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Chuck Schumer, Elizabeth Warren & other Dems play ‘DC should be a state, pass it on’ game (but others have a MUCH better idea — pass it on)


If you’ve been on Twitter today you might have noticed that many Democrats have latched onto a talking point game designed to appeal to those who don’t understand why DC wasn’t made into a state in the first place:




We much prefer this “pass it on” game that grew out of the original instead:





Term limits!   Pass it on

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Year 1. TBD Hatred & Vitroil-Obstruct to stall the country's business

Year 2. See #1

Year 3. See #1 and # 2


yet we perennially re-elect them for their "accomplishments (the other side shares guilt for similar re-elections) because the country "comes first, all partisanship aside(COUGH)?.........yet we peddle this as the world's greatest democracy?......should we put aside the bastions of the world's "greatest democracy" aside as in the politicization/rampant corruption of FBI, DOJ , CIA, et al?........uh oh.....we're NOT Mr. Clean, are we??........



America’s Problem Is Systemic Liberalism

Townhall, by Kurt Schlichter


Original Article


Forget the bizarre and evil concept of national original sin that is the malignant idea that America is built upon “systemic racism." America’s true systemic flaw, arising at the time of those miserable progressives of yesteryear and continuing up through the miserable progressives of this rotten year, is what we now call “liberalism.” Oh, it’s not classical liberalism, with its concern for expanding economic and personal rights – you know, individual liberty. The current inverted mutation of liberalism is all about constricting economic and personal rights and forcing individuals into collective boxes where their individuality is subsumed into an easily exploited and manipulated conformist whole.




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