Da webster guy Posted May 29, 2019 Posted May 29, 2019 15 hours ago, Heitz said: Should we, as TBD, just buy and send them one of these and a mic? https://www.guitarcenter.com/Fender/Passport-CONFERENCE-175W-Portable-PA-System-1392652270574.gc?cntry=us&source=4WWRWXGP&gclid=Cj0KCQjwuLPnBRDjARIsACDzGL3UmBDG1FHylsqy9Ddn3fYrb-HK6ee43W_5vkoEhGW6IEgvzaJf9nEaAvdhEALw_wcB Would be worth the $500 it could cost us (and the media would probably write a nice story about us) ? I actually have one of those, a little bigger but the same idea. Basically all they'd need are a few dozen wireless lapel mic's and a receiver attached to a 24 channel mixing board. All mic's muted except the active one. It's on of those things that's accepted because we're used to it, but it's ridiculous. At one point we were all starting at Daboll's face listening to a question we can't hear for a FULL minute. It boggles my mind. Even the major networks accept it. "uh....ok we can ping a 4k video from a moving camera on a zipline over the field of play up to space, bounce it off a satellite and re transmit it to your home, but for God's sake don't tell us you want to actually HEAR the questions asked at a press conference... who do you think we are the Jetson's or something...?" I sent Mike Catalana a twitter message about it, he said he'd pass it on. 1 1
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