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Do you get along with your parents?

Another Fan

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My father I barely deal with. He abandoned family for a woman he met when working/travelling (he was a cross country mover).  He has retired and back in WNY.  Some family members deal with, mostly younger ones, but older ones like me not so much.


My step-mother, who I have always treated like my mother, have gotten along well most of life once she realized her son could stand on his own.  We even took her on vacation to Hong Kong for a wedding.  She is in assisted living home and not healthy and hard to get in touch with now.  She does not hear cell phone and is very distant.

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41 minutes ago, Another Fan said:

For the most part I do.  Still live with them.  There’s certain things I disagree with them but imagine that’s normal to an extent.  When my Dad had some health scares earlier this year obviously I was there for him.


But I know sometimes it can be a complicated thing 

always did while they were alive..loved spending time with them , and my whole extended family. Holidays were never a chore, they were the best times of the year!


Struggling with my son right now as we are not getting along so well.and it sucks..

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i get along great with my parents, and they were the primary reason i wanted to be in this area.  they're both 79 now, and i want to make sure they're well taken care of.  we see them at least once a week for playtime with the grand kids.  I've always felt i've won the parent lottery.  they set me and my brother up for success.  all we had to do was work hard.

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1 hour ago, Another Fan said:

For the most part I do.  Still live with them.  There’s certain things I disagree with them but imagine that’s normal to an extent.  When my Dad had some health scares earlier this year obviously I was there for him.


But I know sometimes it can be a complicated thing 

Me and my dad have always been tight, we rarely argue. My mom is another story. We did closer the older I got and guess understand her more in my elder age but sometimes she's stuck in her ways and very difficult to deal with, case in point my upcoming wedding. She thinks because she's help paying for part of it that she should have a say about the seating arrangement, yet my dad (their divorced) and bride to be's mom (she's a widow) also have helped pay but made not comments on the seating chart whatsoever. I've told her this and that I'm a grown man that I know how to sit people that know each other/are related together etc. Yet again she thinks she knows better. Yet at the end of the day I still love them both. 

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21 minutes ago, teef said:

i get along great with my parents, and they were the primary reason i wanted to be in this area.  they're both 79 now, and i want to make sure they're well taken care of.  we see them at least once a week for playtime with the grand kids.  I've always felt i've won the parent lottery.  they set me and my brother up for success.  all we had to do was work hard.


My parents live a short walk from the high school that my son attends.  He goes there every day after school to hang out with them for an hour or two, then they bring him home.  My parents have five grandchildren.  My sister lives about 45 minutes away; she brings her son over every month or so.  My brother has three kids (one is in PA, one in Syracuse and one going to school at Oswego).  Those kids never had crap to do with my parents and still don't.  They come home (20 min. from my parents) and never go see my parents.  But you can bet your sweet ass they come over on Christmas Eve to get the envelope with money in it.  I never tell my son to go visit my parents.  He just does it because he loves them.  Makes me very proud and it makes them very happy.

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9 minutes ago, Gugny said:


My parents live a short walk from the high school that my son attends.  He goes there every day after school to hang out with them for an hour or two, then they bring him home.  My parents have five grandchildren.  My sister lives about 45 minutes away; she brings her son over every month or so.  My brother has three kids (one is in PA, one in Syracuse and one going to school at Oswego).  Those kids never had crap to do with my parents and still don't.  They come home (20 min. from my parents) and never go see my parents.  But you can bet your sweet ass they come over on Christmas Eve to get the envelope with money in it.  I never tell my son to go visit my parents.  He just does it because he loves them.  Makes me very proud and it makes them very happy.

Maybe they will be found someday... Even if it's only on Christmas Eve.


There is the parable of the "prodigal son."


"You are ever with me, and all that I have is yours, but thy younger brother was lost and now he is found".

4 minutes ago, DC Tom said:

:lol:  Take a wild guess...

You were raised by wolves?

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My Dad is a legend. A quiet private man who doesn’t show emotion very often but his actions are always loud. Always there for all 4 of his kids. It’s always great to catch up with him every couple of weeks and grab a soccer game together. He’s battled cancer twice but to look at him you wouldn’t think so. When I became a father I had a perfect model to learn from.


My mother is a bit more obvious with her affection. We text almost every day even though I’m nearly 40. I get to see her every couple of weeks or so. She’s 60 next year and has also won a cancer fight. So proud of her. 

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My father passed away last July from cancer. I loved him and we were on alright terms, but throughout life it was hit or miss with him being a part of it. He fell off the map for 4 years when I was 9 and showed back up when I was 13, even though he only lived about 8 miles away with my stepmother and her kids. He hung around until I graduated then life kept us apart for the next 5 years. He then moved to South Carolina for the next 7 years returning when my 2nd son was born. After that it seemed he was trying to make up for lost time and we were really close for a while. He was always coming over to eat dinner with us and playing with the kids. About 3 years of that and he met a woman he would begin dating. I read her like a book in the beginning, but gave her the benefit of the doubt. After about 2 years she began to cause a divide between us in various ways. For the last 2 years of his life we only spoke a handful of times. When she called me and said the doctor was only giving him 24 hours lo live I was right by his side. There were a lot of things that took place after that within those 24 hours. Very unsettling actions, statements, and conversations I either witnessed or was a part of. What I do know in all of that is I was there with my father when he passed. I made sure he was made comfortable in the ways I knew possible and even put my phone up to his ear playing some of his favorite songs so he could hear them one last time. 


I get along with my mother and stepfather seeing them on a regular basis. They raised me pretty much so things are a bit different. I couldn't live with them as I am too independent and have particular ways about how I keep things. We are different in those respects so the 45 minute distance between us works out fine. 

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32 minutes ago, Gugny said:


My parents live a short walk from the high school that my son attends.  He goes there every day after school to hang out with them for an hour or two, then they bring him home.  My parents have five grandchildren.  My sister lives about 45 minutes away; she brings her son over every month or so.  My brother has three kids (one is in PA, one in Syracuse and one going to school at Oswego).  Those kids never had crap to do with my parents and still don't.  They come home (20 min. from my parents) and never go see my parents.  But you can bet your sweet ass they come over on Christmas Eve to get the envelope with money in it.  I never tell my son to go visit my parents.  He just does it because he loves them.  Makes me very proud and it makes them very happy.

that's great.  i want my kids to have that relationship with my parents too.  unfortunately my parents had me when they were older, and i had my kids when i was older, so they won't be able to see them in the teenage years.  i moved to a different suburb, but i always see them once a week.  my brother lives about 4 minutes away from them, and they'll go weeks without seeing his kids.  i don't get it.  everyone gets along, and i know his kids are in activities, but how in the world can you live so close, and go weeks without seeing each other.  we don't make a big deal out of our meet up once a week...it's usually a dinner together.  it doesn't take much to stay connected.

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My parents passed away years ago.  I got along with them great as an adult.  They were strict and intentionally unfriendly when we were growing up.  We did things as a family, but they were in charge, they were not our “friends” until we were much older.  They also never lived near me after I graduated from college, so we only talked on the phone every few weeks and visited about once a year.


My wife and her parents just bicker.  They live about a mile away, and that access means that they don’t savor each other’s company.  Everybody in my wife’s family is opinionated and closed minded.  It’s hard to be around them.

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