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Everything Joe Biden--Gaffes, Miscues, Touching, Songs

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6 minutes ago, B-Man said:






Biden ‘100 percent’ supports nationwide plastic bag ban.





Absolutely ban plastic bags under a certain millage. Go back to paper bags and give a boost to the logging industry. Clear cut strips of land for help in forest fire protection and selectively cut or "thin out" remaining forests. This is a much more environmentally friendly approach than the last environmentally friendly approach by short seeing, so called environmentalists who promoted the use of plastic bags to reduce logging. Trees are a renewable resource and we should treat them as such while simultaneously improving our environment and reducing the amount and extent of forest fires. Sometimes the solutions to problems are just plain common sense and pretty simple. 

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3 minutes ago, 3rdnlng said:

Absolutely ban plastic bags under a certain millage. Go back to paper bags and give a boost to the logging industry. Clear cut strips of land for help in forest fire protection and selectively cut or "thin out" remaining forests. This is a much more environmentally friendly approach than the last environmentally friendly approach by short seeing, so called environmentalists who promoted the use of plastic bags to reduce logging. Trees are a renewable resource and we should treat them as such while simultaneously improving our environment and reducing the amount and extent of forest fires. Sometimes the solutions to problems are just plain common sense and pretty simple. 


That sort of responsible nonsense could potentially endanger the Detla Smelt or Asian Carp or some type of worm.


You ***** actual literal super mecha-Nazi.

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President Trump’s decision to take out terrorist mastermind Qassem Soleimani has had the predictable effect on Democrats. Where once they derided him for weakness and sought to impose the vision of Benghazi on the the assault on our embassy in Baghdad, they now criticize Trump for his bad manners. They say that politics makes strange bedfellows, but this is insane.


Joe Biden joined the Democrats’ parade on behalf of Soleimani. He too would give the orders to take out a terrorist leader put it this way: “No matter how rightly reviled he was in the West, he was a senior figure in the Iranian government,” Biden said. Students of ancient history may even recall that the Obama administration treated the Iranian regime as something of a friend to be raised up and empowered.


Biden nevertheless wanted no one to question his manliness. He too would give the order under the right circumstances. Indeed, he says, he counseled President Obama to do so in the case of Osama bin Laden. He had this exchange with Peter Doocy on Friday:




more at the link

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15 minutes ago, OldTimeAFLGuy said:



....quite shocking.......bet Joe thinks Tehran is the capital of Idaho.........


he confused Vermont for New Hampshire


its one thing to get a state mixed up in the same region, but from the age of 8 years old a politician is keenly aware that New Hampshire is vital in the primaries



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1 minute ago, row_33 said:

he confused Vermont for New Hampshire


its one thing to get a state mixed up in the same region, but from the age of 8 years old a politician is keenly aware that New Hampshire is vital in the primaries




....sure as hell ain't Joe..............

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22 minutes ago, OldTimeAFLGuy said:


....sure as hell ain't Joe..............

he has  never been held to accountability for his actions 


nice gig, just say “c’mon man” and strong arm or grin people into complying 



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3 hours ago, row_33 said:

he confused Vermont for New Hampshire


its one thing to get a state mixed up in the same region, but from the age of 8 years old a politician is keenly aware that New Hampshire is vital in the primaries




To be fair, those flyover states all look the same to Beltway Insiders

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1 hour ago, /dev/null said:


To be fair, those flyover states all look the same to Beltway Insiders

It’s New Hampshire, sometimes opening day of the primaries, the east coast where the Dems mostly come from, what the entire campaign is geared towards to make a great start!!!!



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"So while Biden’s in a reasonably strong and perhaps even slightly underrated position, it’s slightly more likely than not that Biden won’t be the nominee."

"Sen. Bernie Sanders has the next-best shot, with a 22 percent chance at a majority, followed by Sen. Elizabeth Warren at 12 percent and former Mayor Pete Buttigieg at 10 percent.
There’s also a 14 percent chance — about 1 in 7 — that no one will win a majority of pledged delegates by June 6, which could lead to a contested convention. The model works by simulating the nomination race thousands of times, accounting for the bounces that candidates may receive by winning or losing states, along with other contingencies — such as candidates dropping out and polls moving in response to debates and news events. Like all of our models, it’s empirically driven, built using data from the 15 competitive nomination races since 1980. Since the primaries themselves are fairly complex process, the model is fairly complex also — which we mean as a warning as much as a brag.
Models with more complexity are easier to screw up and can be more sensitive to initial assumptions — so we’d encourage you to read more about how our model works."

Nate Silver explains, using his amazing science.
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