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April showers bring May flowers  :)



Expression that is true for a certain part (climate) of the country. Much like the expression for corn "knee high by the 4th of July" being a regional expression in the northeast.

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Spring ahead and set your clocks ahead tonight


April showers bring May flowers  :)


and mayflowers bring pilgrams..................

Battery is low. They will chirp when the battery gets low.



You get the gold star for this public service announcement! :)

I admit that I don't always change the batteries, and I have had a chirping incident or two along the way. It is a good practice to follow, and now that I've yapped on about it, I've got to go to the store to buy some new 9Volters.


By the way, I far prefer the Fall Equinox ritual of letting all sleeping dogs lie for an additional hour.


The only thing that I hate is waking up, seeing a bunch of clocks with different times, and trying to figure out which one is correct.


I have to work at noon - I'm sure that it is going to screw up a lot of people.


April showers bring May flowers  :)



Just as long as April drafts don't bring any more Erik Flowers




I hear ya. Who wants that?

Am I the only one that HATES daylight saving time?  I just see it as a big waste of time.  Want to have an extra hour of daylight?  Get up an hour early.  Don't bother me with your nonsense.


I wish they'd just leave it the way it is after today...I hate when it gets dark at 5:30.

Spring ahead and set your clocks ahead tonight


April showers bring May flowers  :doh:


Mayflowers bring Pilgims. :)


About 6 inches of snow in Conesus today. Nothing but rain in Rochester.


Hey, AD - Marrowback Road was a REAL treat today! :doh:


So I go to bed last night at 11:15 according to my bedroom clock, and it was 11:15, I was just watching the local news. Alarm goes off at 5:50 am, hit the snooze as usual. Get up about 6:00, I noticed its a little dark, so I sit there for a second thinking about the time switch, yes, it would be darker after turning the clock ahead.


I take shower, shave and all that fun stuff, go downstairs, thinking, it still seems a little darker than I thought it would. Open up the fridge to make my lunch, turn the light on and look at the clock...5:45 am?! :devil: WTF? :doh:


I look over at the microwave clock, 5:45, stove clock 5:45 (Too many damn clocks in the kitchen.) Turn the TV on to the Weather Channel and it says 5:46 am, Son of a B....! Run back upstairs and look at the bedroom clock, 6:48 am. WTF!!! At this point, I'm totally confused knowing that I went to bed at 11:15 pm.


Turn the light on (pissing off my wife in the process, who is not going to work today), look closely at the clock. It turns out this clock is some stupid new fangled POS, that keeps track of the date, day of the week, and automatically sets the clock ahead one hour and the fuggin' thing was set a day behind so it thought today was Sunday the 3rd instead of Monday the 4th. :lol:


TWO Fuggin' days in a row I lost an hour of sleep. :doh:

So I go to bed last night at 11:15 according to my bedroom clock, and it was 11:15, I was just watching the local news.  Alarm goes off at 5:50 am, hit the snooze as usual.  Get up about 6:00, I noticed its a little dark, so I sit there for a second thinking about the time switch, yes, it would be darker after turning the clock ahead. 


I take shower, shave and all that fun stuff, go downstairs, thinking, it still seems a little darker than I thought it would.  Open up the fridge to make my lunch, turn the light on and look at the clock...5:45 am?! :doh: WTF?  :doh:


I look over at the microwave clock, 5:45, stove clock 5:45 (Too many damn clocks in the kitchen.)  Turn the TV on to the Weather Channel and it says 5:46 am, Son of a B....!  Run back upstairs and look at the bedroom clock, 6:48 am. WTF!!!  At this point, I'm totally confused knowing that I went to bed at 11:15 pm.


Turn the light on (pissing off my wife in the process, who is not going to work today), look closely at the clock.  It turns out this clock is some stupid new fangled POS, that keeps track of the date, day of the week, and automatically sets the clock ahead one hour and the fuggin' thing was set a day behind so it thought today was Sunday the 3rd instead of Monday the 4th. :lol:


TWO Fuggin' days in a row I lost an hour of sleep. :lol:



:lol: Thanks for the story. Damn new fangled clocks! :D


I had my alarm set properly this morning, went to bed at a normal time, but ended up pressing snooze until 6am anyway... So I didn't lose an hour of sleep today! :devil: Of course, I was up at 5am yesterday... (4am before the time shift), so this makes up for it I guess. Kinda... :(



So I go to bed last night at 11:15 according to my bedroom clock, and it was 11:15, I was just watching the local news.  Alarm goes off at 5:50 am, hit the snooze as usual.  Get up about 6:00, I noticed its a little dark, so I sit there for a second thinking about the time switch, yes, it would be darker after turning the clock ahead. 


I take shower, shave and all that fun stuff, go downstairs, thinking, it still seems a little darker than I thought it would.  Open up the fridge to make my lunch, turn the light on and look at the clock...5:45 am?! :devil: WTF?  :doh:


I look over at the microwave clock, 5:45, stove clock 5:45 (Too many damn clocks in the kitchen.)  Turn the TV on to the Weather Channel and it says 5:46 am, Son of a B....!  Run back upstairs and look at the bedroom clock, 6:48 am. WTF!!!  At this point, I'm totally confused knowing that I went to bed at 11:15 pm.


Turn the light on (pissing off my wife in the process, who is not going to work today), look closely at the clock.  It turns out this clock is some stupid new fangled POS, that keeps track of the date, day of the week, and automatically sets the clock ahead one hour and the fuggin' thing was set a day behind so it thought today was Sunday the 3rd instead of Monday the 4th. :lol:


TWO Fuggin' days in a row I lost an hour of sleep. :doh:


Stupid "smart" inanimate objects. Hate them. :lol:

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