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What have the Democrats done in the past Four years


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ANDREW DAVIS: Donald Trump, Texas Hold’m and the Big Ukrainian Bluff. 


“This is the extension of several failed campaigns to derail the conservative agenda anywhere but at the ballot box.


It started with the much maligned Mueller probe, which produced nothing after over a year of chop licking and promising from the same bad actors at work now. Then it evolved into the Stormy Daniels soap opera. And of course who could forget the campaign against Brett Kavanaugh?”

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Is she Russian ?


Democratic clerk charged with altering nearly 200 midterm elections ballots

by Victor Morton


Original Article


A Democratic city clerk in Michigan who had been honored by the state party for her work was charged this week with multiple felonies related to charges of altering absentee ballots. Sherikia Hawkins was arraigned Monday in Southfield, Michigan, on six counts related to the 2018 election including forging public documents and misconduct in office and was released on $15,000 bond,

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Bridget Phetasy‘s open letter to the Democratic Party.


If you try nuance or engage in ‘wrong-think’ on sacred issues, you won’t just get into a tiff with the neighbors; now there’s every chance you will have your personal life dragged into the public square in order to shame you into obscurity. The days of buffet-style politics are no longer allowed. You either check all the boxes of the ‘good’ party, or you belong to the ‘bad’ one. When I dared to push back by writing articles, I was struck by how quickly the left rejected me. Millions noticed this too: they watched in stunned silence as leftists demanded books be censored, scrutinized language and called anyone who disagreed a Nazi.


Flash forward three years into a Trump administration and instead of learning from mistakes, the loudest members of the party are heading for the same brick wall. At this point the 2020 Democratic platform feels like a barely veiled threat: ‘Vote for us or you’re racist.’


The progressive push to fully embody the promise made in the Declaration of Independence that ‘all men are created equal’ used to feel aspirational and attainable. Now, the open-mindedness and tolerance that attracted me to the Democratic party seems like a thing of the past. Gone is the party that stood in direct opposition to the rigid moralizing of conservatism.


In its place is a movement that feels less about liberation and more about obedience. Progressivism is no longer interested in ideological diversity and instead demands rigid adherence to dogma. Dare to defy and risk being, as we say on Twitter, ‘canceled’.



As Glenn noted in the very early days of Instapundit,


“As the old saying has it, the left looks for heretics and the right looks for converts, and both find what they’re looking for.


The effect is no doubt subliminal, but people who treat you like crap are, over time, less persuasive than people who don’t. If people on the Left are so unhappy about how many former allies are changing their views, perhaps they should examine how those allies are treated.”









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Teachers need to teach students HOW to think and not WHAT to think.

A teacher in Florida handed out a quiz with the question: “45th Pres; 2017; Republican; Real Estate businessman; Idiot.”





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On 9/4/2019 at 11:12 AM, B-Man said:

I'm sorry.


There is just too much nonsense being spouted by the Left to keep cluttering up the 2020 thread, or specific topic threads.


We need this topic back..................?









Besides wipe out everything Obama has done...     

Despite the rising economy and job market left from the Obama Administration ...


What have the Republicans done?


Beyond Limiting and reducing the # of immigrants from across the world and defending a clear lunatic? 


Tax break you say?   The one that caused you to pay taxes in April instead of collecting taxes in April?   To avoid paying taxes in April you had to reduce your deductions allowing the government to take more taxes from your paycheck weekly! 


Embargo's?  How are they working?


Lil Kim stop his nuclear ambitions?  

Are we besties with China yet?  

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27 minutes ago, SlimShady'sGhost said:

Tax break you say?   The one that caused you to pay taxes in April instead of collecting taxes in April?   To avoid paying taxes in April you had to reduce your deductions allowing the government to take more taxes from your paycheck weekly! 


Math is hard.


Lets walk this out:


Scenario 1:  You make $100,000/yr, and pay $1000 in income taxes bi-weekly (26 pay periods/yr), for a total of $26k annually.  At tax time you get a refund of $10k, leaving you with a net annual tax bill of $16k.


Scenario 2:  You make $100,000/yr, and pay $500 in income taxes bi-weekly (26 pay periods/yr), for a total of $13k annually.  At tax time you get a bill for $2k, leaving you with a net annual tax bill of $15k.


In which scenario do you have more money?

Edited by TakeYouToTasker
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There are still a number of Democrats in the House against impeachment, despite Pelosi's change of plans. 



Here are the twelve members of Congress:

  • New York Rep. Anthony Brindisi
  • South Carolina Rep. Joe Cunningham
  • Hawaii Rep. Tulsi Gabbard
  • Maine Rep. Jared Golden
  • Oklahoma Rep. Kendra Horn
  • Wisconsin Rep. Ron Kind
  • Pennsylvania Rep. Conor Lamb
  • Utah Rep. Ben McAdams
  • Minnesota Rep. Collin Peterson
  • New York Rep. Max Rose
  • New Mexico Rep. Xochitl Torres Small
  • New Jersey Rep. Jeff Van Drew





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11 hours ago, SlimShady'sGhost said:


Besides wipe out everything Obama has done...     

Despite the rising economy and job market left from the Obama Administration ...


What have the Republicans done?


Beyond Limiting and reducing the # of immigrants from across the world and defending a clear lunatic? 


Tax break you say?   The one that caused you to pay taxes in April instead of collecting taxes in April?   To avoid paying taxes in April you had to reduce your deductions allowing the government to take more taxes from your paycheck weekly! 


Embargo's?  How are they working?


Lil Kim stop his nuclear ambitions?  

Are we besties with China yet?  


Let's recap:


You don't understand that enforcing laws to ensure that people immigrate LEGALLY isn't "reducing the # of immigrants across the world".


You don't understand that 90% of Americans got a tax cut (or that most were too stupid to adjust the reset of their deductions.)


It's clear that you don't even know what an "Embargo's" is.


When was the last time Lil' Kim tested a nuclear weapon? Please remind us all.


You seem to think anyone actually cares about being "besties" with the Chinese.





Thanks for stopping by. It's been a gas.

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On 9/27/2019 at 11:19 AM, B-Man said:


There are still a number of Democrats in the House against impeachment, despite Pelosi's change of plans. 



Here are the twelve members of Congress:

  • New York Rep. Anthony Brindisi
  • South Carolina Rep. Joe Cunningham
  • Hawaii Rep. Tulsi Gabbard
  • Maine Rep. Jared Golden
  • Oklahoma Rep. Kendra Horn
  • Wisconsin Rep. Ron Kind
  • Pennsylvania Rep. Conor Lamb
  • Utah Rep. Ben McAdams
  • Minnesota Rep. Collin Peterson
  • New York Rep. Max Rose
  • New Mexico Rep. Xochitl Torres Small
  • New Jersey Rep. Jeff Van Drew






With the exception of Gabbard, who is fighting her own battle against the DNC Establishment, how many of that list are in swing districts that Trump won?

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