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3 hours ago, Foxx said:

dude, i'm sorry if i got your knickers in a wad. i was only playing and bustin' on ya, no harm meant. if you think i broke the TOS and upset you, i'm sorry... it wasn't meant to be that way, it was more lighthearted than anything. 


it was based upon your incessant need to try and prove anyone and everyone wrong who happens to believe in the possible chance of intelligent life outside of that which resides upon Earth. the vociferous manner in which you do so makes one wonder whether it is yourself that you are trying to convince or if you are truly afraid that those aliens might be coming here looking for you. either way, the chosen stance you have taken is ... out there.


nice, hit (kudos) with the Bitcoin reference. though  i firmly believe in crypto as the future of commerce, i am not nearly as intense in defending my stance as you are with the intelligent life elsewhere thing.

correct, we have not interacted a whole lot down in the dungeon, though i do suspect as well, you are right in that we probably agree much more than we would disagree on political matters. hell, we probably agree on a whole lot of other items as well. i think your '12th' meme is funny as hell but i think you know that as well. i just hope your really wrong, though i would not be surprised if you are right.


yes it was related to the UFO thread. however, in no way was it due to frustration of facts. your belief that you have presented a strong and sound argument backed by factual evidence shows the level of misconception you are under, with regard. i do not believe you have convinced even one soul here, that is how vapid your arguments have been.


again, i apologize, i was just busting on ya. now i know that you can't take a joke and hence forth i shall never play with you again. all interaction will be straightforward. if it would make you feel better, go ahead and post a link to my profile with my chosen pronoun, which by the way is, 'Foxx'. it wouldn't bother me in the slightest and if it helps, more power to it.


also, i just get a kick out of your chosen pronoun, i think it is too funny, hence why i use it in reference. but i shall desist. i mean all of the above in earnest and hope we're , 'good'.


it's all good man.


I agree that:


it's all good

I wish the 12th thing weren't true but it seems to be

it would be cool if aliens existed



I hope we agree:


To keep alien discussion in the UFO thread and keep this about the telescope



I disagree:


that my knickers were in a wad; just a little reverse chop busting

About alien likelihood, but you know that and I'll leave it elsewhere

about my pronouns which change from time to time.  Freezie pops isn't one of them at this time, they currently are polywurst and dental bridge

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