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There is absolutely no way that

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Its the same thing as when people complain about outsourcing. Business is about making money. If Company X can pay someone in india $1,900 a year to answer a phone, vs $30,000 here, they would almost be dumb not to outsource.


Tell some 18 year old american kid to mow a lawn in the 90+ degree heat for 8 hours a day for about $40 and he'd laugh at you. Mexicans wait in line for those jobs.



That's exactly correct - nobody here wants to do tough and/or menial labor for minimum or less than minimum wages. The fact of the matter is that crops have to be picked, hotel rooms have to be cleaned and somebody's got to clean public restrooms. You can hire an illegal and keep costs down or you can find a citizen to do it for enough money (the latter option will raise the price of the produce/hotel room/bus ticket). It's amazing how many people rail against the illegal immigrant but would be the first to scream bloody murder if tomatoes were $5/pound or a stay at the 2 star Holiday Inn cost $200/night. Like it or night, we depend on illegals to do lots of work nobody else will do for what we pay...

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Unless your all american indians, I wonder if there were people like these waiting for your forefathers when they arrived?



And maybe Great Britain should let in anyone who wants to come because the Saxons and Normans certainly weren't the first to arrive on the island....

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What bothers me about the illegal immigration is that our lax enforcement encourages people to break the law rather than waiting their turn while also putting a stigma on Mexican immigrants who actually have come here legally.



Well said.

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It's amazing to hear people regurgitate the same tired lies.


Illegal immigration is a terrible problem in this country and its not the lettuce pickers and landscapers who sneak across that we really need to worry about. It's the thugs and terrorists and the politicians who continue to turn a blind eye to same.

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Unless your all american indians, I wonder if there were people like these waiting for your forefathers when they arrived?


Actually, my ancestors came here legally, worked crummy jobs, and busted ass for low pay to feed their families and build a better future. What is your point?

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Actually, my ancestors came here legally, worked crummy jobs, and busted ass for low pay to feed their families and build a better future. What is your point?



My ancestors came on a space ship and made their fortune by selling off their alien technology (the Swiffer Sweeper) to an Earth business.

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Unless your all american indians, I wonder if there were people like these waiting for your forefathers when they arrived?


My Grandad came over the Peace Bridge in the late 50's, but if he was closer to the Reservation he might've ran into a few problems.

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What a dillemma! Bush panders to these wackos, yet his business supporters need those illegal aliens to pick their lettuce! I wonder how these vigilantes would feel about paying $5 a head for lettuce, but something tells me these people don't eat a lot of salads.



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People actually leave Canada?



My grandparents (father's side) are from Brantford (Home of Gretzky), Ontario. They got out of Canada at their first opportunity. I was good friends in college with 3 guys from Canada. 1 went back, 1 married an American for love and stayed, the other married an American girl not for love specifically to stay.

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What a dillemma!  Bush panders to these wackos, yet his business supporters need those illegal aliens to pick their lettuce!  I wonder how these vigilantes would feel about paying $5 a head for lettuce, but something tells me these people don't eat a lot of salads.





Robots don't eat lettuce, so why are you complaining? I would think you'd be more upset over the price of oil.

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People actually leave Canada?



I guess the Union wages at the Ford Plant were better than anything Hamilton had to offer at the time. I think my Grandma is actually still a Canadian citizen or has a dual citizenship.

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Whatever it is, I'm not totally sure. For whatever reason, when my Grandparents moved her way back when she didn't become a citizen, although that might've changed since I was a kid. I remember her having to show a Canadian ID when we'd come back from visiting family in Welland that had a picture of her from when she was in her 30's. It's been a long time since I crossed the border for anything other than buying beer when I made a pilgrimage back to Buffalo and she was never with me for that. :devil:

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Oh a couple hundred people pissed off at the election have been trying to move to Canada, so I assumed that everyone would also want to go there if they could...  :devil:



Well, if people are going to have a hissy fit because they did not get their way (their guy did not win), then I have no trouble with them leaving. I, personally, have no desire to follow them.

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