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Unless one exposes himself to the other, he has no idea how similar they really are





must...control...reflex ...response...to... this...statement.....   :huh:




The whole "Anglicans not having to endure inspection" angle is clear now, thanks.

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Oh, defrocking a few priests and saying that offenders would suffer in the afterlife for what they did is almost as good as fixing the structure of the friggin system that allows it to happen and covers it up. The pope was a truly benevolent and pious man who was personally great with children, he was like the favorite grandfather to the world, but his administrative control for protecting the children from the priests was lacking. Bernard Law was promoted to the Vatican!


The Boston Archdiocese is comparable to the Chicago FedEx plant. If they screw up a package and can't pay, the the parent company doesn't sit back and say it's Chicago's fault, they have to make restitution. Nevermind that the Boston branch's land holdings are considerable, yet they cry poverty. And the Catholic Church is the largest landholder in the world. This excuse sucks and the victims aren't getting the help they need (one of them committed suicide a couple of months ago). That's tantamount to murder.


Not true. The RCC is the most decentralized institution in the world. Each diocese is financially responsible and on its own. Should the Boston Diocese sell its churches?

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I admit, I have a serious issue with the way Catholics idolize the Pope. He's a man like you or me, he puts his pants on one leg at a time.



Papal Infallability is one of the 4 main reasons I'm no longer a Catholic.

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Kind of odd that he's NOT infallible until he's elected Pope, but then all of the sudden he's perfect.




I'm still looking for the "infallible pope" verse in my King James version, I'm sure it's in here somewhere...

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Papal Infallability is one of the 4 main reasons I'm no longer a Catholic.



One of the quirks of Catholicism to cut off questioning. To be fair, tho, JPII kind of made a joke about infallabilty when he was first elected. From the sound of the joke, I think he did see the inanity of it.

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She was blown away that the service was EXACTLY like an RC wedding.  Unless one exposes himself to the other, he has no idea how similar they really are.



the exposing and the blown away usually happens the nite after the wedding...

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Pick on the Catholics time.

The incidence of pedophile priests is about the same as pedophile protestant ministers. Since it is the Catholic Church, it's time to pile on.

Sort of like the MSM bias against Republicans. Repubs do something-all over the papers, dems do the same thing-oh, that's nothing.


Some of the charges, i believe are false. 30-35 years later the adult says the priest molested him- Where is the proof ?

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Pick on the Catholics time


Maybe you should reread the first post on this thread. For the most part, people have been very understanding of the Roman catholics' feelings of the loss of JPII. The first post of this thread came out of left field and the poster deserved the basting he received.

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I can't tell wheter you're being facetious or you really believe that.


there are c 50 posts on this subject -almost all negative. The fact is the RCC generates interest like no other denomination. The contention that no one cares about Catholicism is manifestly false. I would argue that most of the negative posts are from lapsi. After Jesus (after all He was God) the two gratest early Catholic thinker/ leaders was St. Paul who got his early stripes merciless;y persecuting Christians and St. Augustine who so enjoyed sensual life that he prayed that his conversion not occur to early life was such fun.

I really believe it Joe and the procession of John Pauls body was an epiphany.

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there are c 50 posts on this subject -almost all negative. The fact is the RCC generates interest like no other denomination.


Ever stop to think that people are responding more to your condescendingly inane post about protestantism than they are Roman catholicism?

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One of the quirks of Catholicism to cut off questioning. To be fair, tho, JPII kind of made a joke about infallabilty when he was first elected. From the sound of the joke, I think he did see the inanity of it.


Since 1875 or so Papal Infallibility has been invoked twice; once for the Immaculte conception of Mary ( which frees up original sin problems via Mary to Jesus) and the Assumption of the Virgin- a politically incorrect term- Mary into heaven, that is she did not go to Purgatory. These are really mutually inclusive and I hope relatively benign. I think, repeat think that Protestants object to the RCC quasi-deification of Mary and to be truthful RCC has taken steps to de-deify Mary. Nonetheless, and this is the inherent strength of RCC much of the faithful hold special status for Mary. A strength because the hierarchy asserts one emphasis and the laity another.

It is quite necessary for faith based institutions to adhere to core beliefs. If one is say Quaker one has to believe in mans ability to correctly form a conscience but even Quakers believe in Biblical and Christian truths. The RCC is arguably the most doctrine conscious.

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Ever stop to think that people are responding more to your condescendingly inane post about protestantism than they are Roman catholicism?


Without Roman Catholicism there is no response necessary.

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