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Mike Vick gives some chick the HERP!!

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A health care worker and she doesn't have the brainpower to use a rubber? BRILLIANT!!



That was my immediate thought too. I think we are dealing with some irresponsible behavior with both parties here. If it wasn't a disease, it could've been a baby she walked away with.

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Is there any possiblity that it can be transmitted to someone tackling him who might have a cut or open wound themself?  I would think some NFL defensive players are going to be wondering if it's safe to tackle him.



Yes. If that open wound touches his penis, or if he licks the open wound.


Pretty sure they'll be safe.

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ron mexico? that's too freaking funny. reminds me of sam malone on cheers, who went my the name "lance manyan" when he would check into a hotel with a young lady friend.



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Yes. If that open wound touches his penis, or if he licks the open wound.


Pretty sure they'll be safe.



Actually, he could potentially transmit from genitals to hand to other player from scratching, etc...


edit: but then they'd have to touch mouth/genitals with the "infected" part. I expect It would have to be in a short time-frame too...far fetched but not impossible.

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Actually, he could potentially transmit from genitals to hand to other player from scratching, etc...


Wouldn't he have to be directly scratching an open sore (meaning hand all the way down his pants) and then touch either another players mouth or other orifice?


I think i just threw up in my mouth a little while typing that. . .

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Or, maybe if he had an open sore in his mouth, and spit in someones mouth when there was a pile on. :blush:



You guys act like he is the only person in the NFL to have herpes. It's not like this is a new thing.

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I think next time the Bills come to Callahans, I'm gonna drink out of the same glass as one of them... If I get Herpes 1 from it, I can deal with a few cold sores for several hundred thousand... and if not, I could probably still sue even if I just caught a cold.


Which brings me to the point: Doesn't she somehow have to prove it was HIM that gave her herpes? I mean, 1 in 4 adults have it...

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I guess that went over your head :blush:



I know I replied to you, but I knew you were just being extreme with it and were kidding, but I'm pretty sure the first guy who brought up it being spread during a game was serious.

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