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33% of people are sick b-stards...

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CNN Polls are ridiculous. They probably asked three people and one said people are sick, hence the 33%. They did a poll asking if the Pope was the greatest Pope ever. They asked 251 Catholics. There are over a Billion Catholics in the World. If I asked two people if the sky was blue and one said yes, CNN would report that 50% of people think the sky is blue. What a waste of time.

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According to an article from CNN.com two cousins (1st cousins) from Pennsylvania recently went to Maryland because PAs laws prohibited them from getting married. Maryland is apparently all for kissing cousins, as they were wed there.


CNN.com's front page poll asks:


"Should states prohibit first cousins from marrying each other?"


Only 67% of people say yes, states should prohibit 1st cousin marriages.








If the question in the poll was "Would you marry your first cousin?" and the responses were the same, I might let your assessment lie as-is. But the question is one of whether the state has the right to impose such laws, not whether you even think it's "right" or not. The way you are equating things here is like saying that if you don't think gay marriages should be prohibited by law, then you must be gay.

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Let's also keep in mind that whether or not one can marry his or her cousin was the start of the rivalry between Springfield and Shelbyville - a rivalry that has lasted til this very day.


(obscure Simpsons reference)




ROTFLMMFAOSMP!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol:



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