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There is absolutely no way that

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Not only is it ridiculous that these people come into the country illegally, but they also qualify for all kinds of benefits.  How the hell does that work?  Benefits should be for citizens or those that come here legally.  I hate the idea that my tax money goes to people that have come to this country illegally and contribute nothing to society.



The big thing is they have children their born in this country. Once that happens it's next to impossible to deport them. The children automatically qualify for government assistance including Medicaid.

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Ummm, Texas was part of the Confederacy...



Their senators were Louis T. Wigfall and Williamson S. Oldham



Unless that site (and others like it) lies...?




I guess I'm wrong. Was the war ever fought there? I didn't think so which is why I thought they weren't at least, dedicated, Confederates

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We have deer hunting season and wild turkey hunting season. What's wrong with illegal alien hunting season? Works for me.




Yea but I'm sure "they'd" limit to one kill per season and make the time from sun up until noon....we all know that's when boarder crossing is at a minimum because of the heat. Maybe they'll issue additional "doe" tags.....


PS....Turkey season is coming!!!! OH YEAH

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What are these guys thinking? American citizens stepping up to protect the country and enfoce its laws when the federal government refuses to do so?? Don't they know they are supposed to just stay home and worry about who gets voted off 'American Idol'???

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Unless your all american indians, I wonder if there were people like these waiting for your forefathers when they arrived?



American Indians got their asses kicked in a straight up fight. The Europeans didn't sneak in and try to get on Indian Welfare. If the Mexicans want to try and cross the border with tanks and guns and give it a shot, more power to 'em.

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Unless your all american indians, I wonder if there were people like these waiting for your forefathers when they arrived?




Hey, if the Mexicans ever take over, it might be a blessing. With gas prices as high as they are, I could get used to living on my own reservation. Cheap smokes too, and some mean games of Bingo.

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I'm sure these people Link are happy that your lawn is getting mowed.


My point being that they come across because they know that they can find work here. As long as citizens give work opportunities to illegals, they'll keep coming.

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My point being that they come across because they know that they can find work here.  As long as citizens give work opportunities to illegals, they'll keep coming.




Its the same thing as when people complain about outsourcing. Business is about making money. If Company X can pay someone in india $1,900 a year to answer a phone, vs $30,000 here, they would almost be dumb not to outsource.


Tell some 18 year old american kid to mow a lawn in the 90+ degree heat for 8 hours a day for about $40 and he'd laugh at you. Mexicans wait in line for those jobs.

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My point being that they come across because they know that they can find work here.  As long as citizens give work opportunities to illegals, they'll keep coming.



Yeah my comment wasn't so much directed at you as the general sentiment.

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