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For those of us who might travel to Canada


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This might be a stupid question, but is everyone supposed to have a passport. I mean, I've never "needed" one for anything, but is it something everyone who is 18+ is supposed to own?



Not necessary. If you like to travel or if you travel for your job (where there is a possibility of international travel), it is nice to have it before you need it. It saves on having to get things rushed. I know that I have had to get visas rushed, but I already had the passport.

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You already need a passport or an official birth certificate if you fly to and from the U.S. & Canada....drivers license doesn't cut it. I personally don't think it's a big deal as I always have my passport when I travel, but I can see the problems it could cause for border towns.



"Papers please."

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GTR was dirty as hell. The girls were nasty and whorish.


It was one of the best places on Earth, and Rumor has it that it burned to the ground...



Yep- it is gone. Last tiem I was up was 3-4 years ago. I went to Pure Platinum. It just didn't have the same feel as the GTR did. Maybe it was because I didn't leave Canada with a burning sensation.

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Man...another thing to try not to lose when I go north of the border.


Go across the Peace Bridge and stop at the beer store for two cases of Molson Diamond....head to the beaches all day and chase chicks and jump off high dives.....head back to the King Eddy for a few more Molsons and a lap dance or ten and a few hillarious session with Tons of Fun....and back across the border with no money, brain cells, liver or sense of being.


Oh, this isn't 1980?

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People still use hardcopy passports? I have the new passchip implant. It has all my biographical data, and is tied to my bank account, as well as my job time-keeping database, so I never have to clock in/out. I kind of miss being able to fudge my timecard a few minutes here and there, but not having to carry cash to make purchases anymore is pretty convenient (except for those stores that don't have the readers installed yet). So I still need a wallet, but not for much longer unless I want to keep carrying family pictures.


The worst part about it right now is my medical/health insurance premiums increasing every time I buy a pack of smokes or a cheeseburger. But as long as I don't go over my quota each month, I guess I'm ok with that. Last month I had to get my neighbor to buy a case of beer for me, because the system recognized my wife as being in the same household, and we were over the limit. He was willing to do it once, but he didn't want his insurance rates to go up with repeat purchases, so I'm going to have to find someone else...

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So a passport is required for going to Canada, but meanwhile thousands per day are coming over the southern border and the gov't refuses to do anything but reward them for it?


That's because there's not alot of Canadian-American votes to worry about losing in the next election.

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Does anyone know the name of the cheesy motel that is or was on the same side of the street and just before The Sundowner (I am pretty sure that's where it was).  Anyways, they had a real nasty strip joint on one side of the bar and you could go through a door and there would be a live band playing on the other side.


Does this ring a bell with anyone?



I went there once....there was a Black Sabboth tribute band on one side and strippers on the other.....


I cant remember the name...but you not dreaming...it was there.....

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"your stupidity and ignorance never ceases to amaze me.... "


...and your always quick with an insult. Was what I said incorrect? If so, please enlighten me?


How do you figure I get scalped with an American passport? Please enlighten me. I travel alot. I just backpacked Europe for 6 weeks. Who even knows I have an American passport? An American Passport helps you when you are crossing borders or going thru customs. It also helps you if you happen to get into trouble in another country. The only people that see my passport when I travel are border guards, train conducters, and hotels/hostels. All my hotels and hostels are booked in advance with the price already set. I book online and the price does not go up if I am an American. Border guards are more likely to leave you alone if you are an American and they dont ask for money. How do you figure we get "scalped"?

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I went there once....there was a Black Sabboth tribute band on one side and strippers on the other.....


I cant remember the name...but you not dreaming...it was there.....



The Concorde? We went there a few times in collidge, but had to stop going because the women were funny looking and I felt bad laughing while they were shtrippin.

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