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Dudes. You're all wrong about Shelton


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Shelton will play RT for two reasons...


1) So that TD has a safety net when Mike Williams either reports to camp at 400+ lbs. or does another "Billy Edelin".


2) So that MW knows their is someone ready to take his job should he once again not perform up to his salary level.


Shelton will likely play the same role as Marcus Price... only a little better.

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You think we are holding out trading Henry for a backup to scare Mike Williams into not being fat?


I agree with you in that I am not convinced of Shelton's prowess as a LT, but I don't think we have the talent on our OL to trade for backups.


But who knows? Maybe he won't be good enough to start. McNally will tell us.

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Shelton will play RT for two reasons...


1) So that TD has a safety net when Mike Williams either reports to camp at 400+ lbs. or does another "Billy Edelin".


2) So that MW knows their is someone ready to take his job should he once again not perform up to his salary level.


Shelton will likely play the same role as Marcus Price... only a little better.



I respect your opinion, and I know your a fairly bright guy. But this post borders on the edge of respectability. Are u feeling ok?

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I also doubt that the Bills view Shelton's primary value as part of some weird three-rail billiard shot to manage MW as an employee.


The Bills braintrust succeded last year in squeezing adequate (finally he began to act like a professional to his teammates and Bills fans) and finaly pretty good performance out of MW with a nice combination of carrots (he was awarded a gameball at one point after a sack-free game) and sticks (JMac adjusted his attittude with a threat which both MW and ICE fell for that MW might be moved to LG (as little football sense as this move seemed to make).


Why do something like trade for a back-up when you have successfully managed MW using more direct means?


As best as I can tell, the Shelton move makes sense (as long as the docs judge him healed) because:


1. Shelton by most accounts does excel as a run blocker and has used his long arms to have a history of overwhelming opponents if he can get them locked up.

2. However, Shelton has not demonstrated the athletic ability to operate well in space and can be had on the outside by a speed rusher.


There strengths and weaknesses seem to play well into the Bills strategic plans for an offensive style and also match well with JPs past skillset he has shown.


If the Bills run the ball and then run a second time, this seems to play to Shelton's strengths. JJ was a good all around player, but there were always questions regarding whether he would play as he has never started all 16 games in his pro career and in fact adds to that problem by have a demonstrated history of getting knocked out of games by a variety of injuries from a concussion to shoulder issues which may earn him the lable of being injury prone if these nicks surface in SF. JJ was also a good all-around player but never has been a blocking threat in the run game that merited special attention. Shelton has been a great run blocker by some accounts in the past and if his ankle has healed enough to allow him to provide that benefit for WM then look out.


The downside of Shelton having trouble on an island or when a DE does a double move on him is a worry (particularly when facing the likes of Jason Taylor or John Abraham 4 times a year. However, this is where the mobility of JP comes in and his demonstrated history of being an effective QB even while running for his life at Tulane.


Shelton may get beat some, but if he does then his job is to either tackle the DE who beat him and we will take the penalty rather than see our QB tatooed by a blind hit. or more likely Shelton will need to curse and yet to warn JP he screwed up and JP has demonstrated the mobility to either take or avoid the hit.


I see Shelton fitting into our scheme and skillsets nicely at LT even though he is clearly far from perfect. However at a $3 million cap hit he is not being paid to perform at Boselli levels. If his $3 million hit (the going rate for starting LTs is at least $5+ million) allows us to pay for great performances from Villarial, good performances from Teague and Anderson and great oerfirnaces (we need a lot more from him) from Nikw Williams at their cap hits we will have a quality performing OL.

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I respect your opinion, and I know your a fairly bright guy. But this post borders on the edge of respectability. Are u feeling ok?


I agree


In fact right now Im trying to hold back an annoying counter-rant, but i think I've got it under control.

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If the Bills trade for Shelton, it will be to compete at LT. However I don't discount that Shelton's presence COULD be a message to MW to get his ass in gear. But then again, MW might be thinking he's made a ton of money and it would cost a lot for the Bills to cut him, so no big deal. Bottom line is that MW has to want it for himself, not some outside reason.

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Shelton will play RT for two reasons...


1) So that TD has a safety net when Mike Williams either reports to camp at 400+ lbs. or does another "Billy Edelin".


2) So that MW knows their is someone ready to take his job should he once again not perform up to his salary level.


Shelton will likely play the same role as Marcus Price... only a little better.



Gandy is the safety net at RT.

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