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PC Continues to Run Amok

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The amazing thing is that not only did someone have to initially THINK of the link, but someone also had to take that thought seriously. The coach and the school should have simply ignored it and told them to get over it.

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When will people finally stand up and say, "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!"  :huh:



Well, not for nothing, but you did try.


That's more than most of us can say...


I PMed Darin an article about how schools are no longer allowing red pens to be used by teachers, as it has a negative connotation to the kids...



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Well, not for nothing, but you did try.


That's more than most of us can say...


I PMed Darin an article about how schools are no longer allowing red pens to be used by teachers, as it has a negative connotation to the kids...





Yes, I know Purple pens do not have the negative connotation that Red pens have.


I also saw an article on the abolishment of spelling tests in one school district. See, with spelling tests, there are only "right" and "wrong" answers. To tell the kid that they are wrong could scar them for life. Therefore, if you eliminate the spelling tests, then you will not have to potentially scar the child by telling them that their answer is wrong.


BTW, thanks for the compliments. I have continued by quest beyond the campaign, so hopefully it will have an impact. I am now on a larger stage (then the write-in campaign), so I will be able to reach more people.

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Someone forgot the OT button.  You'd think with nearly 17,000 posts they'd get the hang of it...  :huh:




Nothing I post is off topic. So it is written. :lol:


I'm not comfortable with you using the flirt smiley when responding, either. :huh:



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Yes, I know Purple pens do not have the negative connotation that Red pens have.






I am offended by this assault on purple...it should not be the color used to tell children they are wrong.




Barney the Dinosaur Fan Club (Purple Power)




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sorry, but p*ssies owned pink before breast cancer survivors. either find a new color or shut the f*ck up.


it's kind of like the rainbow. Used to be something of beauty and hope. Your kids could wear one proudly once upon a time. Now it's the global symbol for homosexuality. All those hard line Dio and Ritchie Blackmore fans don't complain.

Someone stole their Rainbow, but they've moved on.

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