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Mike Vick gives some chick the HERP!!

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Regardless of whether Vick knew or didn't know, shouldn't the woman have to take SOME responsibility here?  Last I checked, sex was a 50/50 proposition.





according to summary that had known each other for quite sometime. she could argue that a certain level of trust had been established. I mean, who here has had their spouse medically tested for all STD's before marriage?

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I must say I am kind of on the fence with this one. For the women's defense, I agree that Vick must have to disclose that kind of information (if he had it) before they have sex. To knowingly put another person in a position to be infected is wrong. I mean how many of you defend people with HIV that knowingly spread the disease.


On the other hand, I do tend to think that she should have some responsibility too. However, I know condoms reduce the possibility of the transmission of herpes, but they don't block it. They are contraceptives, not kevlar vests.


I think that overall she is right, he should have disclosed. Whether they used a condom or not, who knows what her decision would have been if she knew.


Then finally, if Mike Vick doesn't play pro ball and make 100+ million, then this lawsuit never happens. He gets slapped, cursed out and maybe a brick thrown at his car. She's just lookin for her piece....and I personally don't think anyone deserves millions of dollars (which she might very well get) for getting herpes. JMHO....


Also I do agree with Big Cat, this will settle verrrrrry quickly.

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How is the law stupid in this regard? If Vick knew he had herpes, which I am not sure is the case, and he did not inform his partner, he should be held responsible. I don't know for sure as  I don't have herpes, but I think you know it when you get it. At least you can get over a punch in the face... I hear from Valtrex commercials that there still is no cure for Herpes.





So, from this logic, what you are saying is a girl should only make sure she is protected when she knows for a FACT that the guy she is about to have sex with has an STD.


No, you make sure because of the chance, like this, that he does.


Girls who have unprotected sex with anyone they aren't married to, or commited to in a very serious way, are just as stupid as a guy who does the same.

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Her responsibility is a minor issue. This is the best metaphor I could think of.


A guy and a girl are hanging out at the guy's apartment. The girl sees a gun and says...


"Wow, cool gun."

Guy: "Do you want to play with it?"

Girl: "Sure!"

Guy: "Go ahead and point it to your stomach and pull the trigger, it's not loaded."

Girl: BANG, Ow!

Guy: "Whoops it's actually loaded, but I thought telling you would ruin the experience."



I'd say the girl's an idiot and needs to take personal accountability in your metaphor as well


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So, from this logic, what you are saying is a girl should only make sure she is protected when she knows for a FACT that the guy she is about to have sex with has an STD.



No, but it sounds like Vick had knowledge that he withheld from her. That's the problem and the crux of the case. It is a lot different from just having unprotected sex with someone and not knowing you had something. Vick seems like he knew.


People are dying of AIDs because people infected with the disease don't care about informing their partners. That is murder, plain and simple. Herpes isn't the same, but I hear it ain't very fun either.


Using protection is the right thing, but that doesn't mean that absolves someone who is infected from revealing this fact especially if they are skipping protection.


It's like saying someone broke into your house and being told well, you should have paid for an alarm system, it's kind of your fault.

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I'd say the girl's an idiot and needs to take personal accountability in your metaphor as well




Yeah she does, but the worse sin was the guy not telling her that the gun is loaded. How about Vick taking some freaking personal responsibility when it came down to revealing that he had incurable STD?

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How is the law stupid in this regard? If Vick knew he had herpes, which I am not sure is the case, and he did not inform his partner, he should be held responsible. I don't know for sure as  I don't have herpes, but I think you know it when you get it. At least you can get over a punch in the face... I hear from Valtrex commercials that there still is no cure for Herpes.


Are you trying to say that everybody does not have open sores all over their genitals that burn?

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understand the law before posting.


If every person in this country sued the person who gave them herpes without admitting they had it, the court systems would implode.


1 in 4 people has genital herpes. ONE IN FOUR! Every 30 seconds, someone contracts genital herpes. (Google and find the stats. They're everywhere.) It's not a life-threatening disease and for most every person who has it, they can receive treatment now that keeps it in check. In many cases it actually goes away after a number of years. The problem with genital herpes is the social stigma associated with it, as well as the emotional issues you face...particularly the first time you have an outbreak, which is always the worst one.


Vick screwed up by not telling her, and he should take responsibility for that. SHE screwed up by either not asking or not caring to ask or not even insisting that a million dollar superstar NFL quarterback wear a condom. But sue him? Take him to court and SUE him? For freakin' herpes?


Once again the world would be a different place if everyone practiced personal accountability and not contact a lawyer the second they feel someone has wronged them.

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Girls who have unprotected sex with anyone they aren't married to, or commited to in a very serious way, are just as stupid as a guy who does the same.



Well, according to the article, they had been "close" for over a year before they first had sex, then another six months before they had unprotected sex. For a relationship with an athlete, that does sound very much like "commited to in a serious way" to me, but that's just IMO, I guess.

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If every person in this country sued the person who gave them herpes without admitting they had it, the court systems would implode.


1 in 4 people has genital herpes. ONE IN FOUR!  Every 30 seconds, someone contracts genital herpes. (Google and find the stats. They're everywhere.) It's not a life-threatening disease and for most every person who has it, they can receive treatment now that keeps it in check. In many cases it actually goes away after a number of years. The problem with genital herpes is the social stigma associated with it, as well as the emotional issues you face...particularly the first time you have an outbreak, which is always the worst one.


Vick screwed up by not telling her, and he should take responsibility for that. SHE screwed up by either not asking or not caring to ask or not even insisting that a million dollar superstar NFL quarterback wear a condom. But sue him? Take him to court and SUE him? For freakin' herpes?


Once again the world would be a different place if everyone practiced personal accountability and not contact a lawyer the second they feel someone has wronged them.




The least he could do is pay for the chick's treatment.

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Well, according to the article, they had been "close" for over a year before they first had sex, then another six months before they had unprotected sex.  For a relationship with an athlete, that does sound very much like "commited to in a serious way" to me, but that's just IMO, I guess.



Was he still calling himself Ron Mexico this whole year?

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