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College Campus Sports Report

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it's not bad in a "shouldn't see at work" sense at all.


just imagine the worst sports anchor job you have EVER seen and magnify by about a million.....then mutiply it again a couple of times for good measure.

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banned at work, is it that bad?



It's probably the site's been banned. I know my workplace has added multimedia sites to "bad content" sites on the banned list, to preserve bandwidth....

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Oh dear God I feel such pain for that kid. But at the same I don't...that is damn hilarious. I can't tell if maybe something was wrong with the teleprompter or if he just sucks. Either way, you can actually his ears getting redder by the minute. And you just KNOW that heading into the big cast he was planning on using "Boom goes the dynamite" as his own original, SportsCenter-esque, slapstick catchphrase.


I also love the look on the face of the female anchor when he's done. Classic. Very good find.




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