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Bi-Partisan Support For Impeachment

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Just now, B-Man said:

A Politically Motivated Impeachment Is No Laughing Matter

by Frank Miele


Original Article



Why do otherwise smart people say that impeachment has nothing to do with crimes but is rather a brute political calculation? As one example out of many, Kimberley Strassel of the Wall Street Journal said Wednesday on “Tucker Carlson Tonight” that Congress “could impeach the president for laughing the wrong way. They can impeach for anything they want.”Well, actually, no they can’t. Not unless they pass a law first that says “laughing the wrong way” is either a high crime or a misdemeanor. Assuming that “high” is not an early constitutional reference to cannabis, then laughing is unlikely to be a crime of any sort, yet our pesky Constitution...........


More at the link:




Is trying to protect the integrity of the coming election a partisan issue? 


Only if you are a Trump cultist 


Protect the republic from foreign corruption! USA USA! 

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In Trump impeachment, 'no one is above the law' could backfire on Democrats

Washington Examiner, Original Article


"No one is above the law," said House Speaker Nancy Pelosi as she announced the Democratic effort to impeach President Trump over the Ukraine matter. The phrase has become a Democratic mantra in the new impeachment push. But it could, in the end, serve to highlight the weakness of the Democratic strategy.


The reason is, by stressing that Trump is not "above the law," Democrats are basing their case against the president on the argument that he broke the law and must be held accountable. But it's not at all clear that Trump broke any laws in the Ukraine matter.

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1 minute ago, B-Man said:

In Trump impeachment, 'no one is above the law' could backfire on Democrats

Washington Examiner, Original Article


"No one is above the law," said House Speaker Nancy Pelosi as she announced the Democratic effort to impeach President Trump over the Ukraine matter. The phrase has become a Democratic mantra in the new impeachment push. But it could, in the end, serve to highlight the weakness of the Democratic strategy.


The reason is, by stressing that Trump is not "above the law," Democrats are basing their case against the president on the argument that he broke the law and must be held accountable. But it's not at all clear that Trump broke any laws in the Ukraine matter.

Bribery, extortion...

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 ROGER KIMBALL PIECE ON IMPEACHMENT ........I think it’s worth breaking out this bit:

There were plenty of hints and adumbrations before, but it really took shape with Donald Trump. What we have seen over the last few years is an effort to render a large part (indeed, a majority) of the electorate illegitimate.


Donald Trump won the presidency in a free, open, and democratic election. And yet a sliver of the population—the Antifa thugs, the Hollywood brats, the media sissies, the beautiful people with expensive degrees, and, of course, the radical fringe of the Democratic Party—all refused to accept the results of the election.


It’s not just that they disliked Donald Trump. They declared him illegitimate. By implication, they declared anyone who supported Trump illegitimate, too. In essence, they bowed out of the social compact that underwrote the legitimacy of the American regime.


That’s exactly right.














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20 MINUTES INTO THE FUTURE: Republicans Begin Impeachment Investigation…

Mitch McConnell strides into the press conference, exuding that air of masculine confidence that made him, inevitably, a leader of men. He taps the microphone, clears his throat, and begins his presentation to the assembled reporters: “Good afternoon, everyone. I have an important announcement to make. In fact, one of historical significance.” Before the murmur in the room can die down, he declares, “Republicans of both houses of Congress are officially launching an impeachment investigation of the next Democratic President of the United States.”


After 10-15 seconds of stunned silence, the questions begin:


REPORTER 1: “But, the next Democratic President hasn’t even been inaugurated yet.”


MCCONNELL: “Neither had President Trump, when his impeachment investigation started. One example of the bipartisan nature of this investigation is how closely we are modeling it on the admirably effective techniques of our esteemed Democratic colleagues. After all, it’s all about the children.”





Read the whole thing.

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15 MINUTES INTO THE FUTURE: Why Nancy Pelosi Now Supports Impeachment Even Though It’s Insane.

With the House vote done by December, Pelosi can congratulate the troops, and move on, regardless of the result (not that it’s in any doubt). She can then proudly proclaim that the House Democrats have been diligent in saving the republic, while Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and those nasty obstructionist unpatriotic Republicans in the Senate refuse to see the light.


With a straight face, she can tell the lunatics and the impeachment fanatics that she has given them exactly what they asked for, and that it is up to Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer now. Then she can privately breathe a sigh of relief.


Pelosi can then spend 2020 working to retain her House majority, while hoping Republican voters lose their energy by next November. Democratic candidates can spend the next year talking about something else, anything else, and at least have a chance of defeating Trump.


Pelosi knows that if impeachment is on the voters’ minds next year, Trump will be reelected in a tsunami. Her majority and speakership will go the way of the Dodo bird. The only way to change that narrative is to do the impeachment show now, and forget all about it next year.



Read the whole thing.

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6 hours ago, Tiberius said:

Reality? What's that got to do with Trump supporters? 


He was extorting a foreign leader to corrupt our election process. 


Protect American democracy! USA

Then what the hell was Shillary doing with the Clinton Slush fund... I mean Foundation?

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They don’t care if Trump did anything wrong. They’re upset the American people didn't listen to them and pushed aside their precious Hillary Clinton


President Donald Trump faces an impeachment inquiry forced by the House Democrats. Thing is, the media and the left have pushed for Trump’s impeachment for over 35 months.



It started before Trump even took office in January 2017.








MARK LEVIN: Republicans must ‘make the Democrats pay a price’ for Pelosi’s ‘hijacked’ impeachment process.

This is the first time there hasn’t been a vote on the House floor respecting an impeachment inquiry of a president of the United States, where all members’ votes are recorded,” Levin explained.


“There’s a reason every member is to vote: So you know, on the record, all over the country, where your member of Congress stands. So Nancy Pelosi has violated the tradition and the process that is used for impeachment inquiries involving presidents in this country,” Levin said. “And what has she done? She’s hijacked the process.”



Edited by B-Man
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