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at the time of my post, it was just a breaking news banner.  I'm sure there'll be a story to follow.



I would like to announce my candidacy for election to the post of Supreme Pontiff. I feel that I am uniquely qualified for the position and I ask for your support.


This tidbit from CNN "Any baptized male can be elected, though any layman selected would have to be ordained priest and bishop."


I am male and I have been baptized. If you are a cardinal under the age of 80 please give me your vote.




My campaign slogan: God has a sense of humor, so should you.

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I Kid You Not................





Among those who will be the prospective Pope is an

Itallian Cardinal named Cardinal Secola from Milan, Italy.

This is interesting because he may be chosen to be the next

Pope. Catholics will then have a Pope Secola.

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According to Oddschecker, Dionigi Tettamanzi is a 11/4 favorite...

Pope Odds


There is a line for anything I guess...


John is also the odds on faviorite for the new Pope's name. Sixtus is the longshot


Pope Dionigi just doesn't have the same ring to it.

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There exists a prophecy that might help you at the sports book for the papal election. Saint Malachy, in the year 1139, is supposed to have produced a list of all past and upcoming popes, with a brief description of each. He described the upcoming pope as "gloria olivae", or "glory of the olives". If you're placing bets, look for some connection to olives; born in an olive growing region, or something about being a peacemaker (olive branch).


Whoever it is, let's hope he makes it longer than JP I, because there's only one left on Malachy's list of popes after that... the last pope. Here's what he said about that one:


"In persecutione extrema S.R.E. sedebit Petrus Romanus, qui pascet oues in multis tribulationibus: quibus transactis ciuitas septicollis diruetur, & Iudex tremêdus iudicabit populum suum. Finis."


Trans: In extreme persecution, the seat of the Holy Roman Church will be occupied by Peter the Roman, who will feed the sheep through many tribulations, at the term of which the city of seven hills will be destroyed, and the formidable Judge will judge his people. The End.

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I Kid You Not................


                          Among those who will be the prospective Pope is an

                        Itallian Cardinal named Cardinal Secola from Milan, Italy.

                        This is interesting because he may be chosen to be the next

                        Pope. Catholics will then have a  Pope Secola.



Then, there's Cardinal Sin from the Philippines.


You can't make this stuff up, folks. :blush:

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Shake: You know, the Drizzle...when he was, uh...as a kid, he was bitten by a thirsty worm in a science lab accident, eh, radioactive stuff. ...I don't know how it happened, but I swear from the day on, he was able to manipulate the rain, and THAT is FRESH.


Frylock: Rain?


Shake: Yeah! For justice! ...You know, when the villains try to do stuff, he's like, you know, like a rain out...rain it out! Justice "rains" supreme!


Frylock: Yeah...that's deep Shake.


Shake: Yeah, see then they gotta pick another day to do the crime and, he'd rain it out again! He's--so he's a step ahead. Finally, they can't schedule their deeds of, uh, you know, misdoing. They just get tired.


Frylock: Wow, you know, that's really, amazingly lame.


Shake: Yeah...it sounded cooler last week. ...WHOA! I heard he has LASER feet! That's COOL, right? I ask ya!


Frylock: Well, you know, you would think that if he got bit by a radioactive worm, he would have some sort of burrowing powers or something like that, right?


Shake: Well he--he could do that too, I mean, you know, none of it's written in stone. I mean he's, you know, he's BAD! To the BONE! His LASER bones!


Frylock: Yeah, well, thanks for the Drizzle Phone. I'll be sure to contact him if we ever need to dig a hole in the yard or anything like that.


Shake: Okay, I'll be in the crawlspace if you need him.



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