there's a global civil war happening right now is willfully ignorant. vs. There are some entrenched people in our government who wanted Trump out of power and stretched uncredible leads. Those people should be prosecuted. A politically enraged Dem party (too broad a net but it will do) hyped a Trump-collusion narrative that had some smoke around it (actual Russian interference, Trump and his camp acting like morons) but nowhere near enough to merit the frenzy that ensued. The world is chaotic, as our people, and thus most things don't fit narrative storylines. Can Congress get back to its job of legislating, compromising with the other side, and acting as a check on executive expansion, REGARDLESS of party? Edited September 23, 2019 by John Adams 1
Trump_is_Mentally_fit Posted September 23, 2019 Author Posted September 23, 2019 Has Trump Administration released the whistle blower allegation to Congress yet, or is the illegal cover up still going on?
3rdnlng Posted September 23, 2019 Posted September 23, 2019 5 hours ago, Capco said: Do you buy any/all of this stuff DC? Also, @3rdnlng, was Rhino's post too much for you to ingest in one sitting, or do you buy everything he just said at face value? You know, considering the trust between you two and all. You are very transparent, but not in a good way. Because I believe in one thing a person says doesn't mean I believe in everything they say. It also doesn't mean I disbelieve in the other things they say. Your attempt to confuse the issue and lump everything together for the purpose of arguing with me is pathetic and something that might work on your six year old niece, but it's not going to work here. Fvck off. 1
Warren Zevon Posted September 23, 2019 Posted September 23, 2019 This moron shilling for Trump - and himself at this point - has not helped a bit
Trump_is_Mentally_fit Posted September 23, 2019 Author Posted September 23, 2019 12 minutes ago, Gary Busey said: This moron shilling for Trump - and himself at this point - has not helped a bit We can only hope Trump keeps throwing him out there for interviews!
Chef Jim Posted September 23, 2019 Posted September 23, 2019 18 hours ago, John Adams said: Jim what’s it say? Not a clue. Why don’t you ask one of his group members to paraphrase it for you.
John Adams Posted September 23, 2019 Posted September 23, 2019 16 minutes ago, Chef Jim said: Not a clue. Why don’t you ask one of his group members to paraphrase it for you. Hedge brings enough crazy without asking for more. Who would win for longest unread post on PPP: DR or OC? They come at it from different angles. DR is a proselytizer who wants to convert everyone to his religion. OC is a narcissist who believes the world benefits from his droppings.
Hedge Posted September 23, 2019 Posted September 23, 2019 Looks like someone can’t get over a few screenshots showing their account multiplicity. You are a rotten person to your core, to such a degree that even maggots would avoid you. May your prescription medications always be fulfilled. Peace out brah.
Chef Jim Posted September 23, 2019 Posted September 23, 2019 58 minutes ago, John Adams said: Hedge brings enough crazy without asking for more. Who would win for longest unread post on PPP: DR or OC? They come at it from different angles. DR is a proselytizer who wants to convert everyone to his religion. OC is a narcissist who believes the world benefits from his droppings. So by posting lots of long posts DR is trying to convert us? He’s a writer for God’s sake. He’s practicing on us. 1
Capco Posted September 23, 2019 Posted September 23, 2019 2 hours ago, 3rdnlng said: You are very transparent, but not in a good way. Because I believe in one thing a person says doesn't mean I believe in everything they say. It also doesn't mean I disbelieve in the other things they say. Your attempt to confuse the issue and lump everything together for the purpose of arguing with me is pathetic and something that might work on your six year old niece, but it's not going to work here. Fvck off. So you cherry pick what you like? That's nice. It also sounds like a great way to go through life. You must have all the answers.
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